SMS-Man is a set of cross-platformed utilities for SMS sending. You can organize SMS-list , SMS alert system (useful for system administrators) and much more.
标签: cross-platformed SMS utilities SMS-list
上传时间: 2014-11-05
它是一个和平台无关的sms发送软件。对于手机开发的人员很有用。 SMS-Man is a set of cross-platformed utilities for SMS sending. You can organize SMS-list , SMS alert system (useful for system administrators) and much more.
标签: cross-platformed utilities SMS-Man sending
上传时间: 2014-01-15
The PSpice Library List
上传时间: 2013-09-09
a set of cross-platform tools that is useful for programming the GBA written in Java.
标签: cross-platform programming written useful
上传时间: 2015-01-06
1.以二维数组list[N+1] 表示地图,N表示区域数目,数组中以元素值为0表示不邻接,1表示邻接,限定区域数目N<=50. 2.用户先输入区域数目N,再输入邻接区域的代码,邻接可只写一次,区域的代码为0~N,N个为区域,一个为外部区域,或输入N-1,则可不包括外部区域,N个区域由用户定义 3.输出时,采用一一对应的方法,一个区域对应一种颜色 形式:区域代码==》颜色代码(1~4)=》颜色 4.本程序可为任意一张的地图染色,并且至多只染四种颜色
上传时间: 2015-01-10
Libnet is a cross-platform library aimed at game developers. It has an abstract high level API, which encourages developers to make their games portable across platforms and network types
标签: cross-platform developers abstract library
上传时间: 2015-01-14
folder list
上传时间: 2014-01-23
适合初学者练习 包括awt小程序、list和map群体等100多个java程序
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Azureus is a powerful, full-featured, cross-platform java BitTorrent client
标签: cross-platform full-featured BitTorrent powerful
上传时间: 2015-02-20
A document about audio,include Mp3 , Mp3Pro, AAC , AAC+ , EAAC+ , AMR , AMR-WB ,AMR-WB+ .It list detail information about this audio type.It is a guide to study these audio in advance
标签: AMR-WB AAC document include
上传时间: 2015-02-21