ApMl provides users with the ability to crawl the web and download pages to their computer in a directory structure suitable for a Machine Learning system to both train itself and classify new documents. Classification Algorithms include Naive Bayes, KNN
标签: the provides computer download
上传时间: 2015-11-29
-The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. Mutual Information is the similarity measure used in this case for optimizing the two images. This method requires estimating joint histogram of the two images. The fusion of images is the process of combining two or more images into a single image retaining important features from each. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has become an attractive tool for fusing multimodal images. In this work it has been used to segment the features of the input images to produce a region map. Features of each region are calculated and a region based approach is used to fuse the images in the wavelet domain.
标签: present modalities existence different
上传时间: 2014-03-04
This software allows users to see how a serial async com port can be used to comunicate with a sync device (SPI). In this case, the software reads a low cost digital temperature sensor IC.
标签: comunicate software allows serial
上传时间: 2014-01-16
将魔王的语言抽象为人类的语言:魔王语言由以下两种规则由人的语言逐步抽象上去的:α-〉β1β2β3…βm ;θδ1δ2…-〉θδnθδn-1…θδ1 设大写字母表示魔王的语言,小写字母表示人的语言B-〉tAdA,A-〉sae,eg:B(ehnxgz)B解释为tsaedsaeezegexenehetsaedsae对应的话是:“天上一只鹅地上一只鹅鹅追鹅赶鹅下鹅蛋鹅恨鹅天上一只鹅地上一只鹅”。(t-天d-地s-上a-一只e-鹅z-追g-赶x-下n-蛋h-恨)
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Sensing and planning are at the core of robot motion. Traditionally, mobile robots have been used for performing various tasks with a general-purpose processor on-board. This book grew out of our research enquiry into alternate architectures for sensor-based robot motion. It describes our research starting early 2002 with the objectives of obtaining a time, space and energy-efficient solution for processing sensor data for various robotic tasks. New algorithms and architectures have been developed for exploration and other aspects of robot motion. The research has also resulted in design and fabrication of an FPGA-based mobile robot equipped with ultrasonic sensors. Numerous experiments with the FPGA-based mobile robot have also been performed and they confirm the efficacy of the alternate architecture.
标签: Traditionally planning Sensing motion
上传时间: 2013-12-20
本代码为编码开关代码,编码开关也就是数字音响中的 360度旋转的数字音量以及显示器上用的(单键飞梭开 关)等类似鼠标滚轮的手动计数输入设备。 我使用的编码开关为5个引脚的,其中2个引脚为按下 转轮开关(也就相当于鼠标中键)。另外3个引脚用来 检测旋转方向以及旋转步数的检测端。引脚分别为a,b,c b接地a,c分别接到P2.0和P2.1口并分别接两个10K上拉 电阻,并且a,c需要分别对地接一个104的电容,否则 因为编码开关的触点抖动会引起轻微误动作。本程序不 使用定时器,不占用中断,不使用延时代码,并对每个 细分步数进行判断,避免一切误动作,性能超级稳定。 我使用的编码器是APLS的EC11B可以参照附件的时序图 编码器控制流水灯最能说明问题,下面是以一段流水 灯来演示。
上传时间: 2017-07-03
【问题描述】 在一个N*N的点阵中,如N=4,你现在站在(1,1),出口在(4,4)。你可以通过上、下、左、右四种移动方法,在迷宫内行走,但是同一个位置不可以访问两次,亦不可以越界。表格最上面的一行加黑数字A[1..4]分别表示迷宫第I列中需要访问并仅可以访问的格子数。右边一行加下划线数字B[1..4]则表示迷宫第I行需要访问并仅可以访问的格子数。如图中带括号红色数字就是一条符合条件的路线。 给定N,A[1..N] B[1..N]。输出一条符合条件的路线,若无解,输出NO ANSWER。(使用U,D,L,R分别表示上、下、左、右。) 2 2 1 2 (4,4) 1 (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) 3 (1,2) (2,2) 2 (1,1) 1 【输入格式】 第一行是数m (n < 6 )。第二行有n个数,表示a[1]..a[n]。第三行有n个数,表示b[1]..b[n]。 【输出格式】 仅有一行。若有解则输出一条可行路线,否则输出“NO ANSWER”。
标签: 点阵
上传时间: 2014-06-21
c++ Ngô n ngữ C cho vi đ iề u khiể n Các tài liệ u tham khả o, ebook. Programming Microcontrollers in C (Ted Van Sickle) C Programming for Microcontrollers (Joe Pardue SmileyMicros.com ) Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C (Jucio di jasio ) C Programming for AVR Programming embedded system I,II (Michael J . Pont ) ( các tài liệ u này đ ã down load về )
上传时间: 2017-07-29
Adaptive Coordinated Medium Access Control (AC-MAC), a contention-based Medium Access Control protocol for wireless sensor networks. To handle the load variations in some real-time sensor applications, ACMAC introduces the adaptive duty cycle scheme within the framework of sensor-MAC (S-MAC).
标签: Control Access Medium contention-based
上传时间: 2014-12-22
获取计算机IP地址等网络参数 UDP聊天程序 TCP聊天程序 浏览器的实现
标签: 获取计算机的名称和IP地址 基本C/S模式的通信实验
上传时间: 2015-04-12