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  • Linux in a Nutshell, 5th Edition By Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, Ellen Siever, Aa

    Linux in a Nutshell, 5th Edition By Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, Ellen Siever, Aaron Weber ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... Publisher: O Reilly Pub Date: July 2005 ISBN: 0-596-00930-5 Pages: 944 Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop--including new desktop environments--have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don t consider themselves computer gurus.

    标签: Nutshell Edition Figgins Stephen

    上传时间: 2015-12-03


  • This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and m

    This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.

    标签: capacities stochastic addresses network

    上传时间: 2015-12-03


  • This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and m

    This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.

    标签: capacities stochastic addresses network

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and m

    This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.

    标签: capacities stochastic addresses network

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and m

    This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.

    标签: capacities stochastic addresses network

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • The programming port of all the FP PLC’s support OPEN MEWTOCOL-COM. This is very useful when you wan

    The programming port of all the FP PLC’s support OPEN MEWTOCOL-COM. This is very useful when you want to monitor PLC values/bits or to set PLC values or bits via your COMPUTER. You can use any language such as Basic, C, Pascal, Assembler or even if other suppliers of PLCs can send ASCII strings, they can talk to our PLCs to exchange data.

    标签: MEWTOCOL-COM programming support useful

    上传时间: 2015-12-08


  • 二维SIMPLEC程序

    二维SIMPLEC程序,包含三个project:二维稳态传热,常粘度系数湍流的动态模拟,湍流中被动标量扩散(基于时均的 k –ε方程. 同时压缩包中还有详细的说明文档. 注意:本程序只限于学习用途,切勿作商业用途,作者享有对此代码及使用目的的最终解释权! Cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Cccc This computer program was copied from the graduate student course program Cccc of the University of Minnesota. Part of it was re-formulated to meet the Cccc personal computer environment. Some inappropriate expressions were also Cccc corrected. The program is used only for teaching purpose. No part of it Cccc may be published. You may use it as a frame to re-develop your own code Cccc for research purpose. XJTU Instructor, 1995.11 Cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

    标签: SIMPLEC 二维 程序

    上传时间: 2015-12-10


  • 图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章

    图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5]Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6]An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]Active Contours Without Edges.pdf 学习图像处理的人必看的几篇文章

    标签: Contour Snakes Active Models

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • this a pack include source code for quartus 2. It is an implementation of the LC2. The LC-2 compu

    this a pack include source code for quartus 2. It is an implementation of the LC2. The LC-2 computer is described in Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits & Gates to C & Beyond by Yale Patt and Sanjay Patel, McGraw Hill, 2001. The LC2 model can be run as a simulation or downloaded to the UP3 in a larger model, TOP_LC2 that adds video output. Push buttons reset and single step the processor and a video output display of registers is generated. This state machine VHDL-based model of the LC-2 includes all source files. Currently compiled for a Cyclone EP1C6Q240 FPGA.

    标签: implementation include quartus source

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This book discusses the growth of digital television technology and the revolution in image and vide

    This book discusses the growth of digital television technology and the revolution in image and video compression, highlighting the need for standardization in processing static and moving images and their exchange between computer systems

    标签: television technology revolution and

    上传时间: 2015-12-23
