上传时间: 2015-04-30
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Intel(R) i810/i815 Display Driver with DirectX Release for Microsoft Windows* CE 3.00 and Microsoft Windows* CE.Net. This driver requires either the 3.00 or the .NET release of Microsoft Windows* CE in order for it to work.
标签: Microsoft Display DirectX Release
上传时间: 2013-12-21
显示ARP缓存信息.A R P高效运行的关键是由于每个主机上都有一个A R P高速缓存。这个高速缓存存放了最 近I n t e r n e t地址到硬件地址之间的映射记录。高速缓存中每一项的生存时间一般为2 0分钟,起 始时间从被创建时开始算起。
上传时间: 2013-12-27
In most software-development organizations, the testing program functions as the final "quality gate" for an application, allowing or preventing the move from the comfort of the software-engineering environment into the real world. With this role comes a large responsibility: The success of an application, and possibly of theorganization, can rest on the quality of the software product.
标签: software-development organizations functions the
上传时间: 2015-05-03
A model of the local file system, implemented as a concrete subclass of AbstractTreeTableModel. This class implements the TreeTableModel interface.
标签: AbstractTreeTableModel implemented concrete subclass
上传时间: 2015-05-04
The subject which is to us propos¨¦ is as follows: calculation of the degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance d¡ ¯ un logical program possibilist in C++. We thus work on a logical program possibilist, it be-¨¤-statement a logical program resulting from non-classique logic. The goal first of this project is of d¨¦ terminer if a logical program is consisting or not of share the calculation of sound degr¨¦ d¡ ¯ inconsistance.
标签: brvbar calculation subject follows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
MSP430-JTAG-Adapter:MSP430-JTAG doesn’t need external power supply, as MSP430 microcontrollers require only 3-5 mA while programming and all necessary power supply is taken from the LPT port.
标签: MSP 430 microcontrollers JTAG-Adapter
上传时间: 2013-12-25
腾龙版0802液晶类显示器类程序端口说明:0802液晶:1gnd 2vcc 3vol(对比度调整) 4p2.0(RS 数据命令选择) 5p2.1(R/W读写选择) 6p2.2(E,使能信号) 7----14 p0.0-p0.7(数据总线) 倚天版液晶类显示器类程序端口说明:1602液晶:1gnd 2vcc 3vol(对比度调整) 4p3.0(RS 数据命令选择) 5p3.1(R/W读写选择) 6p3.5(E,使能信号) 7----14 p1.0-p1.7(数据总线) 注意: 倚天版和腾龙版的液晶基本相同, 0802较小一些, 显示2行8个字, 1602的液晶显示2行16个子, 同时 端口有一些变化。 参照以上的说明即可
上传时间: 2015-05-09
used to simulate CodeRed v2 worm,result as scan traffic!
标签: simulate CodeRed traffic result
上传时间: 2015-05-09