BoboMail is a so called webmail application, which provides mail access through a web interface. It handles MIME messages properly (including HTML mails) and is implemented in Python BoboMail是一个webmail应用程序,它提供通过一个web接口的邮件访问。它可以正确处理MIME消息(包括HTML邮件),用Python实现。
标签: application interface BoboMail provides
上传时间: 2013-12-08
This article is a very simple introduction writing a Windows Form application for the Microsoft.NET framework using C#. The sample application demonstrates how to create and layout controls on a simple form and the handling of mouse click events. The application displays a form showing attributes of a file. This form is similar to the properties dialog box of a file (Right click on a file and Click on Properties menu item). Since attributes of a file will be shown, the sample will show how to use File IO operations in .NET framework.
标签: introduction application Microsoft article
上传时间: 2015-04-09
_NET和J2EE该相互学习什么 Application的Framework竟然达到了55个,并且还在日益增加。事实上J2EE开发的软肋不在于Control这个层面,而是在View。许多天才的精力都耗在重复制造轮子上,却没有想办法去完善一个或者多个Framework,这不得不让人感到痛心啊!在这一点,J2EE是不是得向.NET好好学习一下呢?在.NET的世界里,最受关注的应该是控件的开发了,一个设计良好,功能强大的控件对于提高开发效率无疑是极好的助推器。很多.NET的开发人员都将精力花在设计控件上,.NET就像一个聚宝盆一样,不断汇聚开发人员智慧结晶。在J2EE的世界里,为了减少这种资源浪费的情况,Wicket Framework的出现了。它强调组件设计和组件重用,让开发人员集中精力于组件的开发,从而增强Framework的功能已经易用性。但愿,Wicket
标签: Application Framework J2EE NET
上传时间: 2014-01-05
容 一个多线程演示时钟的例子 代码分类 APPLICATION 很不错
标签: APPLICATION 多线程 代码 分类
上传时间: 2013-12-14
SmartDeviceFramework14 安装文件 The Smart Device Framework is an application framework which enriches and extends the .NET Compact Framework.
标签: SmartDeviceFramework application Framework framework
上传时间: 2015-04-15
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm - an application
标签: Multi-objective evolutionary application algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-08
蓝牙wince测试demo Windows CE Bluetooth application sample
标签: application Bluetooth Windows sample
上传时间: 2015-04-16
This a sample Bluetooth application which illustrates the use of Windows CE Bluetooth stack WinSock getsockopt/setsockopt programming interfaces.
标签: Bluetooth application illustrates Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This a sample Bluetooth application which illustrates the use of Windows CE Bluetooth stack
标签: Bluetooth application illustrates Windows
上传时间: 2015-04-16
项目描述: g-page is a client/server application designed to send text messages to pagers and PCS phones with short messaging capabilites. g-page 是一款客户端/服务器应用程序,用来给呼机或PCS电话发送短消息。
标签: application designed messages g-page
上传时间: 2013-12-13