GTRACK Track mouse position and show coordinates in figure title. Once GTRACK is active the mouse position is constantly tracked and printed on the current figure title. A left-click will print the coordinates in the command line and store them. Clicking the mouse right button deactivates GTRACK.
标签: GTRACK mouse coordinates position
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The Microsoft® active Directory™ Service Interfaces (ADSI) Software Development Kit (SDK) is a client-side product, based on the Component Object Model (COM), that defines a directory service model and a set of COM interfaces that enables Microsoft Windows NT® /Windows® 2000 and Windows 95 client applications to access several network directory services.
标签: Development Interfaces Microsoft Directory
上传时间: 2013-12-25
图像处理的关于Snakes : active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5]Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6]An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]active Contours Without Edges.pdf 学习图像处理的人必看的几篇文章
标签: Contour Snakes active Models
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Study of active Queue Management Using OPNET
标签: Management active Study Queue
上传时间: 2015-12-16
A Comparison of Load-based and Queue-based active Queue Management Algorithms
标签: Queue-based Comparison Algorithms Load-based
上传时间: 2015-12-16
PURPLE: Predictive active Queue Management Utilizing Congestion Information
标签: Information Management Congestion Predictive
上传时间: 2015-12-16
介绍 active Server Pages,解释 active Server Pages 脚本的基本概念,并讨论诸如如何维持状态之类的更复杂的应用程序问题。
上传时间: 2015-12-29
Microsoft active Server Pages 即我们所称的 ASP ,其实是一套微软开发的服务器端脚本环境, ASP 内含于 IIS 3.0 和 4.0 之中 , 通过 ASP 我们可以结合 HTML 网页、 ASP 指令和 activeX 元件建立动态、交互且高效的 WEB 服务器应用程序。有了 ASP 你就不必担心客户的浏览器是否能运行你所编写的代码,因为所有的程序都将在服务器端执行,包括所有嵌在普通 HTML 中的脚本程序。当程序执行完毕后,服务器仅将执行的结果返回给客户浏览器,这样也就减轻了客户端浏览器的负担,大大提高了交互的速度。 以下罗列了 active Server Pages 所独具的一些特点
标签: Microsoft active Server Pages
上传时间: 2016-01-06
active shape model的matlab代码实现,用于图像处理,模式识别等方面
上传时间: 2016-02-29
TestAD is an example for active directory
标签: directory example TestAD active
上传时间: 2013-12-24