LVQ学习矢量化算法源程序 This directory contains code implementing the Learning vector quantization network. Source code may be found in LVQ.CPP. Sample training data is found in LVQ1.PAT. Sample test data is found in LVQTEST1.TST and LVQTEST2.TST. The LVQ program accepts input consisting of vectors and calculates the LVQ network weights. If a test set is specified, the winning neuron (class) for each neuron is identified and the Euclidean distance between the pattern and each neuron is reported. Output is directed to the screen.
标签: implementing quantization directory Learning
上传时间: 2015-05-02
This is an example how one could hide a process on Windows based operation systems from task viewers like ProcDump (G-RoM, Lorian & Stone) or ProcessExplorer (SysInternals). It could e.g. be used as some kind of dump protection. The way to get this done is very different on NT and 9x machines.
标签: operation Windows example process
上传时间: 2013-12-17
pic mcu code:This application note describes the design and implementation of a USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) using a Secure Digital card, which should prove useful to developers of USB mass storage solutions. This application may be used as a stand-alone MSD or as a Secure Digital/Multimedia Card (SD/MMC) reader/ writer interface.
标签: implementation application describes Storage
上传时间: 2014-11-23
This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simulator may be used to monitor and display any variable or peripheral I/O register. It is already configured to show the PWM output signal on PORT3.0 and PORT3.1 This ARM Example may be debugged using only the uVision Simulator and your PC--no additional hardware or evaluation boards are required. The Simulator provides cycle-accurate simulation of all on-chip peripherals of the ADuC7000 device series. You may create various input signals like digital pulses, sine waves, sawtooth waves, and square waves using signal functions which you write in C. Signal functions run in the background in the simulator within timing constraints you configure. In this example, several signal functions are defined in the included Startup_SIM.INI file.
标签: the Analyzer Compiler project
上传时间: 2013-12-19
The code is fairly straightforward, except perhaps for the call to convertColumnIndexToModel. That call is necessary because if the user moves the columns around, the view s index for the column doesn t match the model s index for the column. For example, the user might drag the Vegetarian column (which the model considers to be at index 4) so it s displayed as the first column — at view index 0. Since prepareRenderer gives us the view index, we need to translate the view index to a model index so we can be sure we re dealing with the intended column
标签: convertColumnIndexToModel straightforward perhaps fairly
上传时间: 2013-12-10
The subject which is to us propos¨¦ is as follows: calculation of the degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance d¡ ¯ un logical program possibilist in C++. We thus work on a logical program possibilist, it be-¨¤-statement a logical program resulting from non-classique logic. The goal first of this project is of d¨¦ terminer if a logical program is consisting or not of share the calculation of sound degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance.
标签: brvbar calculation subject follows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This code detects memory leaks in embedded VC++ almost the same way crtdbg does in VC++. At the end of program execution it will display in the debug window if there were any memory leaks and how the memory looks so you can identify where your memory leak occurred. It will display in the debug window a message saying no memory leaks detected if there are no memory leaks. Similar to what crtdbg.h does in VC++. The code detects memory leaks generated with calls to new and delete operators in C++. The code doesn t detect memory leaks generated with C functions: malloc, calloc, free, but that can be done in the future. Let me know and I will program it.
标签: the embedded detects almost
上传时间: 2015-05-07
This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5 nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by changing fs,t,t1. The program uses the actual first and second derivative equations for the Gaussian pulse waveforms. The first derivative is considered to be the monocycle or monopulse as discussed in most papers. The second derivative is the waveform generated from a dipole antenna used in a UWB system. Other information is contained in the file.
上传时间: 2015-05-08
Sun权威教程--《J2EE Tutorial中文版》 作者:Stephanie Bodoff,Dale Green,Kim Haase,Eric Jendrock,Monica Pawlan,beth Stearns 翻译参与人员:sharetop,worldheart,zhaoy,bruce等 出版商:铁道出版社
标签: Stephanie Jendrock Tutorial Bodoff
上传时间: 2013-12-22
自制51编程器 I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to programming other devices by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy, often and fast. You need only 1 or 2 devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (e.g. Phillips 87C751).
标签: programmer program device build
上传时间: 2015-05-11