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  • 基于DCT的图像数字水印毕业论文


    标签: DCT 图像数字 水印 毕业论文

    上传时间: 2018-01-08


  • Wireless-Based+Software+Systems

    The wide deployment of wireless networks and mobile technologies, along with the significant increase in the number of mobile device users, have created a very strong demand on various wireless-based, mobile-based software application systems and enabling technologies. This not only provides many new business opportunities and challenges to wireless and networking service providers, mobile technology ven- dors, and software industry and solution integrators, butalso changes and enhances people’s lives in many areas, including communications, information sharing and exchange, commerce, home environment, education, and entertainment. Business organizations and government agencies face new pressure fortechnology updatesto upgrade their networking infrastructures with wireless connectivity to enhance enterprise-oriented systems and solutions.

    标签: Wireless-Based Software Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors

    Recent advancements in nanotechnology (NT) materials and growth of micro/ nanotechnology have opened the door for potential applications of microelectro- mechanical systems (MEMS)- and NT-based sensors and devices. Such sensors and devices are best suited for communications, medical diagnosis, commercial, military, aerospace, and satellite applications. This book comes at a time when the future and well-being of Western industrial nations in the twenty-first century’s global eco- nomy increasingly depend on the quality and depth of the technological innovations they can commercialize at a rapid pace.

    标签: MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Web Based Enterprise Energy

    HIS IS THE THIRD —and most likely the last—book in the series on information technology for energy managers and web based energy infor- mation and control systems. This book concentrates on web based enterprise energy and building automation systems, and serves as a capstone volume in this series. The thrust here is that the highest level functions of a building and facility automation system are provided by a web based EIS/ECS system that provides energy management, maintenance management, overall facility operational management, and ties in with the enterprise resource management system for the entire facility or the group of facilities being managed. If there were ever to be a fourth volume in this series, it would follow the logical progression of the first three volumes, and would probably be titled Web Based Enterprise Resource Management Systems.

    标签: Enterprise Energy Based Web

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Risk-Based+Maintenance+for+Electricity+Network

    This book is based on a Ph.D. research that has been conducted at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in collaboration with Dutch Electricity & Gas Distribution Network Operator, Stedin. This book was written as a result of wider interest that was shown by different industry groups on this topic after its public defence. This inspired the author to modify and publish a practical version of the research for a greater international audience. Therefore, the content of this book is intended for a double audience, on the one hand for those interested in the organisational and management aspects of maintenance. 

    标签: Maintenance Electricity Risk-Based Network for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • DCT变换

    将图片转化为double数据类型,再利用T=dctmtx(8)建立一个8*8的DCT变换矩阵。将图片分割为8*8的小块,分别对小块进行各自的DCT变换。变换的矩阵可调用函数dctmtx,得到余弦基函数作为变换基T。T*B*T’是变换的操作,得到DCT变换系数矩阵。接着按照实验要求,将 DCT 系数矩阵中值小于给定阈值的元素置为 0。这样就完成了DCT变换。进行逆变换时,直接用T’*B*T得到结果矩阵,转化为图像形式

    标签: MATLAB

    上传时间: 2020-07-07


  • A Dynamic Feedback-based Load BalancingMethodology

    该文档为A Dynamic Feedback-based Load BalancingMethodology简介资料,讲解的还不错,感兴趣的可以下载看看…………………………

