上传时间: 2013-12-06
delphi audio 处理控件,包括wave格式的转换,音频控制,录音,播放等功能。
上传时间: 2017-03-18
这是I2c网关Id独立烧写程序, 烧写的ID必须要求是:“0~9”、“a~z”、“A~Z”的16为字符才能烧写成功。 其中当是输入的小写字母时,自动转换为大些烧入。 如: 1) # ./burnID 0123456789abcdef 烧入的是:0123456789ABCDEF 2] # ./burnID 0123456789@ cdef 烧入不成功,因为有其他字符 3) # ./burnID 0123456789abcdefDfs 烧入也不成,因为超过16个字符 built-in analog anti-aliasing filters, four 10bit Analog-to-Digital converters, and proprietary digital gain/clamp controller, high quality Y/C separator to reduce cross-noise and high performance free scaler. Four built-in motion,
上传时间: 2017-03-20
上传时间: 2014-11-18
1. 在No.1图形窗口中绘制 y=sin(x)在[0,2*pi]内的曲线。要求曲线的颜色为绿色,线型为 点划线,用*标示坐标点,在x轴的附近用 黑体 标注 ‘x轴’字样,在图形的上方加上标题 ‘正弦函数’,严格控制x,y轴分度相等,并开启网格。 2. 在No.2图形窗口中创建四个子窗口,在第一、二子窗口中用不同的方法同时绘制 y=x^2,y=-x^2,y=x^2*sin(x) 在[0,2*pi]内的曲线,并要给出标注 在第三个子窗口中绘制 三维曲线 3. 把No.3图形窗口分成五个子窗口,分别用plot3 mesh meshc meshz surf 来绘制 z=x*exp(-x^2-y^2) 在 -5=<x,y<=5 内的空间曲面图形,说明他们的区别,其中要求在用surf绘制的窗口内加入位置为[1,0.5,2]的光源,加入颜色标尺,采用spring色系
上传时间: 2017-03-30
It was proposed that perfect invisibility cloaks can be constructed for hiding objects from electromagnetic illumination (Pendry et al., Science 312, p. 1780). The cylindrical cloaks experimentally demonstrated (Schurig et al., Science 314, p. 997) and theoretically proposed (Cai et al., Nat. Photon. 1, p. 224) have however simplified material parameters in order to facilitate easier realization as well as to avoid infinities in optical constants. Here we show that the cylindrical cloaks with simplified material parameters inherently allow the zeroth-order cylindrical wave to pass through the cloak as if the cloak is made of a homogeneous isotropic medium, and thus visible. To all high-order cylindrical waves, our numerical simulation suggests that the simplified cloak inherits some properties of the ideal cloak, but finite scatterings exist.
标签: invisibility constructed proposed electrom
上传时间: 2013-12-18
We analyze, both analytically and numerically, the effectiveness of cloaking an infinite cylinder from observations by electromagnetic waves in three dimensions. We show that, as truncated approximations of the ideal permittivity and permeability tensors tend towards the singular ideal cloaking fields, so that the anisotropy ratio tends to infinity, the D and B fields blow up near the cloaking surface. Since the metamaterials used to implement cloaking are based on effective medium theory, the resulting large variation in D and B will pose a challenge to the suitability of the field averaged characterization of " and 碌. We also consider cloaking with and without the SHS (softand- hard surface) lining, shown in [6] to be theoretically necessary for cloaking in the cylindrical geometry. We demonstrate numerically that cloaking is significantly improved by the SHS lining, with both the far field of the scattered wave significantly reduced and the blow up of D and B prevented.
标签: effectiveness analytically numerically cloaking
上传时间: 2017-03-30
上传时间: 2017-03-30
上传时间: 2013-12-31
①把settle定义成char型变量 ②settle=(settle>= A && settle <= B ) 写错了,改成(settle>= A && settle <= Z ) ③scanf函数后面加一句getchar()用来吸收回车键
上传时间: 2017-04-21