CMX990 demonstration bOArd (DE9901)
标签: demonstration bOArd 9901 CMX
上传时间: 2015-11-12
hyesco AT91RM9200 bOArd boot source code
上传时间: 2014-01-12
SDRAM Controller For Altera SOPC Builder and NIOS on DE2 kit bOArd
标签: Controller Builder Altera SDRAM
上传时间: 2015-11-25
SRAM Controller For Altera SOPC Builder and NIOS on DE2 kit bOArd
标签: Controller Builder Altera bOArd
上传时间: 2015-11-25
RS232 Controller For Altera SOPC Builder and NIOS on DE2 kit bOArd
标签: Controller Builder Altera bOArd
上传时间: 2013-12-27
DE2_PIO Controller For Altera SOPC Builder and NIOS on DE2 kit bOArd
标签: Controller Builder Altera bOArd
上传时间: 2015-11-25
This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development bOArd, with 16-bit DDR SDRAM and 2 Mbyte of SSRAM. As of this time, the DDR interface only works up to 120 MHz. At 130, DDR data can be read but not written. NOTE: the test bench cannot be simulated with DDR enabled because the Altera pads do not have the correct delay models. * How to program the flash prom with a FPGA programming file 1. Create a hex file of the programming file with Quartus. 2. Convert it to srecord and adjust the load address: objcopy --adjust-vma=0x800000 output_file.hexout -O srec fpga.srec 3. Program the flash memory using grmon: flash erase 0x800000 0xb00000 flash load fpga.srec
标签: Development Startix2 tailored Altera
上传时间: 2014-01-19
This is a document of embedded system bOArd PXA270L. the core is based on Xscale.
标签: document embedded Xscale system
上传时间: 2015-11-27
Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 bOArd. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.
标签: Spartan drives This perphrials
上传时间: 2014-05-29
simulink real-time workshop for dragon12 development bOArd from
标签: development real-time simulink workshop
上传时间: 2013-12-10