Embest S3C44B0X Evaluation bOArd RTC Test Example RTC Check(Y/N)? y Set Default Time at 2004-12-31 FRI 23:59:59 Set Alarm Time at 2005-01-01 00:00:01 ... RTC Alarm Interrupt O.K. ... Current Time is 2005-01-01 SAT 00:00:01 RTC Working now. To set date(Y/N)? y Current date is (2005,01,01, SAT). input new date (yy-mm-dd w): 5-2-23 3 Current date is: 2005-02-23 WED RTC Working now. To set time(Y/N)? y Current time is (00:00:21). To set time(hh:mm:ss): 19:32:5 Current Time is 2005-02-23 WED 19:32:
标签: Evaluation RTC S3C44B0X Default
上传时间: 2014-01-03
classic chess bOArd pattern recognition!
标签: recognition classic pattern chess
上传时间: 2013-11-29
his design is the initial design when the bOArd is powered-up. It increments a counter and displays the value on the 7-segment displays and LEDs. An image is also displayed on the VGA port.
标签: design increments powered-up the
上传时间: 2014-01-17
Sobel--Image Filter (I). An Image filtering is made over data loaded into the on bOArd RAM and presented on a VGA monitor.zip
标签: Image filtering Filter loaded
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Image_Filter_An_Image_halftone is performed over data loaded into the on bOArd RAM and presented on a VGA monitor
标签: Image_Filter_An_Image_halftone performed presented loaded
上传时间: 2015-10-27
The Audio project is a demo program for the Keil MCB2140 bOArd using the Philips LPC2148 Microcontroller.
标签: Microcontr the Philips project
上传时间: 2014-01-16
The Memory project is a demo program for the Keil MCB2140 bOArd using the Philips LPC2148 Microcontroller.
标签: Microcont the Philips project
上传时间: 2015-10-27
audio talkthrough example code for 533 ezkit bOArd
标签: talkthrough example audio bOArd
上传时间: 2013-12-26
这是关于Simulation and DSP bOArd Implementation of an Optical Transmission的资料,拿出来与大家分享。
标签: Implementation Transmission Simulation Optical
上传时间: 2014-12-20
this a book about protel99se,whick is used for designing electric bOArd,
标签: designing electric protel about
上传时间: 2015-11-12