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  • 基于AVR单片机Mega16的电子时钟设计

    Mega16是一款采用先进RISC精简指令,内置A/D的8位单片机,可支持低电压联机 Flash和EEPROM 写入功能;同时还支持 Basic和C 等高级语言编程。用它设计电子时钟不仅成本低,硬件简单,而且很容易实现系统移植。介绍了如何利用AVR系列单片机Mega16及1602字符液晶来设计电子时钟的方法,同时给出了相应的电路原理及部分语言程序。 Abstract:  ?Mega16 is a high-performance, low power consumption, the use of advanced RISC concise instructions, built-in A/D 8-bit microcontrollers, the on-line support for low-voltage Flash, EEPROM write function. Except Mega16 also support the Basic, C, and other high-level language programming.The electronic clock which is deisgned by Mega16 is not only low-cost, simple hardware, but easy to achieve system migration.The design method of electrioic clock based on the AVR Mega16 and character LCD1602 is introduced in this paper,and the corresponding circuit electrionic and some language program are given.

    标签: Mega AVR 16 单片机

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于UC3854A控制的PFC中分岔现象仿真研究

       为深入了解基于UC3854A控制的PFC变换器中的动力学特性,研究系统参数变化对变换器中分岔现象的影响,在建立Boost PFC变换器双闭环数学模型的基础上,用Matlab软件对变换器中慢时标分岔及混沌等不稳定现象进行了仿真。在对PFC变换器中慢时标分岔现象仿真的基础上,分析了系统参数变化对分岔点的影响,并进行了仿真验证。仿真结果清晰地显示了输入整流电压的幅值变化对系统分岔点的影响。 Abstract:  In order to better understand the dynamics characteristic of power factor correction converter based on UC3854A, and make the way that parameters change influences the bifurcation phenomena of the system clearly. The math model of the two closed loop circuits to the Boost PFC (Power Factor Correction) converter controller was built. Then, with the help of Matlab, the simulation for nonlinear phenomena such as chaos and slow-scale bifurcation in the PFC converter was made. Finally the factors that have influence to the phenomenon of bifurcation under slow-scale in PFC converter were analyzed. The simulation results clearly show the parameters change influences the bifurcation point of the system.

    标签: 3854A 3854 PFC UC

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • Replacement of NXP PCA9518 wit

    The outputs of the PCA9518 are immediately available as soon as there is a voltage present on thesupply >~1V and behave as described above. The power-on reset of the PCA9518A keeps the outputsturned off during power-up and maintains the high impedance of the outputs throughout the power-upcycle. There is an additional built-in delay after power-up that allows the analog circuits to stabilize beforethe part is activated.

    标签: Replacement 9518 NXP PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 68HC05K0 Infra-red Remote Cont

    The MC68HC05K0 is a low cost, low pin countsingle chip microcomputer with 504 bytes of userROM and 32 bytes of RAM. The MC68HC05K0 isa member of the 68HC05K series of devices whichare available in 16-pin DIL or SOIC packages.It uses the same CPU as the other devices in the68HC05 family and has the same instructions andregisters. Additionally, the device has a 15-stagemulti-function timer and 10 general purposebi-directional I/0 lines. A mask option is availablefor software programmable pull-downs on all ofthe I/O pins and four of the pins are capable ofgenerating interrupts.The device is ideally suited for remote-controlkeyboard applications because the pull-downs andthe interrupt drivers on the port pins allowkeyboards to be built without any externalcomponents except the keys themselves. There isno need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors,or diodes for wired-OR interrupts, as these featuresare already designed into the device.

    标签: Infra-red Remote Cont 05K

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 87C576微控制器的在线编程

    The 87C576 includes two separate methods of programming theEPROM array, the traditional modified Quick-Pulse method, and anew On-Board Programming technique (OBP).Quick Pulse programming is a method using a number of devicepins in parallel (see Figure 1) and is the traditional way in which87C51 family members have been programmed. The Quick-Pulsemethod supports the following programming functions:– program USER EPROM– verify USER EPROM– program KEY EPROM– program security bits– verify security bits– read signature bytesThe Quick-Pulse method is quite easily suited to standardprogramming equipment as evidenced by the numerous vendors of87C51 compatible programmers on the market today. Onedisadvantage is that this method is not well suited to programming inthe embedded application because of the large number of signallines that must be isolated from the application. In addition, parallelsignals from a programmer would need to be cabled to theapplication’s circuit board, or the application circuit board wouldneed to have logic built-in to perform the programming functions.These requirements have generally made in-circuit programmingusing the modified Quick Pulse method impractical in almost all87C51 family applications.

