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  • Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add

    Introduction to GPS ToolKit Pro 1.0 GPS ToolKit Pro is an ActiveX object that makes it easy to add GPS support to any Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, or scripting project that supports ActiveX controls. GPS data (including lat/lon, speed, course, altitude, and dozens of other datasets) can be accessed through GPS ToolKit s properties, and GPS ToolKit s multithreaded event-based architecture notifies your application when data has been updated, saving you from having to write messy polling routines.

    标签: ToolKit Introduction GPS Pro

    上传时间: 2015-04-28


  • JabberX 是一个基于unix平台的jabber客户端 JabberX is a unix console Jabber client. Jabber is a cross-platform,

    JabberX 是一个基于unix平台的jabber客户端 JabberX is a unix console Jabber client. Jabber is a cross-platform, open source, XML-based, distributed instant messaging system. Requirements: ------------- Iksemel library (from http://jabber-x.sourceforge.net) NCurses or S-Lang package. Autoconf and Automake packages are required for compiling from cvs. Perl is required for building perl scripting support.

    标签: JabberX Jabber unix cross-platform

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 要如何区别呢?执行公用程式‘file’(例如

    要如何区别呢?执行公用程式‘file’(例如,file /bin/bash)就对了。就ELF的程式而言,萤幕上显示出来的讯息会含有ELF的字眼;如果说是a.out的,讯息内会箝有 Linux/i386的字样。

    标签: file 程式

    上传时间: 2015-05-29


  • Linux在上个世纪就已经有了很多种图形用户界面(GUI)

    Linux在上个世纪就已经有了很多种图形用户界面(GUI),所以当你安装一个流行的Linux以后,上 手几乎和Windows同样轻松。不过我们还是会介绍一些shell命令并建议多使用shell。这样可以给以后阅 读编译脚本、自己建立交叉编译环境等工作带来便利。在图形用户界面打开shell 只需点击菜单中的终端 或者点击运行,输入一个shell的名称并回车,比如bash。

    标签: Linux GUI 图形用户界面

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using API

    Using a holistic approach to teaching developers the ins-and-outs of GNU/Linux programming using APIs, tools, communication, and scripting, this book introduces programmers to the environment from the lowest layers to the user layers.

    标签: ins-and-outs programming developers holistic

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 免費分享版網路硬碟 01.創意風格首頁 02.申請會員 03.密碼查詢 04.會員容量限制 05.上傳檔案支援  Persits.Upload Dundas.Upload Lyf

    免費分享版網路硬碟 01.創意風格首頁 02.申請會員 03.密碼查詢 04.會員容量限制 05.上傳檔案支援  Persits.Upload Dundas.Upload LyfUpload.UploadFile iNotes.Upload 06.多檔上傳,最多一次10個檔案 07.重新命名 08.刪除檔案、資料夾 09.剪下、複製、貼上 10.上移功能 11.會員列表、會員修改、刪除會員 12.系統資訊列表、系統修改 13.清單模式、縮圖模式  支援線上縮圖,Persits.Jpeg  ASPThumb 14.Persits.Upload Dundas.Upload支援上傳BAR進度顯示功能 15.Admin可觀看  使用者在線顯示、目前位址 16.WebHD總使用容量統計 17.會員使用容量統計 18.Admin新增會員功能 本程式適用於:   Windows  2003,Windwos  xp,Windows  2000 使用限制:   須先至本站註冊取得啟用資料庫,才可使用本系統!(註冊完全免費)   無法修改首頁圖片、廣告視窗於下方   須先安裝   Scripting.FileSystemObject ADODB.Connection   才可使用 系統管理員預設值:   帳號:Admin   密碼:system

    标签: Upload Persits Dundas nbsp

    上传时间: 2015-09-08


  • 本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤

    本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤,然后分别通过 Microsoft® Visual Basic、以 VC++ Extensions 为特征的 Microsoft® Visual C++、Microsoft® Visual Basic® 、Scripting Edition 和以 ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC) 为特征的 Microsoft® Visual J++® 进行更为具体的说明。

    标签: ADO 教程 举例 如何使用

    上传时间: 2015-10-13


  • 了解常用shell的编程特点


    标签: shell 编程

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. It is also

    Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. It is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. It combines simple procedural syntax (similar to Pascal) with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management with garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.

    标签: applications light-weight programming extending

    上传时间: 2016-01-13


  • 关于苹果机开发的电子书:1.Apple.Mac.OS.X.Development.Tools.Overview.Jun.2003.eBook 2.Apple.The.Objective.C.Prog

    关于苹果机开发的电子书:1.Apple.Mac.OS.X.Development.Tools.Overview.Jun.2003.eBook 2.Apple.The.Objective.C.Programming.Language.Dec.2006.eBook 3.Apress.AppleScript.The.Comprehensive.Guide.to.Scripting.and.Automation.on.Mac.OS.X.2nd.Edition.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL 4.Apple.A.Quick.Tour.of.Xcode.Aug.2003.eBook 5.FreeBook.AppleScript.for.Absolute.Starters.Mar.2003.eBook 6.FreeBook.Become.an.Xcoder.Start.Programming.the.Mac.use.Objective-C.Apr.2006.eBook

    标签: Apple Development Objective Overview

    上传时间: 2016-03-10
