上传时间: 2017-08-23
This manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2410X 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. This product is designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with cost-effective, low-power, and high-performance microcontroller solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2410X includes the following components separate 16KB Instruction and 16KB Data Cache, MMU to handle virtual memory management, LCD Controller (STN & TFT), NAND Flash Boot Loader, System Manager (chip select logic and SDRAM Controller), 3-ch UART, 4-ch DMA, 4-ch Timers with PWM, I/O Ports, RTC, 8-ch 10-bit ADC and Touch Screen Interface, IIC-BUS Interface, IIS-BUS Interface, USB Host, USB Device, SD Host & Multi-Media Card Interface, 2-ch SPI and PLL for clock generation.
标签: This microprocessor describes S3C2410X
上传时间: 2014-01-11
The TJA1040 is an advanced high speed CAN transceiver for use in automotive and general industrial applications. It supports the differential bus signal representation described in the international standard for in-vehicle high speed CAN applications (ISO11898). CAN (Controller Area Network) is the standard protocol for serial in-vehicle bus communication, particularly for Engine Management and Body Multiplexing. The TJA1040 provides a Standby mode, as known from its functional predecessors PCA82C250 and PCA82C251, but with significantly reduced power consumption. Besides the excellent low-power behavior the TJA1040 offers several valuable system improvements. Highlights are the absolute passive bus behavior if the device is unpowered as well as the excellent EMC performance.
标签: CAN
上传时间: 2015-03-23
上传用户:Yuan Lo
标签: Mbus
上传时间: 2015-06-11
串行E2PROM是基于I2C-BUS 的存储器件,遵循二线制协议,由于其具有接口方便,体积小,数据掉电不丢失等特点,在仪器仪表及工业自动化控制中得到大量的应用。
标签: 24C02
上传时间: 2015-07-24
Description The STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board is a complete development platform for STMicroelectronic's ARM Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F103ZET6 or STM32F103ZGT6 microcontroller. The range of hardware features on the board help you to evaluate all peripherals (LCD, SPI Flash, USART, IrDA, USB, audio, CAN bus, smartcard, MicroSD Card, NOR Flash, NAND Flash, SRAM, temperature sensor, audio DAC and motor control) and develop your own applications.
标签: stm3210e_eval
上传时间: 2016-03-27
PCA9544 4 channel I2C bus multiplexer with interrupt logic分流器
上传时间: 2016-05-03
通用串行总线(usb Universal Serial Bus)是一种计算机与外部设备连接的新技术,相对于PC传统的串/并行接口,USB具有较高的数据传输率、即插即用、热插拔、易扩充和低成本等优点。从USB标准颁布以来的短时间内,USB已成为PC必备的标准接口。 基于C51的usb信号发生器固件源代码。
上传时间: 2016-05-26
•CAN BUS: Controller area network(ISO-11898) 是起緣於80年代,由國際標準化組織(ISO)所 發佈,是一種應用於極嚴苛環境下的傳輸匯流排
标签: CAN
上传时间: 2016-11-24
标签: 1000T 1000 1050 CAN SJA TJA 总线 开发资料
上传时间: 2018-05-10