    标签: 87C576 微控制器 编程

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 汇编+保护模式+教程

    九.输入/输出保护为了支持多任务,80386不仅要有效地实现任务隔离,而且还要有效地控制各任务的输入/输出,避免输入/输出冲突。本文将介绍输入输出保护。 这里下载本文源代码。 <一>输入/输出保护80386采用I/O特权级IPOL和I/O许可位图的方法来控制输入/输出,实现输入/输出保护。 1.I/O敏感指令输入输出特权级(I/O Privilege Level)规定了可以执行所有与I/O相关的指令和访问I/O空间中所有地址的最外层特权级。IOPL的值在如下图所示的标志寄存器中。 标  志寄存器 BIT31—BIT18 BIT17 BIT16 BIT15 BIT14 BIT13—BIT12 BIT11 BIT10 BIT9 BIT8 BIT7 BIT6 BIT5 BIT4 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 00000000000000 VM RF 0 NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF 0 AF 0 PF 1 CF I/O许可位图规定了I/O空间中的哪些地址可以由在任何特权级执行的程序所访问。I/O许可位图在任务状态段TSS中。 I/O敏感指令 指令 功能 保护方式下的执行条件 CLI 清除EFLAGS中的IF位 CPL<=IOPL STI 设置EFLAGS中的IF位 CPL<=IOPL IN 从I/O地址读出数据 CPL<=IOPL或I/O位图许可 INS 从I/O地址读出字符串 CPL<=IOPL或I/O位图许可 OUT 向I/O地址写数据 CPL<=IOPL或I/O位图许可 OUTS 向I/O地址写字符串 CPL<=IOPL或I/O位图许可 上表所列指令称为I/O敏感指令,由于这些指令与I/O有关,并且只有在满足所列条件时才可以执行,所以把它们称为I/O敏感指令。从表中可见,当前特权级不在I/O特权级外层时,可以正常执行所列的全部I/O敏感指令;当特权级在I/O特权级外层时,执行CLI和STI指令将引起通用保护异常,而其它四条指令是否能够被执行要根据访问的I/O地址及I/O许可位图情况而定(在下面论述),如果条件不满足而执行,那么将引起出错码为0的通用保护异常。 由于每个任务使用各自的EFLAGS值和拥有自己的TSS,所以每个任务可以有不同的IOPL,并且可以定义不同的I/O许可位图。注意,这些I/O敏感指令在实模式下总是可执行的。 2.I/O许可位图如果只用IOPL限制I/O指令的执行是很不方便的,不能满足实际要求需要。因为这样做会使得在特权级3执行的应用程序要么可访问所有I/O地址,要么不可访问所有I/O地址。实际需要与此刚好相反,只允许任务甲的应用程序访问部分I/O地址,只允许任务乙的应用程序访问另一部分I/O地址,以避免任务甲和任务乙在访问I/O地址时发生冲突,从而避免任务甲和任务乙使用使用独享设备时发生冲突。 因此,在IOPL的基础上又采用了I/O许可位图。I/O许可位图由二进制位串组成。位串中的每一位依次对应一个I/O地址,位串的第0位对应I/O地址0,位串的第n位对应I/O地址n。如果位串中的第位为0,那么对应的I/O地址m可以由在任何特权级执行的程序访问;否则对应的I/O地址m只能由在IOPL特权级或更内层特权级执行的程序访问。如果在I/O外层特权级执行的程序访问位串中位值为1的位所对应的I/O地址,那么将引起通用保护异常。 I/O地址空间按字节进行编址。一条I/O指令最多可涉及四个I/O地址。在需要根据I/O位图决定是否可访问I/O地址的情况下,当一条I/O指令涉及多个I/O地址时,只有这多个I/O地址所对应的I/O许可位图中的位都为0时,该I/O指令才能被正常执行,如果对应位中任一位为1,就会引起通用保护异常。 80386支持的I/O地址空间大小是64K,所以构成I/O许可位图的二进制位串最大长度是64K个位,即位图的有效部分最大为8K字节。一个任务实际需要使用的I/O许可位图大小通常要远小于这个数目。 当前任务使用的I/O许可位图存储在当前任务TSS中低端的64K字节内。I/O许可位图总以字节为单位存储,所以位串所含的位数总被认为是8的倍数。从前文中所述的TSS格式可见,TSS内偏移66H的字确定I/O许可位图的开始偏移。由于I/O许可位图最长可达8K字节,所以开始偏移应小于56K,但必须大于等于104,因为TSS中前104字节为TSS的固定格式,用于保存任务的状态。 1.I/O访问许可检查细节保护模式下处理器在执行I/O指令时进行许可检查的细节如下所示。 (1)若CPL<=IOPL,则直接转步骤(8);(2)取得I/O位图开始偏移;(3)计算I/O地址对应位所在字节在I/O许可位图内的偏移;(4)计算位偏移以形成屏蔽码值,即计算I/O地址对应位在字节中的第几位;(5)把字节偏移加上位图开始偏移,再加1,所得值与TSS界限比较,若越界,则产生出错码为0的通用保护故障;(6)若不越界,则从位图中读对应字节及下一个字节;(7)把读出的两个字节与屏蔽码进行与运算,若结果不为0表示检查未通过,则产生出错码为0的通用保护故障;(8)进行I/O访问。