·[时钟书籍]Digital Clocks for Synchronization and communICations
标签: nbsp Synchronization communICations Digital
上传时间: 2013-05-24
·Multicarrier communICations: Lie-Liang Yang Wiley | ISBN: 0470722002 | 2009-03-03 ,696 pages Benefiting from both time-domain and frequency-domain signal processing techniques, multi
标签: nbsp communICations Multicarrier Wiley
上传时间: 2013-04-24
·[ARRL.无线电通讯手册].The.Arrl.Handbook.For.Radio.communICations.-.2005Introduction to the CD-ROM EditionThe ARRL Handbook For Radio communICationsThis Version 9.0 of the ARRL Handbook CD-ROM contains the co
标签: communICations Handbook Radio ARRL
上传时间: 2013-04-24
资料->【E】光盘论文->【E5】英文书籍->Phase-Locked Loops for Wireless communICations (英).pdf
标签: communICations Phase-Locked Wireless Loops
上传时间: 2013-07-27
多输入多输出无线传感器之matlab应用研究,1 MIMO-OFDM Wireless communICations with MATLAB。
标签: communICations MIMO-OFDM Wireless MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-11-05
When I started writing the first edition of RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless communICations,some time back in 1997, it seemed that I was roaming a largely uninhabitedlandscape. For reasons still not clear to me there were few, if any, otherbooks dedicated to the subject of RF power amplifiers. Right at the same time, however,hundreds of engineers were being assigned projects to design PAs for wirelesscommunICations products. It was not, therefore, especially difficult to be successfulwith a book that was fortuitously at the right place and the right time.
标签: communICations Amplifiers Wireless Edition
上传时间: 2013-11-12
标签: communICations Simulation Software Artech
上传时间: 2013-11-01
Windows Standard Serial communICations Library for Delphi是基于WINDOWS API的串口通讯库。包括28个函数以及MODEM控制,ANSI模拟,ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM协议,还有14个例子程序。
标签: communICations Standard Windows Library
上传时间: 2013-12-25
The TapiComm sample uses both the Telephony API and the Win32 communICations API to demonstrate one way to implement a very simple TTY application. While the user interface and TTY emulation are very rudimentary, the TAPI and comm modules are fairly complete.
标签: communICations demonstrate API Telephony
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Scalable Hierarchical Access Control in Secure Group communICations (from infocomm 2004)
标签: communICations Hierarchical Scalable infocomm
上传时间: 2015-02-01