文法如下: (1)S->aAcBe (2)A->b (3)A->Ab (4)B->d 關於lr0的語法分析
上传时间: 2015-11-22
Cisco advanced routeing ebootk, this is pdf file and you had to use the Adobe 8 to see it. the part1
标签: the advanced routeing ebootk
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Cisco advanced routeing ebootk, this is pdf file and you had to use the Adobe 8 to see it. the part2
标签: the advanced routeing ebootk
上传时间: 2015-11-23
Cisco advanced routeing ebootk, this is pdf file and you had to use the Adobe 8 to see it. the part3
标签: the advanced routeing ebootk
上传时间: 2015-11-23
Cisco advanced routeing ebootk, this is pdf file and you had to use the Adobe 8 to see it. the part4
标签: the advanced routeing ebootk
上传时间: 2015-11-23
Cisco advanced routeing ebootk, this is pdf file and you had to use the Adobe 8 to see it. the part5
标签: the advanced routeing ebootk
上传时间: 2015-11-23
上传时间: 2015-11-25
一、 一元三次回归方程 CubicMultinomialRegress.cs 方程模型为Y=a*X(3)+b*X(2)+c*X(1)+d public override double[] buildFormula() 得到系数数组,存放顺序与模型系数相反,即该数组中系数的值依次是d,c,b,a。 以后所述所有模型的系数存放均与此相同(多元线性回归方程除外)。 public override double forecast(double x) 预测函数,根据模型得到预测结果 public override double computeR2() 计算相关系数(决定系数),系数越接近1,数据越满足该模型。
标签: CubicMultinomialRegress override public double
上传时间: 2015-11-25
双曲线回归方程 HyperbolaRegress.cs 注意!该模型要求a与b的值要大于0!使用该模型时应注意验证这个限制条件。我在实现模型时未加入任何出错流程控制。X不能为0。 方程模型为 public override double[] buildFormula() 得到系数数组,存放顺序与模型系数相反,即该数组中系数的值依次是b,a。 public override double forecast(double x) 预测函数,根据模型得到预测结果。 public override double computeR2()
标签: HyperbolaRegress 模型 方程 cs
上传时间: 2014-11-30
对数回归方程 LogarithmRegress.cs 方程模型为 Y=a*LnX+b public override double[] buildFormula() 得到系数数组,存放顺序与模型系数相反,即该数组中系数的值依次是b,a。 public override double forecast(double x) 预测函数,根据模型得到预测结果。 public override double computeR2() 计算相关系数(决定系数),系数越接近1,数据越满足该模型。
标签: LogarithmRegress buildFormula override public
上传时间: 2014-01-23