    标签: 负载均衡

    上传时间: 2021-11-05


  • 28个实际问题建模MATLAB源程序代码: MATLAB DCT水印源程序代码.rar MATLAB

    28个实际问题建模MATLAB源程序代码:MATLAB DCT水印源程序代码.rarMATLAB GUI实现动态画图曲线的源程序代码.rarMATLAB中colorbar的设置 源程序代码.rarMATLAB中的基本语法和语句示例代码.rarMATLAB使用欧拉Euler法求解微分方程组 源程序代码.rarMATLAB光通过三稜镜色散动画.rarMATLAB图像处理实现直线识别(拟合角平分线).rarMATLAB图像处理实现螺纹识别 源程序代码.rarMATLAB夜间车牌识别程序.rarMATLAB实现不同插值方法的GUI界面设计 源程序代码.rarMATLAB实现偏微分方程的差分计算 源程序代码.rarMATLAB实现图像去噪 滤波 锐化 边缘检测.rarMATLAB实现学生成绩查询系统 源代码程序.rarMATLAB实现灰度预测模型的源代码.rarMATLAB实现线性拟合和相关系数 源程序代码.rarMATLAB寻找素数的源程序代码.rarMATLAB建模 人口增长模型 源程序代码.rarMATLAB文字连通域源程序代码.rarMATLAB求解非线性方程组 fsolve源程序代码.rarMATLAB生成Gif图片程序源代码.rarMATLAB绘制 维维安尼Viviani曲线 源代码程序.rarMATLAB计算粒子速度分布 源程序代码.rarMATLAB设计的简单滤波器程序源代码.rarMATLAB霍夫曼Huffman编码译码GUI界面设计 源程序代码.rar基于仿射变换的数字图象置乱技术 MATLAB源程序代码.rar拉格朗日插值 MATLAB源程序代码.rar牛顿Newton插值 MATLAB源程序代码.rar蒙特卡洛法求椭圆面积的MATLAB源程序代码.rar

    标签: matlab

    上传时间: 2021-11-28


  • fpga based jpge 压缩算法,性能不错

    fpga based jpge 压缩算法,性能不错

    标签: fpga jpge压缩算法

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • 基于FPGA语音识别系统设计与实现.rar

    近年来,语音识别研究大部分集中在算法设计和改进等方面,而随着半导体技术的高速发展,集成电路规模的不断增大与各种研发技术水平的不断提高,新的硬件平台的推出,语音识别实现平台有了更多的选择。语音识别技术在与DSP、FPGA、ASIC等器件为平台的嵌入式系统结合后,逐渐向实用化、小型化方向发展。 本课题通过对现有各种语音特征参数与孤立词语音识别模型进行研究的基础上,重点探索基于动态时间规整算法的DTW模型在孤立词语音识别领域的应用,并结合基于FPGA的SOPC系统,在嵌入式平台上实现具有较好精度与速度的孤立词语音识别系统。 本系统整体设计基于DE2开发平台,采用基于Nios II的SOPC技术。采用这种解决方案的优点是实现了片上系统,减少了系统的物理体积和总体功耗;同时系统控制核心都在FPGA内部实现,可以极为方便地更新和升级系统,大大地提高了系统的通用性和可维护性。 此外,由于本系统需要大量的高速数据运算,在设计中作者充分利用了Cyclone II芯片的丰富的硬件乘法器,实现了语音信号的端点检测模块,FFT快速傅立叶变换模块,DCT离散余弦变换模块等硬件设计模块。为了提高系统的整体性能,作者充分利用了FPGA的高速并行的优势,以及配套开发环境中的Avalon总线自定义硬件外设,使系统处理数字信号的能力大大提高,其性能优于传统的微控制器和普通DSP芯片。 本论文主要包含了以下几个方面: (1)结合ALTERA CYCLONE II芯片的特点,确定了基于FPGA语音识别系统的总体设计,在此基础上进行了系统的软硬件的选择和设计。 (2)自主设计了纯硬件描述语言的驱动电路设计,完成了高速语音采集的工作,并且对存储数据芯片SRAM中的原始语音数据进行提取导入MATLAB平台测试数据的正确性。整个程序测试的方式对系统的模块测试起到重要的作用。 (3)完成高速定点256点的FFT模块的设计,此模块是系统成败的关键,实现高速实时的运算。 (4)结合SOPC的特性,设计了人机友好接口,如LCD显示屏的提示反馈信息等等,以及利用ALTERA提供的一些驱动接口设计完成用户定制的系统。 (5)进行了整体系统测试,系统可以较稳定地实现实时处理的目的,具有一定的市场潜在价值。

    标签: FPGA 语音识别 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-05-23
