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  • T-kernel 的extension源代码

    T-kernel 的extension源代码,是日本最著名的T-kernel所独有的,适合开发T-kernel的朋友们使用! TK/SE is the program that extends T-Kernel and provides the functions such as a file system and a process management. The TK/SE archive to be provided is comprised of the main portion and the 2 extended file system portions, and TK/SE object is built by adding these to T-Kernel source. a) tkernel_se_1.00.00.tar.gz Main source of T-Kernel/SE b) extfs_fatfs_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (FAT) c) extfs_cdrom_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (CD-ROM)

    标签: extension T-kernel 源代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • This paper deals with the issue of incorporating pseudolite measurements into an integrated Global P

    This paper deals with the issue of incorporating pseudolite measurements into an integrated Global Positioning System/ Inertial Navigation System ~GPS/INS! positioning and attitude system with a view to improving signal availability, solution reliability, and accuracy in a localized area

    标签: incorporating measurements integrated pseudolite

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Also since the domain name--against which the retrieved domain name is to be matched--is currently h

    Also since the domain name--against which the retrieved domain name is to be matched--is currently hard coded. Hence the hard coded name has to be change before compiling the user mode program The .lib file which has been provided in \DD\DD folder is checked built using Win XP DDK as of now.

    标签: domain name currently retrieved

    上传时间: 2016-08-17


  • mastering dojo The book really rolls out the red carpet for Dojo to emerge with guns blazing! Th

    mastering dojo The book really rolls out the red carpet for Dojo to emerge with guns blazing! The authors show you how easy it is to use impressive widgets without installing a thing. I was amazed to discover that JavaScript is not just a toy language, how Dojo is built on top of it, and how both are invaluable in any web development project. Buy this book. It’s the next best thing to having the authors working at your side.

    标签: mastering blazing carpet emerge

    上传时间: 2016-09-04


  • 微机实现异步通信是依靠适配器来完成的

    微机实现异步通信是依靠适配器来完成的,而后者又是以UART芯片,即通用异步收发器芯片为核心构成的。 IBM PC的异步通信适配器使用的UART芯片为INS 8250。

    标签: 微机 异步通信 适配器

    上传时间: 2016-09-20


  • DevExpress.ExpressSideBar.v5.37.for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source delphi和 bcb源码

    DevExpress.ExpressSideBar.v5.37.for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source delphi和 bcb源码,能轻松实现outlook风格的侧边栏,效果很好,推荐! ExpressSideBar is a VCL implementation of the MS Outlook bar. Designed to be easy to use and built with a significant feature set. Just drop it on a form, double click the control and in a few moments, you can customize the ExpressSideBar for your needs.

    标签: ExpressSideBar DevExpress Delphi Source

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation

    Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation error of the azimuth will converge very slowly in initial alignment by means of Kalmari filtering, and making the time initial alignment is longer. In this paper, a fast estimation method of the azimuth error is creatively proposed for the initial alignment of INS on stationary base. On the basis of the the fast convergence of the leveling error, the azimuth error can be directly calculated. By means of this fast initial alignment method, the time of initial alignment is reduced greatly. The computer simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the method.

    标签: observability Navigation estimation stationary

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • Joomla 收费插件:企业客户管理系统。 Our suite of components and tools are architected and programmed specifical

    Joomla 收费插件:企业客户管理系统。 Our suite of components and tools are architected and programmed specifically for Joomla, the award winning CMS. jForce will provide you with: jAccounts – for your invoicing and billing needs jContacts – a new way to manage your sales funnel and business leads jProjects – efficient management of tasks, priorities and documents jSupport – manage trouble tickets and issues to keep your site smooth All these plugins packaged together as one fully integrated CRM solution. Built in Joomla! Whether you require one component or the entire suite of business automation, jForce can have you up and running with sleek and cost-efficient solutions today.

    标签: architected components programmed specifical

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • This toolbox contains re-implementations of four different multi-instance learners, i.e. Diverse Den

    This toolbox contains re-implementations of four different multi-instance learners, i.e. Diverse Density, Citation-kNN, Iterated-discrim APR, and EM-DD. Ensembles of these single multi-instance learners can be built with this toolbox

    标签: i.e. re-implementations multi-instance different

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • A UML Documentation for an Elevator System:This paper is a PhD project report for the course Distrib

    A UML Documentation for an Elevator System:This paper is a PhD project report for the course Distributed Embedded Systems at Carnegie Mellon University. Throughout this course, a distributed real-time system – an elevator control system– is specified, designed, built, and simulated. Object Oriented Analysis and Design methods, in specific the Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used when designing the system.

    标签: Documentation for Elevator Distrib

    上传时间: 2013-12-14
