A revolution in power industries, including generation, transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic consideRations, is taking place all over the world. The smart grid allows for integration of diverse generation and storage options, reduced losses, improved efficiencies, increased grid flexibility, reduced power outages, allowing for competitive electricity pricing and integration of electric vehicles and overall becoming more responsive to market, consumer and societal needs. It is bringing profound changes to both power systems and many related industries.
标签: Measurement Innovative Solutions Testing and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
This document provides general hardware and layoutconsideRations and guidelines for hardware engineersimplementing a DDR3 memory subsystem.The rules and recommendations in this document serve as aninitial baseline for board designers to begin their specificimplementations, such as fly-by memory topology.
标签: ddr3
上传时间: 2021-11-21
软件开发人员必备工具书,,目录如下Welcome to Software Construction [1]1.1 What Is Software Construction?1.2 Why Is Software Construction Important?1.3 How to Read This Book......7.1 Valid Reasons to Create a Routine7.2 Design at the Routine Level7.3 Good Routine Names7.4 How Long Can a Routine Be?7.5 How to Use Routine Parameters7.6 Special consideRations in the Use of Functions7.7 Macro Routines and Inline RoutinesDefensive Programming [5.6 + new material]8.1 Protecting Your Program From Invalid Inputs8.2 Assertions8.3 Error Handling Techniques8.4 Exceptions8.5 Barricade Your Program to Contain the Damage Caused by Errors8.6 Debugging Aids8.7 Determining How Much Defensive Programming to Leave in Production Code8.8 Being Defensive About Defensive ProgrammingThe Pseudocode Programming Process [4+new material]9.1 Summary of Steps in Building Classes and Routines9.2 Pseudocode for Pros9.3 Constructing Routines Using the PPP9.4 Alternatives to the PPP......
上传时间: 2021-12-08
Springer模拟电路设计丛书,《清华版双语教学用书·模拟集成电路设计精粹》作者首先对MOST和BJT两种器件模型进行了分析和比较,然后以此为两条线索,分别介绍了相应的基本单元电路和各类放大器的详细分析,随后的章节分别研究噪声、失真、滤波器、ADC/DAC和振荡器电路,每一章都结合MOST和BJT两种类型电路进行分析比较。《清华版双语教学用书·模拟集成电路设计精粹》一方面侧重于基础知识,对模拟和混合信号集成电路中的许多重要概念以直观形象的语言进行了描述。另一方面又侧重介绍与现代集成电路工艺相关的最新电路的研究方向和热点。Next-Generation ADCs, High-Performance Power Management, and Technology consideRations for Advanced Integrated Circuits
上传时间: 2022-04-19
VIP专区-PCB源码精选合集系列(7)资源包含以下内容:1. PCB设计基本工艺要求.2. Altium_Designer_10_PCB_3D_视频输出教程.3. Orcad导入Pads过程.4. 镀金和沉金的区别.5. AD内电层与内电层分割教程.6. Altium Designer中的板层定义介绍.7. 两个小时学会OrCAD.8. PCB Design1-印制板设计基础知识.9. CCS3.3官方使用教程.10. PCB的阻抗测量.11. Altium_Designer详细使用教程.12. Altium_designer4层以上高速板布线的16个技巧.13. PADS常用设置方法.14. PCB LAYOUT技术大全.15. AltiumPCB训练手册.16. 科通集团_Cadence_Allegro_基础培训_第四期.17. Altium_Designer_官方培训教材.18. 电容式触摸按键-PCB布线.19. Mt6601_PCB设计注意事项.20. Protues使用总线方式画电路的方法.21. Pocket Mini开发板说明书.22. 单片机系统电路的PCB设计.23. Altium Designer的Protel中多通道功能在原理图及PCB中的使用技巧.24. 设计实例2:MP3播放器硬件电路设计.25. 实用的Altium Designer资料自学的朋友可以看看.26. 几种取样门电路.27. PCB Design consideRations and Guidelines for 0.4mm and 0.5mm WLPs.28. 如何使用Proteus制作PCB.29. MAX20021,MAX20022示例PCB布局指南.30. Altium Designer原理图与PCB设计电子资料包.31. 黑魔书-信号完整性分析.32. 《Proteus从入门到精通100例》.33. 开关电源完整的EMI和热设计 黑魔书-信号完整性分析.34. PCB接地设计_中兴.35. Layout SMD焊盘要求.36. Altium+designer+2013注册机(亲自测试可用)+Licenses.37. PADS9.3安装和使用教程PDF版本.38. Cadence 16.6和谐方法_修正版.39. 日本工业标准--印制线路板通则.40. 自制PCB(使用环保腐蚀剂).
上传时间: 2013-05-26