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  • PowerXR I2C通信时序

    This article describes the procedure to configure and program EXAR Corporation’s PowerXR Digital Power devicesvia I2C interface. Details shown here apply to XRP7704/08/40 and XRP7713/14 devices and PowerArchitectsoftware version 3.00.

    标签: PowerXR I2C 通信 时序

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 针对Xilinx FPGA的电源解决方案

    Abstract: Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are used in a wide variety of applications and end markets, including digital signalprocessing, medical imaging, and high-performance computing. This application note outlines the issues related to powering FPGAs.It also discusses Maxim's solutions for powering Xilinx® FPGAs.

    标签: Xilinx FPGA 电源解决方案

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • C8051F020数据手册

      The C8051F020/1/2/3 devices are fully integrated mixed-signal System-on-a-Chip MCUs with 64 digital I/O pins (C8051F020/2) or 32 digital I/O pins (C8051F021/3). Highlighted features are listed below; refer to Table 1.1 for specific product feature selection.

    标签: C8051F020 数据手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • Vishay新型功率MOSFET采用反向导引TO-252DP


    标签: Vishay MOSFET 252 DP

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • NIOSII用户定制指令

    With the Altera Nios II embedded processor, you as the system designercan accelerate time-critical software algorithms by adding custominstructions to the Nios II processor instruction set. Using custominstructions, you can reduce a complex sequence of standard instructionsto a single instruction implemented in hardware. You can use this featurefor a variety of applications, for example, to optimize software innerloops for digital signal processing (DSP), packet header processing, andcomputation-intensive applications. The Nios II configuration wizard,part of the Quartus® II software’s SOPC Builder, provides a graphicaluser interface (GUI) used to add up to 256 custom instructions to theNios II processor

    标签: NIOSII 用户 定制 指令

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 清华版labview教程,下载(12.25)

    第一章   虚拟仪器及labview入门 1.1       虚拟仪器概述 1.2       labview是什么? 1.3       labview的运行机制 1.3.1 labview应用程序的构成 1.3.2 labview的操作模板 1.4 labview的初步操作 1.4.1 创建VI和调用子VI 1.4.2 程序调试技术 1.4.3 子VI的建立 1.5 图表(Chart)入门 第二章   程序结构 2.1       循环结构 2.1.1 While 循环 2.1.2 移位寄存器 2.1.3 For循环 2.2       分支结构:Case 2.3       顺序结构和公式节点 2.3.1       顺序结构 2.3.2       公式节点 第三章   数据类型:数组、簇和波形(Waveform) 3.1 数组和簇 3.2  数组的创建及自动索引 3.2.1 创建数组 3.2.2 数组控制对象、常数对象和显示对象 3.2.3       自动索引 3.3       数组功能函数 3.4       什么是多态化(Polymorphism)? 3.5 簇 3.5.1 创建簇控制和显示 3.5.2       使用簇与子VI传递数据 3.5.3       用名称捆绑与分解簇 3.5.4       数组和簇的互换 3.6 波形(Waveform)类型 第四章   图形显示 4.1       概述 4.2       Graph控件 4.3       Chart的独有控件 4.4       XY图形控件(XY Graph) 4.5       强度图形控件(Intensity Graph) 4.6       数字波形图控件(Digital Waveform Graph) 4.7       3D图形显示控件(3D Graph) 第五章   字符串和文件I/ 5.1 字符串 5.2 文件的输入/输出(I/O) 5.2.1 文件 I/O 功能函数 5.2.2 将数据写入电子表格文 5.3       数据记录文件(datalog file) 第六章   数据采集 6.1       概述 6.1.1       采样定理与抗混叠滤波器 6.1.2       数据采集系统的构成 6.1.3       模入信号类型与连接方式 6.1.4       信号调理 6.1.5       数据采集问题的复杂程度评估  6.2 缓冲与触发 6.2.1 缓冲(Buffers) 6.2.2 触发(Triggering) 6.3 模拟I/O(Analog I/O) 6.3.1 基本概念 6.3.2 简单 Analog I/O 6.3.3       中级Analog I/O 6.4 数字I/O(Digital I/O) 6.5 采样注意事项 6.5.1 采样频率的选择 6.5.2        6.5.3       多任务环境 6.6 附:PCI-MIO-16E-4数据采集卡简介 第七章   信号分析与处理 7.1 概述   7.2 信号的产生 7.3 标准频率 7.4 数字信号处理 7.4.1 FFT变换 7.4.2 窗函数 7.4.3 频谱分析 7.4.4 数字滤波 7.4.5 曲线拟合 第八章    labview程序设计技巧 8.1    局部变量和全局变量                    8.2              属性节点 8.3              VI选项设置 第九章   测量专题 9.1       概述 9.1.1       模入信号类型与连接方式 9.1.2       信号调理 9.2 电压测量 9.3  频率测量 9.4 相位测量 9.5 功率测量 9.6       阻抗测量 9.7       示波器 9.8       波形记录与回放 9.9       元件伏安特性的自动测试 9.10 扫频仪 9.11 函数发生器 9.12 实验数据处理 9.13 频域分析 9.14 时域分析 第十章   网络与通讯 第十一章              仪器控制

