High voltage buck DC/DC controllers such as the LTC3890(dual output) and LTC3891 (single output) are popular inautomotive appliCations due to their extremely wide 4V to60V input voltage range, eliminating the need for a snubberand voltage suppression circuitry. These controllersare also well suited for 48V telecom appliCations whereno galvanic isolation is required.
上传时间: 2013-10-31
An essential component of a noise-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching regulators canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching noise. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio appliCations.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
The voltage range of Linear Technology’s PowerPath® circuitscan be easily extended with just a few components, thusallowing them to meet the needs of virtually all appliCations.This application note presents solutions for circuits thatmust withstand large negative voltages, a reverse adapterinput for example, and circuits that must withstand largepositive inputs, such as automotive load-dump.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
The LTM4601 DC/DC μModule regulator is a completehigh power density stepdown regulator for up to 12Acontinuous (14A peak) loads. The device is housed ina small 15mm ¥ 15mm ¥ 2.8mm LGA surface mountpackage, thus the large power dissipation is a challengein some appliCations. This thermal application note willprovide guidelines for using the μModule regulator inambient environments with or without air fl ow. Loadcurrent derating curves are provided for several inputvoltages and output voltages versus ambient temperatureand air fl ow.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
Sensing and/or controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in many electronics systems, and the tech-niques to do so are as diverse as the appliCations them-selves. This Application Note compiles solutions to cur-rent sensing problems and organizes the solutions by general application type. These circuits have been culled from a variety of Linear Technology documents
标签: 电流检测电路
上传时间: 2013-10-22
When a system designer specifies a nonisolated dc/dc powermodule, considering the needed input voltage range isequally as important as considering the required performanceattributes and features. Generally, nonisolated moduleshave either a narrow or a wide input voltage range. Narrowinputmodules typically have a nominal input voltage of3.3, 5, or 12 V. For systems that operate from a tightlyregulated input bus—such as those that do not use batterybackup—a narrow-input module is often adequate sincethe input remains fairly stable.Offering greater flexibility, wide-input modules operatewithin a range of 7 to 36 V, which includes the popular12- or 24-V industrial bus. This enables a single module tobe used for generating multiple voltages. These modulesare ideal for industrial controls, HVAC systems, vehicles,medical instrumentation, and other appliCations that usea loosely regulated distribution bus. In addition, systemspowered by a rectifier/battery charger with lead-acidbattery backup almost always require wide-input modules.System designers who choose power supplies may wantto take a close look at the latest generation of wide-inputdc/dc modules.
标签: Wide-input modules offer dc
上传时间: 2014-12-24
应用 appliCations·电视机、录像机、音频设备、显示器、复印机、打印装置、游戏机及计算机等。·用于开关电源线性滤波器。·削除 TV、VTR、VCR及监听器泄漏杂音。·用于OA 设备、通信设备和其它器件。·TV set, recorder, sound-frequency equipment, show-scope, photocopy-scope, typewrite equipment, recreation-scope, computer etc.·For line filters of switching power supplies.·Eliminates incoming/leaking noise of TVs, VTRs/VCRs and audio equipment .·For OA equipment, communications equipment and other electronic devices.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
Abstract: This application note describes how to build, debug, and run appliCations on the on-board MAXQ622microcontroller to interface with the DS8005 dual smart card interface. This is demonstrated in both IAREmbedded Workbench and the Rowley CrossWorks IDE, using sample code provided with the kit.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
Analog Inputs and Outputs in an S7 PLC are represented in the PLC as a 16-bit integer. Over the nominal span of the analog input or output, the value of this integer will range between - 27648 and +27648. However, it is easier to use the analog values if they are scaled to the same units and ranges as the process being controlled. This appliCations tip describes methods for scaling analog values to and from engineering units.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
Designing read/write device (RWD) units for industrial RF-Identification appliCations is strongly facilitated by the NXP Semiconductors HITAG Reader Chip HTRC110. All needed function blocks, like the antenna driver, modulator demodulator and antenna diagnosis unit, are integrated in the HTRC110. Therefore only a minimum number of additional passive components are required for a complete RWD. This Application Note describes how to design an industrial RF-Identification system with the HTRC110. The major focus is dimensioning of the antenna, all other external components including clock and power supply, as well as the demodulation principle and its implementatio
上传时间: 2013-10-22