for wince samsung 2k/b nandflash driver
标签: nandflash samsung driver wince
上传时间: 2014-01-07
上传时间: 2014-01-21
选举投票程序 设代号为"A","B","C 的三个足球先生
上传时间: 2013-11-26
This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control signals. The decoder described in this report is interrupt-driven and operates a background function using specific features the Timer_A3. Only a small portion of the MSP430 CPU?s nonreal-time resources is used. Specific hardware bit-latching capabilities of the Timer_A3 module are used for real-time decoding of the IR data signal, independent and asynchronous to the CPU. CPU activity and power consumption are kept to an absolute minimum level. The Timer_A3 decoder implementation also allows other tasks to occur simultaneously if required. The solutions provided are written specifically for MSP430x11x(1) and MSP430x12x derivatives, but can be adapted to any other MSP430 incorporating Timer_A3. 電視遙控器設計基於MSP430
标签: application describes Timer_A control
上传时间: 2014-01-01
ppc 下读取电池状态的代码。 This sample demonstrates how to use the State and Notification Broker APIs.
标签: Notification demonstrates Broker sample
上传时间: 2015-12-17
function Binary_Search(L,a,b,x) begin if a>b then return(-1) else begin m:=(a+b) div 2 if x=L[m] then return(m) else if x>L[m] then
标签: begin Binary_Search function return
上传时间: 2015-12-17
ITU-T G.729语音压缩算法。 description: Fixed-point description of commendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) with Voice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG).
标签: description commendation Fixed-point 729
上传时间: 2014-11-23
上传时间: 2015-12-22
icd2 use pic18f252 and ft232,more small ,and easy,
上传时间: 2014-01-24
you can use Hutch s INCLUDE and LIB files to assemble the program with the exception of the If you use the EWCalc.mak file you will have to change the pointers to the proper directories.
标签: the exception assemble INCLUDE
上传时间: 2014-01-21