上传时间: 2015-09-19
Interfacing the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin Processor to Single-Chip CIF Digital Camera “OV6630” Over the External Memory Bus
标签: Interfacing Single-Chip the Processor
上传时间: 2015-09-27
This design package includes reference materials for creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that auto-detects the interface and configures itself to operate on the appropriate bus. Documentation docs - Designing a low cost CY7C63723 combination mouse.pdf - application note for this design - schematic.pdf - mouse schematic Firmware Source Files src - chip.c - include file that defines CY7C63723 constants - combi.c - main source file - combi.hex - Intel hex file for programming a CY7C63723 microcontroller - combi.lst - output listing from c-compiler for use with the CYDB debugger - macros.h - defines macros used in combi.c - ps2defs.h - defines PS/2 interface constants - usb_desc.h - defines the USB descriptors - usbdefs.h - defines USB interface constants
标签: combination materials reference creating
上传时间: 2015-10-19
运行在s3c2410开发实验源代码,内容非常丰富 有gprs,usb,can bus,http
上传时间: 2013-12-17
SAM9261 BasicMMU Example code with ADS1.2 (163 kB) The goal of this project is to show how to use a PC100 SDRAM and the MMU to perform a rating with a 100MHz Bus Clock. The rating is based on Dhrystone 2.1. It shows the rate when I+D Caches are disabled or enabled, with or without MMU and I Cache is disable or enabled, with or without MMU.
标签: BasicMMU Example project 9261
上传时间: 2013-12-28
The GRLIB IP Library is an integrated set of reusable IP cores, designed for system-on-chip (SOC) development. The IP cores are centered around a common on-chip bus, and use a coherent method for simulation and synthesis. The library is vendor independent, with support for different CAD tools and target technologies. A unique plug&play method is used to configure and connect the IP cores without the need to modify any global resources.
标签: system-on-chip integrated designed reusable
上传时间: 2015-11-17
This directory builds the Tape class driver for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. The class driver implements device-independent support, and exports support routines for device-specific tape miniclass drivers. It handles device-independent tape requests and calls the tape minidriver routines to process device-specific functions. Class driver splits transfer requests, when necessary, to fit the maximum transfer size for the underlying host bus adapter. It also provides device-independent, tape-specific error handling, and calls the tape miniclass driver s device-specific error handling routines.
标签: class Microsoft directory reg
上传时间: 2013-12-09
依靠强大的专业开发团队、PHILIPS 半导体的领先技术与国际 CiA 协会、ODVA 协会的支持,我们致力于发展中 国的 CAN 产品与应用事业。至现在,我们已成功开发出一系列 CAN-bus 教学、接口、工具、应用产品,能够为客户 提供从“芯片”、“工具”、“模块”、“方案”、“产品”等各个方面的服务,涉及 CAN-bus 多个行业与应用领域。我们 自主开发的数个型号产品已经领先于国外技术水平,并已投入广泛的实际应用。
上传时间: 2014-09-01
依靠强大的专业开发团队、PHILIPS 半导体的领先技术与国际 CiA 协会、ODVA 协会的支持,我们致力于发展 中国的 CAN 产品与应用事业。至现在,我们已成功开发出一系列 CAN-bus 教学、接口、工具、应用产品,能够为客 户提供从“芯片”、“工具”、“模块”、“方案”等各个方面的服务,涉及 CAN-bus 多个行业与应用领域。我们自主开 发的数个型号产品已经领先于国外技术水平,并已投入广泛的实际应用。 CAN-bus 专 用 芯 片
上传时间: 2015-12-16
SD 物理层 spec 翻译 说明,主要是用SD BUS总线。
上传时间: 2015-12-27