实验描述:分布式数据库的算法partition的具体实现。即通过该算法找到关系数据库最优分裂点(2个),使得结果最优。 1、 首先根据所输入的attribute usage matrix得到AQ( ) 2、 对CA矩阵中划分点预先设在n-1处,并将属性列分成3个集合,TA和ba和MA, 3、 确定集合TQ、BQ,MQ和OQ,其中TQ={ qj| AQ(qi) TA},BQ= TQ={ qj| AQ(qi) ba}, MQ={ qj| AQ(qi) MA},OQ=Q-{TQ BQ}。 4、 计算出CTQ、CBQ、CMQ、COQ这些值,其中CTQ= ,CBQ= ,CMQ= ,COQ= 5、 通过划分点的第次移动分别计算出z=CTQ*CBQ*CMQ-COQ3 6、 对取到的z的最大值处标记,为分割点 7、 对CA进行调整,重复计算得到最终z的最大值点,对CA矩阵进行划分 对上述算法进行修改,将得到的最大z值的分割点和次大的分割点都记录下来,得到两个分割,则将原有的属性集划分成三部分。
上传时间: 2015-06-04
电池设计的充电器 Device : AT90S2333 File name : BC.c Ver nr. : 1.0 Description : Standalone battery Charger with AT90S2333 (main program) Compiler : IAR icca90 Author : Asmund Saetre / Terje Frostad / Dietmar Koenig Change log : 02.02.2000 Changed to fit battery Charger refrence design board AS 18.02.2000 Final test and review AS
标签: Description Standalone Device S2333
上传时间: 2014-01-23
basic Compression Library by Marcus Geelnard Release 1.2.0 2006-07-22 Introduction The basic Compression Library is a library of well known compression algorithms implemented in portable ANSI C code. For more information about the basic Compression Library, please read the manual (doc/manual.pdf) and, of course, the source code.
标签: Introduction Compression Geelnard Library
上传时间: 2015-10-06
A general technique for the recovery of signicant image features is presented. The technique is based on the mean shift algorithm, a simple nonparametric pro- cedure for estimating density gradients. Drawbacks of the current methods (including robust clustering) are avoided. Feature space of any nature can be processed, and as an example, color image segmentation is dis- cussed. The segmentation is completely autonomous, only its class is chosen by the user. Thus, the same program can produce a high quality edge image, or pro- vide, by extracting all the signicant colors, a prepro- cessor for content-based query systems. A 512 512 color image is analyzed in less than 10 seconds on a standard workstation. Gray level images are handled as color images having only the lightness coordinate
标签: technique presented features recovery
上传时间: 2015-10-14
This file is used to simulate performance of the FMT system with different modulation method in baseband。(该程序主要实现FMT系统差分编码下基带误码率分析!)
标签: performance modulation different simulate
上传时间: 2013-12-27
This a simple hardware UART test program. It receives text lines over the serial port and writes back a status msg with length and contents of the buffer.
标签: hardware receives program simple
上传时间: 2015-10-19
三相步进电机的三相六拍工作方式,正转的绕组通电顺序:A、AB、B、BC、C、CA、A,反转的通电顺序:A、AC、C、CB、B、ba、B、A。 由于步进电机转子有一定的惯性以及所带负载的惯性,故步进电机的工作过程中不能及时的启动和停止,在启动时应慢慢的加速到预定速度,在停止前应逐渐减速到停止,否则,将产生失步现象。 步进电机的控制问题可总结为两点: 1、产生工作方式需要的时序脉冲; 2、控制步进电机的速度,使它始终遵循加速、匀速、减速的规律工作。
上传时间: 2015-12-01
标签: 复杂网络
上传时间: 2015-12-29
Floating Window.It is descendant of TCustomPanel. You can: - Drag on its title bar. - Set title bar on the left (only for truetype font) - Show/Hide buttons on title bar - Expand/shrink window (like tool window in CorelDraw)
标签: title TCustomPanel descendant Floating
上传时间: 2013-12-20
robocup 的高层决策机构 if ball is kickable kick ball to goal else if i am fastest player to ball and no opponent can intercept ball intercept the ball else move to strategic position and pos ba
标签: ball kickable robocup fastest
上传时间: 2014-01-13