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  • PW2205-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW2205 develops a high efficiency synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of delivering5A output current. PW2205 operates over a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 30V andintegrates main switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS(ON) to minimize the conductionloss.PW2205 adopts the instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient responses for high step downapplications and high efficiency at light loads. In addition, it operates at pseudo-constant frequencyof 500kHz under continuous conduction mode to minimize the size of inductor and capacitor

    标签: pw2205

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2163D.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2163D is a high frequency, synchronous, rectified, step-down, switch-mode converter withinternal powerMOSFETs. It offers a very compact solution to provide a 3A continuous current over awide input supply range,with excellent load and line regulation.The PW2163D requires a minimal number of readily available, external components and is availablein a spacesaving SOT23-6 package

    标签: pw2163d

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2163-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2163 is a high efficiency 500 kHz synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable ofdelivering 3A current. The PW2163 operates over a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 18V andintegrates main switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS(ON) to minimize the conductionloss. Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor sizes are achieved with 500kHz switching frequency. It adopts the instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient responsesfor high step down applications

    标签: pw2163

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2162_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2162 is a fully integrated, high– efficiency 2A synchronous rectified step-down converter.The PW2162 operates at high efficiency over a wide output current load range. This device offerstwo operation modes, PWM control and PFM Mode switching control, which allows a high efficiencyover the wider range of the load. The PW2162 requires a minimum number of readily availablestandard external components and is available in an 6-pin SOT23 ROHS compliant package.

    标签: pw2162

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • 一种车载充电器的设计

    以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,采用电容降压技术,Buck电路拓扑,PWM驱动模块和功率器件散热设计,通过高速的数据采集、主功率输入输出模块和控制模块,设计一种新型智能车载充电器.在充电过程中,通过负脉冲瞬间放电实现对铅酸蓄电池的再生修复,提高电池的有效容量,延长使用寿命.该充电器体积小、速度快、效率高、可靠性好.With AT89S52 single chip computer as the control core,a new type of intelligent car-carried charger was designed by using capacitance step-down technology,Buck circuit topology,PWM driving module and power device heat dissipation design,through high-speed data acquisition,main power input and output module and control module.In the charging process,the regeneration and repair of lead-acid batteries are realized by instantaneous discharge of negative pulse,which improves the effective capacity of batteries and prolongs their service life.The charger has the advantages of small size,fast speed,high efficiency and good reliability.

    标签: 车载充电器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • RTS5411 PCB文件

    2011年,Realtek(瑞昱)开发出了业界公认的低功耗,高性能的USB3.0 Hub 主控,RTS5401-GR。它超小的体积(QFN76)和规范化的设计(USB IF认证,BC1.2和支持苹果设备快充),赢得了行内一致认可。如今,打磨再打磨,瑞昱在原有的优势基础上,又新推一款更具性价比的USB3.0 Hub 主控IC,RTS5411-GR。此款IC的推出目的就是优化功耗,提高性能,降低客户Bom成本。那么,此款主控到底有何改善和更新呢?   众所周知,目前世面上的Hub 主控,诸如创唯(GL3520)  威盛(VL812) 等等,都需要外挂一颗Flash,把配置文件(Bin文件)烧录其中,才能控制各个下行端口的设置。 而且,还需要一颗降压IC(5.5~3V to 1.2V)。 如此才能是整块板子正常工作,达到设计要求。  而现在,RTS5411-GR内置Efuse功能,可把Bin程序烧录到IC内部,这样就省去外挂SPI FLASH,使客户再次Cost down.  另外,该IC已内置降压IC(5.5~3V to 1.2V) 因此,在整个Bom设计中,无需再加一颗降压IC。  上述两点,可以让整个Bom节省大约RMB1.00的成本,这使得客户的Hub产品更具价格优势!

