class NumberListener implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if (!append) { tf.setText("") append=true } String s=tf.getText() s+=e.getActionCommand() tf.setText(s) if (!btn[10].isEnabled()){ for(int i=10 i<=14 i++) btn[i].setEnabled(true) } }
class="tags">标签: actionPerformed NumberListener ActionListener ActionEvent
class="time">上传时间: 2013-12-05
memory map file class for C++ builder
class="tags">标签: builder memory class file
class="time">上传时间: 2013-12-13
可以对JAVA class 文件进行反编译的一个工具,可以将你认为好的代码借用的工具.
class="tags">标签: class JAVA 反编译 代码
class="time">上传时间: 2014-01-09
获取BIOS ID: ReadBiosIdclass.h: interface for the CReadBiosIdclass class.
class="tags">标签: CReadBiosIdclass ReadBiosIdclass interface class
class="time">上传时间: 2015-08-24
USB海量存储设备类规范包括四个独立的子类规范:(ATA command的那个没有) ①USB Mass Storgage class Control/Bulk/Interrupt(CBI)Transport ②USB Mass Storage class Bulk-Only Transport ③USB Mass Storage class ATA Command Block ④USB Mass Stroage class UFI Command Specification。 前两个子规范定义了数据/命令/状态在USB上的传输方法。 Bulk-Only传输规范仅仅使用Bulk端点传送数据/命令/状态, CBI传输规范则使用Control/Bulk/Interrupt三种类型的端点进行数据/命令/状态传送。 后两个子规范定义了对存储介质的操作命令。 ATA 命令规范用于硬盘。 UFI命令规范是针对USB移动存储而制定的,实际上UFI命令格式是基于SFF-8070i和SCSI-2规范,总共定义了19个12字节长度的操作命令。
class="tags">标签: USB Interrupt Storgage Control
class="time">上传时间: 2015-08-29
This is a USB keyboard driver sample of hid class
class="tags">标签: keyboard driver sample class
class="time">上传时间: 2013-12-10
USB Audio class Driver
class="tags">标签: Driver Audio class USB
class="time">上传时间: 2015-09-16
A class that allows the simple implementation of worker threads
class="tags">标签: implementation threads allows simple
class="time">上传时间: 2013-12-20
This program demonstrates using a thread safe C++ class called SharedQT<T>. This example actually has several elements which may prove useful for those who are new to C++:
class="tags">标签: This demonstrates SharedQT program
class="time">上传时间: 2015-09-21
an external program called from Adam s FitnessFunction class in order to evaluate the fitness of a genome within a distributed grid.
class="tags">标签: FitnessFunction external evaluate program
class="time">上传时间: 2015-09-25