WEBGAME 机器人大战EBS(无尽的战争) 架設方法 WIN2K系列主機 ,最簡單的方法就是 設置一個虛擬目錄 其它就稍微改改 config.cgi的設置,還有餓ebs_sub 1 2 3.cgi的圖片地址就基本好了 WIN2K沒有虛擬目錄的話就除了要做上面的那些以外 還要打開所有文件,搜索類似這樣的 require config.cgi 都改成絕對路徑就行了 UNIX LINUX FREEBSD 系列的話,就要設置屬性了 ebs目錄所有CGI文件設置成 755 所有DAT文件設置成 777 logmiulerebeb 目錄也就是數據目錄,這個要設置成 777 裏面所有文件也是 777 當然,你可以修改這個目錄,最好修改成其他目錄,然後把config.cgi的數據庫目錄改改就可以了, 然後就是改 config.cgi的一些設置,還要改 ebs_sub 1 2 3.cgi的圖片地址了,最後就是,UNIX LINUX系列的大小寫都分的很清楚,這個版本我懶得整理,所以有的是答謝,有的是小寫,自己改改吧.
上传时间: 2014-01-10
题目: 已知全班有65人,期末考共8门课,每门功课成绩均用百分制(整数)计分,请输入全班同学成绩,在A盘上生成全班成绩文件:A:\allscore.dat。输入形式为: 学号 成绩1 成绩2 ··· 成绩8 long int int int 从全班成绩文件中读出同学成绩资料,统计出至少有4门课成绩>=85分,其余>=70分的同学及其资料,在D盘上生成D:\score.dat文件;从全班成绩文件中找出需要参加补考(有一门或一门以上课程成绩<60分)的同学及其资料在C盘上生成补考文件C:\scoreb.dat。
上传时间: 2015-02-17
备份数据库(c#+mssql) 注意: Server2000必须安装补丁3,数据库文件备份在 XX:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP
上传时间: 2013-12-21
I. A brief description of the aiNet application. II. How to set up the aiNet on your system. III. Some tips on using the aiNet IV. Example files
标签: aiNet I. application description
上传时间: 2013-12-22
系统可用编辑器1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Contents of the Distribution Package 4. List of Available Command Line Flag Options 5. Contents of the Extracted Files 6. Installing the Software in Interactive Mode 7. Installing the Software in Silent Mode 8. Installing the INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8A. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files Prior to OS Installation
标签: Distribution Requirements Overview Contents
上传时间: 2015-02-23
pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can be controlled by giving input parameters.
标签: automatic generator problems pdnMesh
上传时间: 2013-12-19
编写,请注意使用的Delphi的版本。 问题一: 编译时,提示缺少以下文件之一: MPEGPLAYLib_TLB.dcr MPEGPLAYLib_TLB.dcu MPEGPLAYLib_TLB.pas 请按如下步骤执行: (1)copy talemp3.dat mp3play.ocx (2)选择Delphi的菜单Component->Import Activex Control->Add->Install 选择mp3play.ocx,然后打开 (3)del mp3play.ocx 问题二: 编译时,提示类没有注册 若是第一次编译,则继续运行。 若不是第一次编译,则是因为文件talemp3.dat没有在当前目录下 问题三: 读zip文件失败 因为talezip.dat没有在当前目录下
标签: 编写
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This directory contains code implementing the K-means algorithm. Source codemay be found in KMEANS.CPP. Sample data isfound in KM2.DAT. The KMEANSprogram accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the givennumber of cluster centers using the K-means algorithm. Output isdirected to the screen.
标签: implementing directory algorithm contains
上传时间: 2014-01-27
What s inside :README - this fileINSTALL - installation instructionsstlport - main STLport include directorysrc - source and makefiles for iostreams implementationlib - installation directory for STLport library (if you use STLport iostreams only)test/regression - regression test, using wrapper iostreamstest/eh - exception handling test using STLport iostreamsetc - miscellanous files (ChangeLog, TODO, scripts, etc.)
标签: instructionsstlport installation fileINSTALL STLport
上传时间: 2014-01-19
WHAT MIME64 IS: MIME64 is an encoding described in RFC1341 as MIME base64.Its purpose is to encode binary files into ASCII so that they may be passedthrough e-mail gates. In this regard, MIME64 is similar to UUENCODE.Although most binaries these days are transmitted using UUENCODE, Ihave seen a few using MIME64, and I have had requests from friends thatI decode MIME64 files that have fallen into their hands. As long assome MIME64 continues to exist, a package such as this one is usefulto have.
标签: MIME described 64 encoding
上传时间: 2013-12-17