    标签: labview 12.25 清华 教程

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • ADS to MDK转换例程

    ADS to MDK 转换例程由西安毕博制作的MDK指导视频,下载后打开Realview mdk1.htm页面即可播放,内容包括:模拟仿真、开发环境的建立、启动代码概述等,是您尽快上手MDK的好工具

    标签: ADS MDK to 转换

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • MAX16948双遥控天线LDO开关

      Abstract: This application note helps system designers choose the correct external components for use with the MAX16948 dualremote antenna LDO/switch, thus ensuring that automobile-regulated phantom antenna supply and output-current-monitoring circuitrymeet performance objectives. An electronic calculator is provided that helps specify the critical external components for theMAX16948, thus reducing design time. The calculator also determines the device's analog output voltage, output current-limitthreshold, and output current-sensing accuracies. The calculator includes new automatic Step By Step feature that assists designerswith component choice. To use the new automatic feature, click on the Step By Step button relative to the desired section.

    标签: 16948 MAX LDO 遥控天线

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 基于塑料光纤的高压隔离通信接口设计

     通过比较各种隔离数字通信的特点和应用范围,指出塑料光纤在隔离数字通信中的优势。使用已经标准化的TOSLINK接口,有利于节省硬件开发成本和简化设计难度。给出了塑料光纤的硬件驱动电路,说明设计过程中的注意事项,对光收发模块的电压特性和频率特性进行全面试验,并给出SPI口使用塑料光纤隔离通信的典型应用电路图。试验结果表明,该设计可为电力现场、电力电子及仪器仪表的设计提供参考。 Abstract:  y comparing characteristics and applications area of various isolated digital communications, this article indicates advantages of plastic optical fiber in isolated digital communications. Using the standardized TOSLINK interface, it helps to control costs and difficulty in hardware development and design. Then it gives the hardware driver circuit of plastic optical fiber module, explains the noticed details in design process, gives results on the basis of the optical transceiver module voltage characteristics and frequency characteristics tests. Finally,it gives typical application circuit of the SPI communication port by using plastic optical fiber isolation .The results show that this design can be referenced for the power field, power electronics and instrumentation design.

    标签: 塑料光纤 高压隔离 通信 接口设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 差分電路中單端及混合模式S-參數的使用

    Single-Ended and Differential S-Parameters Differential circuits have been important incommunication systems for many years. In the past,differential communication circuits operated at lowfrequencies, where they could be designed andanalyzed using lumped-element models andtechniques. With the frequency of operationincreasing beyond 1GHz, and above 1Gbps fordigital communications, this lumped-elementapproach is no longer valid, because the physicalsize of the circuit approaches the size of awavelength.Distributed models and analysis techniques are nowused instead of lumped-element techniques.Scattering parameters, or S-parameters, have beendeveloped for this purpose [1]. These S-parametersare defined for single-ended networks. S-parameterscan be used to describe differential networks, but astrict definition was not developed until Bockelmanand others addressed this issue [2]. Bockelman’swork also included a study on how to adapt single-ended S-parameters for use with differential circuits[2]. This adaptation, called “mixed-mode S-parameters,” addresses differential and common-mode operation, as well as the conversion betweenthe two modes of operation.This application note will explain the use of single-ended and mixed-mode S-parameters, and the basicconcepts of microwave measurement calibration.

    标签: 差分電路 單端 模式

    上传时间: 2014-03-25
