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  • 基于C8051F930的管道温度压力远程监测系统

       为解决输油管道温度压力参数实时监测的问题,设计了以C8051F930单片机作为控制核心的超低功耗输油管道温度压力远程监测系统。现场仪表使用高精度电桥采集数据,通过433 MHz短距离无线通信网络与远程终端RTU进行通信,RTU通过GPRS网络与PC上位机进行远程数据传输,在上位机中实现数据存储和图形化界面显示,从而实现输油管道温度压力参数的实时监测和异常报警。经实验证明,该系统的12位数据采集精度满足设计要求,漏码率小于1%,正常工作时间超过5个月,能实时有效地监测输油管道的温度压力参数,节省大量人工成本,有效预防管道参数异常造成的经济损失和环境污染。 Abstract:  In order to solve the problems on real-time monitoring of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters, the ultra-low power remote pipeline temperature and pressure monitoring system was designed by using the single chip processor C8051F930 as the control core. The high-precision electric bridge was used in field instruments for data collection, the 433MHz short-range wireless communication network was used to make communication between field instrument and RTU, the GPRS was used by the RTU to transmit data to the PC host computer, and the data was stored and displayed in the PC host computer, so the real-time monitoring and exception alerts of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters were achieved. The experiment proves that the system of which error rate is less than 1% over five months working with the 12-bit data acquisition accuracy can effectively monitor the pipeline temperature and pressure parameters in real time, it saves a lot of labor costs and effectively prevents environmental pollution and economic losses caused by abnormal channel parameters.

    标签: C8051F930 温度 压力 远程监测系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • SDRAM的原理和时序

    SDRAM的原理和时序 SDRAM内存模组与基本结构 我们平时看到的SDRAM都是以模组形式出现,为什么要做成这种形式呢?这首先要接触到两个概念:物理Bank与芯片位宽。1、 物理Bank 传统内存系统为了保证CPU的正常工作,必须一次传输完CPU在一个传输周期内所需要的数据。而CPU在一个传输周期能接受的数 据容量就是CPU数据总线的位宽,单位是bit(位)。当时控制内存与CPU之间数据交换的北桥芯片也因此将内存总线的数据位宽 等同于CPU数据总线的位宽,而这个位宽就称之为物理Bank(Physical Bank,下文简称P-Bank)的位宽。所以,那时的内存必须要组织成P-Bank来与CPU打交道。资格稍老的玩家应该还记 得Pentium刚上市时,需要两条72pin的SIMM才能启动,因为一条72pin -SIMM只能提供32bit的位宽,不能满足Pentium的64bit数据总线的需要。直到168pin-SDRAM DIMM上市后,才可以使用一条内存开机。不过要强调一点,P-Bank是SDRAM及以前传统内存家族的特有概念,RDRAM中将以通道(Channel)取代,而对 于像Intel E7500那样的并发式多通道DDR系统,传统的P-Bank概念也不适用。2、 芯片位宽 上文已经讲到SDRAM内存系统必须要组成一个P-Bank的位宽,才能使CPU正常工作,那么这个P-Bank位宽怎么得到呢 ?这就涉及到了内存芯片的结构。 每个内存芯片也有自己的位宽,即每个传输周期能提供的数据量。理论上,完全可以做出一个位宽为64bit的芯片来满足P-Ban k的需要,但这对技术的要求很高,在成本和实用性方面也都处于劣势。所以芯片的位宽一般都较小。台式机市场所用的SDRAM芯片 位宽最高也就是16bit,常见的则是8bit。这样,为了组成P-Bank所需的位宽,就需要多颗芯片并联工作。对于16bi t芯片,需要4颗(4×16bit=64bit)。对于8bit芯片,则就需要8颗了。以上就是芯片位宽、芯片数量与P-Bank的关系。P-Bank其实就是一组内存芯片的集合,这个集合的容量不限,但这个集合的 总位宽必须与CPU数据位宽相符。随着计算机应用的发展,

    标签: SDRAM 时序

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • FREERTOS的官方移植文档

    FeaturesThe following standard features are provided.• Choice of RTOS scheduling policy1. Pre-emptive:Always runs the highest available task. Tasks of identical priorityshare CPU time (fully pre-emptive with round robin time slicing).2. Cooperative:Context switches only occur if a task blocks, or explicitly callstaskYIELD().• Co-routines (light weight tasks that utilise very little RAM).• Message queues• Semaphores [via macros]• Trace visualisation ability (requires more RAM)• Majority of source code common to all supported development tools• Wide range of ports and examples

    标签: FREERTOS 移植 文档

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • PCA9540B 2channel I2C bus mult

    The PCA9540B is a 1-of-2 bidirectional translating multiplexer, controlled via the I2C-bus.The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to two SCx/SDx downstream pairs, or channels.Only one SCx/SDx channel is selected at a time, determined by the contents of theprogrammable control register.