设某一任务的TSS段如下: TSSSEG                  SEGMENT PARA USE16                        TSS     <>             ;TSS低端固定格式部分                        DB      8 DUP(0)       ;对应I/O端口00H—3FH                        DB      10000000B      ;对应I/O端口40H—47H                        DB      01100000B      ;对用I/O端口48H—4FH                        DB      8182 DUP(0ffH) ;对应I/O端口50H—0FFFFH                        DB      0FFH           ;位图结束字节TSSLen                  =       $TSSSEG                  ENDS 再假设IOPL=1,CPL=3。那么如下I/O指令有些能正常执行,有些会引起通用保护异常:                         in      al,21h  ;(1)正常执行                        in      al,47h  ;(2)引起异常                        out     20h,al  ;(3)正常实行                        out     4eh,al  ;(4)引起异常                        in      al,20h  ;(5)正常执行                        out     20h,eax ;(6)正常执行                        out     4ch,ax  ;(7)引起异常                        in      ax,46h  ;(8)引起异常                        in      eax,42h ;(9)正常执行 由上述I/O许可检查的细节可见,不论是否必要,当进行许可位检查时,80386总是从I/O许可位图中读取两个字节。目的是为了尽快地执行I/O许可检查。一方面,常常要读取I/O许可位图的两个字节。例如,上面的第(8)条指令要对I/O位图中的两个位进行检查,其低位是某个字节的最高位,高位是下一个字节的最低位。可见即使只要检查两个位,也可能需要读取两个字节。另一方面,最多检查四个连续的位,即最多也只需读取两个字节。所以每次要读取两个字节。这也是在判别是否越界时再加1的原因。为此,为了避免在读取I/O许可位图的最高字节时产生越界,必须在I/O许可位图的最后填加一个全1的字节,即0FFH。此全1的字节应填加在最后一个位图字节之后,TSS界限范围之前,即让填加的全1字节在TSS界限之内。 I/O许可位图开始偏移加8K所得的值与TSS界限值二者中较小的值决定I/O许可位图的末端。当TSS的界限大于I/O许可位图开始偏移加8K时,I/O许可位图的有效部分就有8K字节,I/O许可检查全部根据全部根据该位图进行。当TSS的界限不大于I/O许可位图开始偏移加8K时,I/O许可位图有效部分就不到8K字节,于是对较小I/O地址访问的许可检查根据位图进行,而对较大I/O地址访问的许可检查总被认为不可访问而引起通用保护故障。因为这时会发生字节越界而引起通用保护异常,所以在这种情况下,可认为不足的I/O许可位图的高端部分全为1。利用这个特点,可大大节约TSS中I/O许可位图占用的存储单元,也就大大减小了TSS段的长度。 <二>重要标志保护输入输出的保护与存储在标志寄存器EFLAGS中的IOPL密切相关,显然不能允许随便地改变IOPL,否则就不能有效地实现输入输出保护。类似地,对EFLAGS中的IF位也必须加以保护,否则CLI和STI作为敏感指令对待是无意义的。此外,EFLAGS中的VM位决定着处理器是否按虚拟8086方式工作。 80386对EFLAGS中的这三个字段的处理比较特殊,只有在较高特权级执行的程序才能执行IRET、POPF、CLI和STI等指令改变它们。下表列出了不同特权级下对这三个字段的处理情况。 不同特权级对标志寄存器特殊字段的处理 特权级 VM标志字段 IOPL标志字段 IF标志字段 CPL=0 可变(初POPF指令外) 可变 可变 0  不变 不变 可变 CPL>IOPL 不变 不变 不变 从表中可见,只有在特权级0执行的程序才可以修改IOPL位及VM位;只能由相对于IOPL同级或更内层特权级执行的程序才可以修改IF位。与CLI和STI指令不同,在特权级不满足上述条件的情况下,当执行POPF指令和IRET指令时,如果试图修改这些字段中的任何一个字段,并不引起异常,但试图要修改的字段也未被修改,也不给出任何特别的信息。此外,指令POPF总不能改变VM位,而PUSHF指令所压入的标志中的VM位总为0。 <三>演示输入输出保护的实例(实例九)下面给出一个用于演示输入输出保护的实例。演示内容包括:I/O许可位图的作用、I/O敏感指令引起的异常和特权指令引起的异常;使用段间调用指令CALL通过任务门调用任务,实现任务嵌套。 1.演示步骤实例演示的内容比较丰富,具体演示步骤如下:(1)在实模式下做必要准备后,切换到保护模式;(2)进入保护模式的临时代码段后,把演示任务的TSS段描述符装入TR,并设置演示任务的堆栈;(3)进入演示代码段,演示代码段的特权级是0;(4)通过任务门调用测试任务1。测试任务1能够顺利进行;(5)通过任务门调用测试任务2。测试任务2演示由于违反I/O许可位图规定而导致通用保护异常;(6)通过任务门调用测试任务3。测试任务3演示I/O敏感指令如何引起通用保护异常;(7)通过任务门调用测试任务4。测试任务4演示特权指令如何引起通用保护异常;(8)从演示代码转临时代码,准备返回实模式;(9)返回实模式,并作结束处理。

