本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤,然后分别通过 Microsoft Visual Basic、以 VC++ Extensions 为特征的 Microsoft Visual C++、Microsoft Visual Basic、Scripting Edition 和以 ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC) 为特征的 Microsoft Visual J++ 进行更为具体的说明。
上传时间: 2016-10-22
Lotus Notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was NOT written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original code. I only extended the base code to add more features, such as cut/copy/paste and adding tables. 2. This editor is based on an Active X control, so it will only work in Internet Explorer. I tested this in IE 5.5, but I think it should would in IE 5.x The Active X control is marked "safe for scripting" and should not trigger a warning from your browser about unsafe content.
标签: editor control Active Lotus
上传时间: 2016-11-27
uCOSII只提供了操作系统内核,用户要自己添加文件处理、人机界面、网络接口等重要部分。其中Shell(人机界面)提供了人与机器交互的界面,是机器服务于人的体现,是系统必不可少的重要组成部分。现代的很多OS如UNIX、DOS、VxWorks都提供了友好的命令行界面。Windows更是提供了GUI。大部分人认识OS都是从这里开始的。 由于Skyeye下的仿真串口USART已经实现了中断方式的接收(实际是从键盘接收输入),而且串口输出(实际上是输出到终端屏幕)也已经实现,所以实现一个类似DOS或Bash的简化版Shell并不困难。其本质思想就是:Shell作为一个uC/OSII下的任务,接收用户输入的字符,存储到缓冲区,并回显在屏幕上,以回车键为用户输入的结束信号,随后解析用户输入的命令名称、参数,调用相应的命令函数。一直到这个命令函数运行返回,才继续Shell的人机交互界面。Shell作为一个任务工作于内核之外,占用一个任务号。
上传时间: 2014-01-22
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Introduction Matlab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error- rate testing of modems. The bit-error-rate performance of a receiver is a figure of merit that allows different designs to be compared in a fair manner. Performing bit-error-rate testing withMatlab is very simple, but does require some prerequisite knowledge.
标签: communications Introduction simulating digital
上传时间: 2017-03-20
ArtFormula package contains two nonvisual Delphi component for symbolic expression parsing and evaluation. Provides runtime scripting engine for automating your programs.
标签: ArtFormula expression component nonvisual
上传时间: 2013-12-08
上传时间: 2017-04-16
ccache 是一个快速的编译器缓存。当您编译一个程序的时候,它会缓存中间的结果。这样,不论什么时候您重新编译同一个程序,编译所需要得时间将被大大缩短。对于普通的编译来说,这可以提高编译速度5到10倍。 这个想法,来自 Erik Thiele 用bash写的 compilercache 。只不过,ccache用C再实现了一遍。但比前者性能高许多,也有更多的特性。 (注:Linux下运行)
上传时间: 2017-05-01
用纯C语言编写的一个Linux下的Shell,包含tch和bash的基本功能(包含重定向和后台运行),暂时不支持管道。已经在cygwin和Ubantu 7.10下测试通过。 主要包含: makefile 编译生成myshell可执行文件 myshell.c 主函数(涉及程序入口) utility.c 所有功能函数(将近1000行) myshell.h(包含宏定义、结构体声明、库函数的头文件,及utility.c中的所有函数的声明) readme 用户手册(当用户在myshell里输入help <command> 时,输出<command>的使用说明)
上传时间: 2014-02-05
The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly different from the one that s required by simpler operating systems. Think Unix introduces readers to important fundamental and intermediate Unix commands and, in the process, inculcates them in the Unix way of thinking. It s a worthy goal in a world with more Linux users than ever, and author Jon Lasser accomplishes it. He s both a capable writer and a knowledgeable user of Unix shell commands. Lasser uses bash under Red Hat Linux in most examples--which usually apply equally well to other Unix variants--and makes asides about other shells and environments, as needed.
标签: significantly operating variants of
上传时间: 2017-09-04