This program is about data organization using Visual C++ tools.It is able to control the other s computers in the computer of oneself by running this program.
标签: organization program control Visual
上传时间: 2014-01-25
基于"trace transform"的识别2D图像的C++源程序, 主文件是tt.cpp, 在LINUX下可以用 g++ tt.cpp -o tt -O3进行编绎, 而且最后的结果也可以在MATLAB下显示出来, This package presents C++ tools to the trace transform of a 2D image, and related objects, i.e. circuses and triple features, matlab tools to visualise these entities, and tools to check newly coded functionals. This version is released with a small number of functionals only.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Qt/Embedded的安装(本人亲自安装步骤) 准备源码包 ◆ tmake 1.11 或更高版本;(生成Qt/Embedded应用工程的Makefile文件) ◆ Qt/Embedded 2.3.7 (Qt/Embedded 安装包) ◆ Qt 2.3.2 for X11; (Qt的X11版的安装包, 它将产生x11开发环境所需要的两个工 具) 假设把源码包解压所在/root/build-arm下 1安装tmake 进入tmake-1.11目录 cd /root/build-arm/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEDIR=$PWD/tmake-1.11 export TMAKEPATH=$TMAKEDIR/lib/qws/linux-arm-g++ export PATH=$TMAKEDIR/bin:$PATH 2.安装Qt/X11 2.3.2 cd qt-2.3.2 export QTDIR=$PWD export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure -no-xft -thread -gif -system-jpeg -sm -shared [make] make -C tools/qvfb make -C tools/qembed
标签: Embedded Qt Makefile tmake
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Grammatica is a C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler). It improves upon simlar tools (like yacc and ANTLR) by creating well-commented and readable source code, by having automatic error recovery and detailed error messages, and by support for testing and debugging grammars without generating source code. It supports LL(k) grammars with an unlimited number of look-ahead tokens.
标签: compiler Grammatica generator improves
上传时间: 2015-01-11
All AHM Triton Tools 2000 for C++ Builder 3 V1.3 BetaAHM 2000 提供的控件超过 150 个,其中有不少是增强型的图形控件,也有的是对 WinAPI 函数的封装,当然,也有对数据库与网络的支持。
标签: 2000 Builder BetaAHM Triton
上传时间: 2013-12-20
开发工具EVC3.0 按下面做然后编译 是一个字典程序 请解压缩到D盘根目录,在eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 的Tools=>Options菜单项Directories选择卡中加入头文件路径: D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\libxml\include D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\libxslt 和正确的库文件路径,对于Pocket PC为: D:\JFDict200\SourceCode\_libfiles\WCE300\Pocket_PC\ARMRel
标签: Directories 3.0 eMbedded Options
上传时间: 2015-03-11
电子书 使用GNU C和GNU工具开发嵌入式系统OReilly.Programming.Embedded.Systems.With.C.and.Gnu.Development.Tools.2nd.Edition.Oct.2006
标签: Development Programming GNU Embedded
上传时间: 2014-01-10
GExperts is a set of tools built to increase the productivity of Delphi and C++Builder programmers by adding several features to the IDE. GExperts is developed as Open Source software and is contributed as freeware to the development community. Users are encouraged to download the source code and submit bug fixes and patches as well as new features for inclusion in the GExperts distribution.
标签: productivity programmers GExperts increase
上传时间: 2014-11-27
Development tools and sources fifo.c
标签: Development sources tools fifo
上传时间: 2015-10-11
标签: Metaprogramming Techniques Template Concepts
上传时间: 2013-12-25