a xml,though it s null, just for the bonus
上传时间: 2015-11-06
The Game: Make the snake grow longer by directing it to the food. Extra bonus points are given from hearts, eat them as fast as possible as amount of bonus points decreases with time. Higher level gives more points for the food but will also make it tougher to steer a long snake as speed increaces. Five different mazes as well as play w/o maze are possible.
标签: the directing longer points
上传时间: 2013-12-20
汉诺塔!!! Simulate the movement of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle bonus is possible for using animation eg. if n = 2 A→B A→C B→C if n = 3 A→C A→B C→B A→C B→A B→C A→C
标签: the animation Simulate movement
上传时间: 2017-02-11
101 romantic ideas This is a free bonus version of 101 Romantic Ideas. Feel free to forward to or make copies for your friends.
标签: free 101 romantic Romantic
上传时间: 2014-01-24
标签: 计算
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Eckel’s book is the only one to so clearly explain how to rethink program construction for object orientation. That the book is also an excellent tutorial on the ins and outs of C++ is an added bonus
标签: construction clearly explain rethink
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Finally: a hands-on, Java-centric workbook companion for the classic Design Patterns! Workbook approach deepens your understanding, builds your confidence, and strengthens your skills. Covers all five categories of design pattern intent: interfaces, responsibility, construction, operations, and extensions. CD-ROM contains all code examples from the book -- plus bonus code examples not found in the book. About the Author: Steven John Metsker is a researcher and author focused on advanced techniques for magnifying the abilities of object-oriented software developers. A rising star in the patterns community, he was recently invited to join the acclaimed Hillside Group. He is author of Building Parsers with Java? (Addison-Wesley).
标签: Java-centric companion hands-on Patterns
上传时间: 2013-12-01
J2ME手机游戏源码 整个游戏有八个类组成: 主类:TankMIDlet 敌人坦克:Enemy 图片池:EnemyPool 画布:Canvas 游戏画布:TankCanvas 1. 道具:bonus 2. 声音播放:SoundPlayer 3. 记录坐标:Point 4. 子弹:Bullet 5. 玩家坦克:Hero
标签: 61548 TankMIDlet EnemyPool Enemy
上传时间: 2017-08-15
The second edition of this popular book has been completely updated to add the new features of the Java Servlet API Version 2.2, and new chapters on servlet security and advanced communication. In addition to completely covering the 2.2 specification, we have included bonus material on the new 2.3 version of the specification.
标签: completely the features edition
上传时间: 2017-09-07