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  • 基于ARM的嵌入式闪存文件系统与FLASH驱动的研究与实践

    本文以一个PDA项目为依托,在项目中,主要是开发该设备的软件。其工作包括:上层应用程序的开发、引导程序的编写、Linux操作系统的移植和各种外设驱动程序的编写以及文件系统的改进。 本文首先分析了Linux操作系统的虚拟文件系统、高速缓冲区、MTD以及驱动程序模块。接着,本文分析了JFFS2文件系统的不足,以及在大容量闪存设备中挂载速度过慢的原因。然后,本文结合JFFS2文件系统在开发过程中所出现的各种问题,以及在大容量闪存芯片上进行挂载时的性能要求,对JFFS2文件系统作了一些实际的改进。文中的创新性贡献包括以下几个方面: (1)在扫描一个擦除块之前,首先把擦除块中的所有内容读进内存。然后,在内存中进行所有的判断操作以及拷贝,这样就可以减少I/O操作。另外,由于所有的拷贝操作都在内存中进行,所以挂载速度就可以有所提升。 (2)通过加入“空闲区域管理节点”对闪存中的空闲区域进行管理。这样,在扫描的过程中,一旦发现该节点就可以跳过它所描述的空闲区域,从而加快挂载的速度。 (3)在扫描的阶段中对有效数据实体进行硬链接数的计算,因此,临时目录节点就不需要创建了,这样也免除了临时目录的删除步骤,所以对挂载速度也有明显的提高。 最后,基于以上的研究与改进,结合本项目的实际要求,对大容量闪存设备的JFFS2文件系统的挂载过程进行了改进的实践。

    标签: FLASH ARM 嵌入式闪存 实践

    上传时间: 2013-07-26


  • LaunchPad_Temp_GUI.zip

    Ti LaunchPad_Temp_GUI for your reference Select COM port that LaunchPad is connected to * receive serial communication from LaunchPad for * instantaneous temperature readings.

    标签: LaunchPad_Temp_GUI zip

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 雷达信号处理系统的设计与FPGA实现

    雷达信号处理是雷达系统的重要组成部分。在数字信号处理技术飞速发展的今天,雷达信号处理中也普遍使用数字信号处理技术。而现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在数字信号处理中的广泛应用,使得FPGA在雷达信号处理中也占据了重要地位。 针对雷达信号处理的设计与实现,本文在以下两个方面展开研究: 一方面以线性调频信号(LFM)为例,分别对几种基本的雷达信号处理,如正交相干检波、脉冲压缩、动目标显示(MTI)/动目标检测(MTD)和恒虚警(CFAR)详细地阐述了其原理,在此基础上给出了其经常采用的实现方法,并在MATLAB环境中对各个环节进行了参数化仿真,详尽地给出了各环节的仿真波形图。针对仿真结果,直观形象地说明了不同实现方法的优劣。 另一方面结合MATLAB仿真结果,给出利用FPGA实现雷达信号处理的方案。在Xilinx ISE6.3i软件集成环境下,通过对Xilinx提供的IP核的调用,并与VHDL语言相结合,完成雷达信号处理的FPGA实现。

    标签: FPGA 雷达信号 处理系统

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • allegro cx manual教程

    We would like to welcome you as a user of the Allegro CX, a rugged, handheld fi  eld PC for data collection. Developed with the input of data collection professionals worldwide, the Allegro CX is adaptable and versatile for use in a wide variety of data collection environments. The Allegro CX continues to utilize our ergonomic, lightweight design that is standard in our line of Allegro Field PCs. This design makes your Allegro easy to use for extended periods while moving to and from data collection sites in the fi  eld.  

    标签: allegro manual cx 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • Stabilize Your Transimpedance Amplifier

      Abstract: Transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) are widely used to translate the current output of sensors like photodiode-to-voltagesignals, since several circuits and instruments can only accept voltage input. An operational amplifier with a feedback resistor fromoutput to the inverting input is the most straightforward implementation of such a TIA. However, even this simple TIA circuit requirescareful trade-offs among noise gain, offset voltage, bandwidth, and stability. Clearly stability in a TIA is essential for good, reliableperformance. This application note explains the empirical calculations for assessing stability and then shows how to fine-tune theselection of the feedback phase-compensation capacitor.

    标签: Transimpedance Stabilize Amplifier Your

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • PCB Design Considerations and Guidelines for 0.4mm and 0.5mm WLPs

    Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become more complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations for choosing a 0.4mm- or 0.5mm-pitch WLP for yourapplication.

    标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • 智能LED照明电子教材

    Abstract: How smart is your LED lighting system? While LED lighting holds the promise of reducingenergy consumption and maintenance costs, smart LED lighting designs improve system performance in

    标签: LED 照明 教材 电子

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • OPTI-LOOP架构降低输出电容和改善瞬态响应

      Removing output capacitors saves money and boardspace. Linear Technology’s OPTI-LOOPTM architectureallows you to use the output capacitors of your choice andcompensate the control loop for optimum transientresponse and loop stability. Figure 1 shows the dramaticimprovement possible with the OPTI-LOOP architecture.With the improvement shown in Figure 1, less capacitance

    标签: OPTI-LOOP 架构 输出电容 瞬态响应

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • 无线通信网络基本概念及设计

    This white paper raises some fundamental issues the design engineer should address before deciding upon a communication approach for a wireless network. As no universal wireless network solution exists, it should be custom tailored to suit the application demands. Defining your application communication characteristics is the key to ensure optimal communication reliability and resistance to interfering noise sources.

    标签: 无线通信网络 基本概念

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • S7-300 and M7-300 Programmable

    Safety GuidelinesThis manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as well as toprotect the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted in the manual by a warningtriangle and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:

    标签: Programmable 300 and

    上传时间: 2013-12-12
