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  • PW4054_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW4054 是一款性能优异的单节锂离子电池恒流/恒压线性充电器。PW4054 适合给 USB 电源以及适配器电源供电。基于特殊的内部 MOSFET 架构以及防倒充电路, PW4054 不需要外接检测电阻和隔离二极管。当外部环境温度过高或者在大功率应用时,热反馈可以调节充电电流以降低芯片温度。充电电压固定在 4.2V,而充电电流则可以通过一个电阻器进行外部设置。当充电电流在达到最终浮充电压之后降至设定值的 1/10,芯片将终止充电循环。当输入电压断开时, PW4054 进入睡眠状态,电池漏电流将降到 1uA 以下。 PW4054 还可以被设置于停机模式,此时芯片静态电流降至 25uA。PW4054 还包括其他特性:欠压锁定,自动再充电和充电状态标志。PW4054 采用 SOT23-5L 封装配合较少的外围原件使其非常适用于便携式产品

    标签: pw4054

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW4053-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW4053 是一款 5V 输入,最大 1.2A 充电电流,支持三节锂离子电池的升压充电管理 IC。PW4053 集成功率 MOS,采用异步开关架构,使其在应用时仅需极少的外围器件,可有效减少整体方案尺寸,降低 BOM 成本。 PW4053 的升压开关充电转换器的工作频率为 500KHz,转换效率为90%。PW4053 输入电压为 5V,内置自适应环路,可智能调节充电电流大小,防止拉垮适配器输出,可匹配所有适配器。PW4053 提供 SOP8-EP 封装形式, 工作温度额定范围为-40℃至 85℃

    标签: pw4053

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW3467-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3467 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw3467

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW3428-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3428 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw3428

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW3407_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3407 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw3407

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW3400A_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3400A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw3400a

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW3130_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW3130 series product is a high integration solution for lithium-lion/polymer batteryprotection.PW3130 contains advanced power MOSFET, high-accuracy voltage detection circuits anddelay circuits. PW3130 is put into an ultra-small SOT23-5 package and only one external componentmakes it an ideal solution in limited space of battery pack. PW3130 has all the protection functionsrequired in the battery application including overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and loadshort circuiting protection etc. The accurate overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and fullutilization charging.The low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage. Thedevice is not only targeted for digital cellular phones, but also for any other Li-Ion and Li-Polybattery-powered information appliances requiring long-term battery life

    标签: pw3130

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2906_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW2906 是一款高效 、 高压降压型 DC-DC 转换器,固定 150KHz 开关频率,可提供最高 0.6A输出电流能力,低纹波,出色的线性调整率与负载调整率。PW2906 内置固定频率振荡器与频率补偿电路,简化了电路设计。 PWM 控制环路可以调节占空比从 0~100%之间线性变化。PW2906 输出 5V 时最大 0.6A 输出电流, 输出 15V 时最大 0.3A 输出电流

    标签: pw2906

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2902_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW2902 是一款支持宽电压输入的开关降压型 DC-DC,芯片内置 100V/5A 功率 MOS,最高输入电压 90V。 PW2902 具有低待机功耗、高效率、低纹波、优异的母线电压调整率和负载调整率等特性。支持大电流输出,输出电流可达 2A 以上。 PW2902 同时支持输出恒压和输出恒流功能。PW2902 采用固定频率的 PWM 控制方式,典型开关频率为 140KHz。轻载时会自动降低开关频率以获得高转换效率。 PW2902 内部集成软启动以及过温保护电路,输出短路保护,限流保护等功能,提高系统可靠性。PW2902 支持输出电压 5V 和 12V 时, 输出电流 2 安培

    标签: pw2902

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2606B.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2606B is a front-end over voltage and over current protection device. It achieves wide inputvoltage range from 2.5VDC to 40VDC. The over voltage threshold can be programmed externally orset to internal default setting. The low resistance of integrated power path nFET switch ensures betterperformance for battery charging system applications. It can deliver up to 1A current to satisfy thebattery supply system. It integrates the over-temperature protection shutdown and auto-recoverycircuit with hysteresis to protect against over current events

    标签: pw2606b

    上传时间: 2022-02-11