    标签: 汇编 保护模式 教程

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • CodeWarrior开发工具套件简要说明

    CodeWarrior Development Tool Suites are comprehensive integrated developmentenvironments (IDE) that provide a highly visual and automated framework toaccelerate the development of the most complex embedded applications. Acrossmost stages of the development cycle, we offer tools to help configure, debug andoptimize your design built on Freescale MPUs, MCUs, DSPs and DSCs. These toolsuites provide solutions to get your design up and running fast.

    标签: CodeWarrior 开发工具套件

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • XAPP1023-测试Virtex-4 TEMAC系统的性能

    This application note provides step-by-step instructions on how to recreate a Tri-Mode Ethernet(TEMAC) performance testing system using the ML405 board and MontaVista Linux 4.0. Thisapplication note shows how to set up a simple EDK Base System Builder system on the ML405Evaluation Platform and run performance tests. The network architecture for the test isdescribed. A system is built and downloaded into the FPGA. A MontaVista Linux kernel isconfigured, built, and downloaded into the ML405 Evaluation Platform. The instructions forobtaining and setting up the software used to perform the measurements, netperf, are given.

    标签: Virtex TEMAC XAPP 1023

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 双口RAM在组合导航系统中的应用


    标签: RAM 双口 中的应用 组合导航

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • S参数的设计与应用

    Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用 The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent Technologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows:

    标签: S参数

    上传时间: 2013-12-19
