Perl and XML XML is a text-based markup language that has taken the programming world by storm. More powerful than HTML yet less demanding than SGML, XML has proven itself to be flexible and resilient. XML is the perfect tool for formatting documents with even the smallest bit of complexity, from Web pages to legal contracts to books. However, XML has also proven itself to be indispensable for organizing and conveying other sorts of data as well, thus its central role in web services like SOAP and XML-RPC. As the Perl programming language was tailor-
标签: programming text-based XML language
上传时间: 2014-01-07
595——8位数码管循环移位显示.doc │ 利用74HC595实现多位LED显示的新方法.doc │ 用74HC595芯片驱动LED的电路设计.pdf │ 文件目录表绘制.cmd │ 文件夹目录.txt │ 文件名目录.txt │ ├─点阵设计 │ 74HC595PW.pdf │ 正文点阵设计.doc │ ├─Use595_4(Alexi) │ Use595_2.c │ Use595_4.hex │ Use595_4(Alexi).PWI │ Use595_4(Alexi).DSN │ ├─电子钟(595) │ Eclock_2.hex │ Eclock_2.c │ Eclock_2.Opt │ Eclock_2.Uv2 │ Eclock_2_1.hex │ E-Clock.DSN │ E-Clock.PWI │ └─资料介绍 595.jpg 74HC595真值表.png 74hc595.doc ★595引脚介绍★.doc 74HC595PW.pdf
上传时间: 2014-01-07
配置数据库参数 采用VB6.0 ADO+SQL Server 2000数据库实现程序功能,配置采取如下步骤: 1> 根据DB文件夹中的内容,创建数据库,推荐用MDF文件附加数据库; \DB\MDF\BuySaleStorage_Data.MDF \DB\MDF\BuySaleStorage_LOG.LDF 2> 连接参数: 数据库名:BuySaleStorage 登录名: sa 密码: 无 3> 由BuySaleStorage.VBP启动,因为采用ActiveX DLL实现逻辑层,ADO的技术实现连接数据库,不用DSN 的数据源管理器.只要登录账号是SQL下的合法用户即可. 4> 另一种方法,先双击程序目录下的"注册dll.bat" 注册Active.dll, 之后直接运行"小型超市后台管理系统.exe".
上传时间: 2017-01-25
The TMS320VC5506/C5507/C5509A USB peripherals can be clocked from either the USB APLL or the USB DPLL. Since the APLL is inherently more noise tolerant and has less long-term jitter than the DPLL, it is recommended that you switch to it for any USB operations.
标签: USB peripherals the clocked
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Custom Visual Basic Packager and Installer for Visual Basic Developers. This is a group of standard exe projects 1. Packager 2. Setup1 The packager works like Visual basic Application deployment Wizard. And the setup1 project is used for the installation of the package. This project demonstrates how to compile visual basic project without launching the Vb6 kit and retrieving the dependency Files of any Visual basic project (although roughly done without any specific algorithm), Somebody can help me with this. I don’ t have time for the project, so I don’ t want any comment on the code indentation or arrangement and variable scoping. Comments are in the code therefore it would not be a problem to understand the code. If anyone wants to vote, I will like it Oh! I found some of the setup1 code and modify it with new features, so i have no or less credit for the setup1 project I felt like sharing code with PSCites. Thats why I made it
标签: Visual Basic Developers Installer
上传时间: 2017-02-26
observable distribution grid are investigated. A distribution grid is observable if the state of the grid can be fully determined. For the simulations, the modified 34-bus IEEE test feeder is used. The measurements needed for the state estimation are generated by the ladder iterative technique. Two methods for the state estimation are analyzed: Weighted Least Squares and Extended Kalman Filter. Both estimators try to find the most probable state based on the available measurements. The result is that the Kalman filter mostly needs less iterations and calculation time. The disadvantage of the Kalman filter is that it needs some foreknowlegde about the state.
标签: distribution observable grid investigated
上传时间: 2014-12-08
Fast Fourier Transform power point The rectangular window introduces broadening of any frequency components [`smearing鈥? and sidelobesthat may overlap with other frequency components [`leakage鈥?. 鈥he effect improves as Nincreases 鈥owever, the rectangle window has poor properties and better choices of wncan lead to better spectral properties [less leakage, in particular] 鈥搃.e. instead of just truncating the summation, we can pre-multiply by a suitable window function wnthat has better frequency domain properties. 鈥ore on window design in the filter design section of the course
标签: rectangular introduces broadening Transform
上传时间: 2017-03-25
Here are the functions for Hamming code 7.4 and Extended Hamming code 8.4 encoding and decoding. For 7.4 code, one error per 7-bit codeword can be corrected. For 8.4 code, one error per 8-bit codeword can be corrected and not less than 2 errors can be detected.
标签: Hamming code and functions
上传时间: 2014-01-05
OTSU Gray-level image segmentation using Otsu s method. Iseg = OTSU(I,n) computes a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 9:62-66 1979). Thresholds are computed to maximize a separability criterion of the resultant classes in gray levels. OTSU(I) is equivalent to OTSU(I,2). By default, n=2 and the corresponding Iseg is therefore a binary image. The pixel values for Iseg are [0 1] if n=2, [0 0.5 1] if n=3, [0 0.333 0.666 1] if n=4, ... [Iseg,sep] = OTSU(I,n) returns the value (sep) of the separability criterion within the range [0 1]. Zero is obtained only with images having less than n gray level, whereas one (optimal value) is obtained only with n-valued images.
标签: OTSU segmentation Gray-level segmented
上传时间: 2017-04-24
一、配置ODBC数据源 1、在控制面板中,双击管理工具,然后打开ODBC数据源管理器。 2、在“系统DSN”选项卡中,单击“添加”按钮,打开“创建新数据源”对话框,在“名称”列表框中选择“SQL Server”。选好单击完成 3、在打开“建立新的数据源到SQL Server”对话框,在“名称”文本框输入新数据源的名称,描述数据源按你理解的方式来写(随意)。“服务器”就选择你要连接到的服务器。
上传时间: 2017-05-03