    标签: 2channel 9540B 9540 mult

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • PCA9519 4channel level transla

    The PCA9519 is a 4-channel level translating I2C-bus/SMBus repeater that enables theprocessor low voltage 2-wire serial bus to interface with standard I2C-bus or SMBus I/O.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system during thelevel shifts, it also permits extension of the I2C-bus by providing bidirectional buffering forboth the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling the I2C-bus or SMBusmaximum capacitance of 400 pF on the higher voltage side. The SDA and SCL pins areover-voltage tolerant and are high-impedance when the PCA9519 is unpowered.

    标签: 4channel transla level 9519

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple

    The PCA9544A provides 4 interrupt inputs, one for each channeland one open drain interrupt output. When an interrupt is generated byany device, it will be detected by the PCA9544A and the interruptoutput will be driven LOW. The channel need not be active fordetection of the interrupt. A bit is also set in the control byte.Bits 4 – 7 of the control byte correspond to channels 0 – 3 of thePCA9544A, respectively. Therefore, if an interrupt is generated byany device connected to channel 2, the state of the interrupt inputs isloaded into the control register when a read is accomplished.Likewise, an interrupt on any device connected to channel 0 wouldcause bit 4 of the control register to be set on the read. The mastercan then address the PCA9544A and read the contents of thecontrol byte to determine which channel contains the devicegenerating the interrupt. The master can then reconfigure thePCA9544A to select this channel, and locate the device generatingthe interrupt and clear it. The interrupt clears when the deviceoriginating the interrupt clears.

    标签: 4channel multiple 9544A 9544

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • PCA9542A 2channel I2C bus mult

    The PCA9542A is a 1-of-2 bidirectional translating multiplexer, controlled via the I2C-bus.The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to two SCx/SDx downstream pairs, or channels.Only one SCx/SDx channel is selected at a time, determined by the contents of theprogrammable control register. Two interrupt inputs, INT0 and INT1, one for each of theSCx/SDx downstream pairs, are provided. One interrupt output, INT, which acts as anAND of the two interrupt inputs, is provided.

    标签: 2channel 9542A 9542 mult

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • PCA9549 Octal bus switch with

    The PCA9549 provides eight bits of high speed TTL-compatible bus switching controlledby the I2C-bus. The low ON-state resistance of the switch allows connections to be madewith minimal propagation delay. Any individual A to B channel or combination of channelscan be selected via the I2C-bus, determined by the contents of the programmable Controlregister. When the I2C-bus bit is HIGH (logic 1), the switch is on and data can flow fromPort A to Port B, or vice versa. When the I2C-bus bit is LOW (logic 0), the switch is open,creating a high-impedance state between the two ports, which stops the data flow.An active LOW reset input (RESET) allows the PCA9549 to recover from a situationwhere the I2C-bus is stuck in a LOW state. Pulling the RESET pin LOW resets the I2C-busstate machine and causes all the bits to be open, as does the internal power-on resetfunction.

    标签: switch Octal 9549 with

    上传时间: 2014-11-22



    The ISO7220 and ISO7221 are dual-channel digital isolators. To facilitate PCB layout, the channels are orientedin the same direction in the ISO7220 and in opposite directions in the ISO7221. These devices have a logic inputand output buffer separated by TI’s silicon-dioxide (SiO2) isolation barrier, providing galvanic isolation of up to4000 V. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices block high voltage, isolate grounds, andprevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground and interfering with ordamaging sensitive circuitry.


    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • PCA954X家庭的I C SMBus多路复用器与开关

    The Philips family of Multiplexers and Switches consists of bi-directional translating switches controlled via the I2C or SMBus to fan out an upstream SCL/SDA pair to 2, 4 or 8 downstream channels of SCx/SDx pairs. The Multiplexers allow only one downstream channel to be selected at a time, while the Switches allow any individual downstream channel or combination of downstream channels to be selected, depending on the content of the programmable control register. Once one or several channels have been selected, the device acts as a wire, allowing the master on the upstream channel to send commands to devices on all the active downstream channels, and devices on the active downstream channels to communicate with each other and the master. External pull-up resistors are used to pull each individual channel up to the desired voltage level. Combined interrupt output and hardware reset input are device options that are featured.

    标签: SMBus 954X PCA 954

    上传时间: 2013-10-11