    标签: rts5411 pcb

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • RTS5411 USB3.0 HUB Controller v1.2

    RTS5411 USB3.0 HUB Controller v1.22011年,Realtek(瑞昱)开发出了业界公认的低功耗,高性能的USB3.0 Hub 主控,RTS5401-GR。它超小的体积(QFN76)和规范化的设计(USB IF认证,BC1.2和支持苹果设备快充),赢得了行内一致认可。如今,打磨再打磨,瑞昱在原有的优势基础上,又新推一款更具性价比的USB3.0 Hub 主控IC,RTS5411-GR。此款IC的推出目的就是优化功耗,提高性能,降低客户Bom成本。那么,此款主控到底有何改善和更新呢?   众所周知,目前世面上的Hub 主控,诸如创唯(GL3520)  威盛(VL812) 等等,都需要外挂一颗Flash,把配置文件(Bin文件)烧录其中,才能控制各个下行端口的设置。 而且,还需要一颗降压IC(5.5~3V to 1.2V)。 如此才能是整块板子正常工作,达到设计要求。  而现在,RTS5411-GR内置Efuse功能,可把Bin程序烧录到IC内部,这样就省去外挂SPI FLASH,使客户再次Cost down.  另外,该IC已内置降压IC(5.5~3V to 1.2V) 因此,在整个Bom设计中,无需再加一颗降压IC。  上述两点,可以让整个Bom节省大约RMB1.00的成本,这使得客户的Hub产品更具价格优势!

    标签: rts5411 usb

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • 高级PID控制算法.

    Simulation can provide a lot of information about what the system is doing. We canadd the effect of different element, like Encoder resolution, ADC sampling rate, etc and understand how does it affect the system. Another benefit is the possibility to slow down the process, to gain insight on what happens of fast systems or, vice versa, speed up slow process.Because National Instruments is a unique company in the fact the we provide a fullhardware solution couple with a full development platform, we can use this tools in very particular ways For example, it is possible to combine the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module along with the FPGA module to quickly prototype a controller. One of the main benefits of this approach is that there is no need to compile the FPGA code, which allows for a quick algorithm design turnaround and debugging.

    标签: pid控制

    上传时间: 2022-07-20


  • saber学习心得

    一般调用元件的话,使用PartGallery的search功能都能找到相应的器件。注意MaST IOLAMS这里有两种不同语言描述的元件,一般不能同时在一张原理图中使用。在PartGallery中browse目录按照大的应用领域和市场领域划分。比喻Elctrical目录下包含一些电气行业相关的模型。1.翻转元件:选中该元件(可选多个),按R键,可实现90度翻转。按F键可实现180度翻转。2.电容或电感初始电压或电流值设置:在电容或电感元件的属性里有一项ic设置,默认未设置(undef),设置其为想要的值即可。3.Saber中,设置元件属性时,不能带任何单位符号,如电阻的“9,”电压的“V”时间的“S等,否则saber会报错。4.Saber中,仿真文件名不能和元件库中的元件同名,否则会报错。5.Saber中,原理图名称最好不要与路径名中有重复,否则会报错。6.原理图放大或缩小:按“page up或”“page down即可7.局部放大显示波形:直接拖动鼠标放大,或按“page up即可8.恢复波形显示原始大小:按“page down,”在右键菜单里点“zoom→tofi即可”9.按鼠标中键可拖动整个原理图包括波形显示图。

