This simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data. settings.m contains all the common settings to specify all the simulation parameters such as FFT size, number of carriers, input data source file, input and output WAV files, etc.
标签: transmission simulation generates simulated
上传时间: 2013-12-15
This an excellent collection of XML best practices: essential reading for any developer using XML. This book will help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your XML applications remain practical and interoperable for as long as possible." Edd Dumbill, Managing Editor, and Program Chair, XML Europe
标签: collection XML excellent essential
上传时间: 2014-01-18
C++ Gotchas is the professional programmer s guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. It also serves as an inside look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques.
标签: professional ninety-nine correcting programmer
上传时间: 2014-03-11
Purpose of this White Paper This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code. They are based on sound, proven software engineering principles that lead to code that is easy to understand, to maintain, and to enhance. Furthermore, by following these coding standards your productivity as a Java developer should increase remarkably – Experience shows that by taking the time to write high-quality code right from the start you will have a much easier time modifying it during the development process. Finally, following a common set of coding standards leads to greater consistency, making teams of developers significantly more productive.
标签: conventions collection describes standards
上传时间: 2014-02-12
表单的验证一直是网页设计者头痛的问题,表单验证类 Validator就是为解决这个问题而写的,旨在使设计者从纷繁复杂的表单验证中解放出来,把精力集中于网页的设计和功能上的改进上。
上传时间: 2013-12-20
序采用网上介绍的方法实现最基本的P2P方式通讯.模拟实现即时消息互发. 2.P2P通讯说明: 1).网关类型是在理想状态下.即非对称型NAT. 2).同在一个内网的两个CLIENT端通讯时,如果网关NAT不支持环回,将会失败. 文件目录说明: tQServer:程序服务端,请将其放在公网上运行. tQClient:程序客户端,可以在不同的内网中运行登录连接到服务端. Common:公共协议文件夹
上传时间: 2014-08-05
The GRLIB IP Library is an integrated set of reusable IP cores, designed for system-on-chip (SOC) development. The IP cores are centered around a common on-chip bus, and use a coherent method for simulation and synthesis. The library is vendor independent, with support for different CAD tools and target technologies. A unique plug&play method is used to configure and connect the IP cores without the need to modify any global resources.
标签: system-on-chip integrated designed reusable
上传时间: 2015-11-17
AI::Categorizer is a framework for automatic text categorization. It consists of a collection of Perl modules that implement common categorization tasks, and a set of defined relationships among those modules
标签: categorization Categorizer collection framework
上传时间: 2014-12-05
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that gives a personal computer (PC) the ability to interconnect a variety of devices using a simple four- wire cable. The USB is actually a two-wire serial communication link that runs at either 1.5 or 12 megabits per second (mbs). USB protocols can configure devices at startup or when they are plugged in at run time. These devices are broken into various device classes. Each device class defines the common behavior and protocols for devices that serve similar functions. Some examples of USB device classes are shown in the following table
标签: communications architecture Universal computer
上传时间: 2015-12-08
上传时间: 2015-12-16