    标签: saber

    上传时间: 2022-07-23


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(68)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 67资源包含以下内容:1. P89LPC912单片机数据手册.pdf2. P89LPC932 Flash单片机使用指南.pdf3. PC MCU串行通信的应用设计方法.pdf4. RSA加解密系统及其单芯片实现.pdf5. PCF8563实时时钟高精度调整方法.pdf6. PAM2862 1A LED Driver with Int.pdf7. AN070219 PCF8563中断输出功能.pdf8. SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN contro.pdf9. PCA82C250 PCA82C251 CAN Transc.pdf10. SJA1000独立的CAN控制器应用指南.pdf11. PCA82C250 CAN收发器应用指南.pdf12. SCN2681 SCN68681和SCC2691数据通信.pdf13. Philips单片机P89V51RD2简介.pdf14. 飞利浦SC16C器件和飞利浦低功耗SC16CxxxB器件之间.pdf15. P89V51RD2单片机看门狗的使用方法.pdf16. SC16C554 SC16C654 SC16C554B SC.pdf17. P89V51RD2的加密操作.pdf18. SC16C550应用实例.pdf19. 如何在C语言中调用P89V51RD2的IAP功能.pdf20. P89LPC901实现ADC DAC及UART通信.pdf21. P89LPC900在高精度模数转换场合的应用.pdf22. P89C51Rx2xx硬件进入ISP的方法.pdf23. Study-3 51单片机开发板原理图.pdf24. 基于P87LPC760的DALI从机.pdf25. PCA9515D PCA9515DP I2C中继器.pdf26. PCA9534 8bit I2C bus and SMBus low power IO port with interru.pdf27. LPC900 Flash单片机键盘中断.pdf28. PCA9516 5channel I2C hub.pdf29. PCA9535 PCA9535C 16bit I2C bus.pdf30. LPC700系列单片机看门狗复位应注意的问题.pdf31. PCA9516 I2C中继器.pdf32. PCA9536 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf33. 内置Reset WDT电路的串行E2PROM原理及应用设计.pdf34. PCA9517 Level translating I2C-.pdf35. PCA9537 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf36. X-tal oscillators on 8-bit mic.pdf37. PCA9517低电压I2C总线中继器.pdf38. PCA9538 8bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf39. 8051系列单片机应用系统的PROTEUS仿真设计.doc40. PCA9518 Expandable 5channel I2.pdf41. PCA9539 PCA9539R 16-bit I2C-bu.pdf42. 基于单总线技术蓄电池监控系统设计.pdf43. PCA9518A I2C 中继器集线器与扩展器.pdf44. PCA9540B 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf45. 基于AT89C51应用系统的串行通信设计.pdf46. PCA9519 4channel level transla.pdf47. PCA9541 2 to 1 I2C-bus master.pdf48. PCA9519 4通道I2C-bus SMBus 中继器.pdf49. PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple.pdf50. PCA9542A 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf51. PCA9544A I2C多路复用器.pdf52. PCA9544中文资料.pdf53. PCA9549 Octal bus switch with.pdf54. PCA9545A/PCA9545B/PCA9545C I2C.pdf55. PCA9549D/PCA9549PW/PCA9549B I2.pdf56. PCA9546A 4 channel I2C bus swi.pdf57. PCA9555 16bit I2C-bus and SMBu.pdf58. PCA9546A I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf59. PCA9670 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf60. PCA9547 8 channel I2C bus mult.pdf61. PCA9671 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf62. PCA9547D/PW/BS I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf63. PCA9672 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf64. PCA9548中文资料.pdf65. PCA9673 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf66. PCA9548A 8 channel I2C bus swi.pdf67. PCA9674 PCA9674A Remote 8-bit.pdf68. PCA9548AB I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf69. 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset.pdf70. PCA9698芯片的应用.pdf71. PCA9698 I2C扩展芯片.pdf72. PCF2123的中断输出功能.pdf73. TI新推29款Cortex-M3内核Stelleris AR.pdf74. 端口RS-232工业PC104多串口卡.pdf75. TIPC1000带视频输入接口的嵌入式触摸平板电脑.pdf76. 串口调试助手用户手册.pdf77. PCM8416AS自动校准功能智能型PC104高分辨率多功能.pdf78. TJA1042高速CAN 收发器.pdf79. COS-II调试插件.pdf80. PROFIBUS技术和应用.pdf81. TJA1042 High-speed CAN transce.pdf82. TKStudio IDE集成开发环境升级记录.pdf83. Replacement of NXP PCA9518 wit.pdf84. TJA1051高速CAN 收发器.pdf85. 1A SIMPLE STEP-down SWITCHING.pdf86. RSM232隔离RS-232收发器.pdf87. TJA1051 High-speed CAN transce.pdf88. DUAL RS-232 DRIVER RECEIVER WI.pdf89. RSM-4055 8通道隔离数字量输入输出模块.pdf90. 外部工具用户手册.pdf91. XGate COP10 CANopen 嵌入式通信模块.pdf92. RSM-6505 5通道热电偶测量模块.pdf93. 十六进制编辑器.pdf94. ZigBee模块ZICM2410应用开发指南.pdf95. RSM-65055通道热电偶测温模块.pdf96. 图片字模助手.pdf97. ZY00xxGD-10W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf98. TKStudio下SDCC_8051用户使用手册.pdf99. 定压输出隔离稳压单输出系列.pdf100. ZY00xxGD-15W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf

    标签: 电子技术基础 模拟电子技术 电子教案

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
