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  • Virtualization Essentials

    The information age is exploding around us, giving us access to dizzying amounts of data the instant it becomes available. Smart phones and tablets provide an untethered experience that offers stream- ing video, audio, and other media formats to just about any place on the planet. Even people Who are not “computer literate” use Facebook to catch up with friends and family, use Google to research a new restaurant choice and print directions to get there, or Tweet their reactions once they have sampled the fare. The budding Internet-of-things will only catalyze this data eruption. The infrastructure supporting these services is also growing exponentially, and the technology that facilitates this rapid growth is virtualization.

    标签: Virtualization Essentials

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Communication Technology

    This is a book on wireless communication. That usually means communica- tion by radio, though ultrasound and infrared light are also used occasion- ally. The term “wireless” has come to mean nonbroadcast communication, usually between individuals Who very often use portable or mobile equip- ment. The term is rather vague, of course, and there are certainly borderline applications that are called wireless without falling exactly into the above definition.

    标签: Communication Technology Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Home+Automation+Projects

    You probably have heard all about what you can do with the Raspberry Pi. This credit- card sized computer can be plugged into your TV or any HDMI monitor to replace a typical computer. This little device is used in many computer projects, DIY electronics projects and even as a learning tool for kids Who want to learn the basics of computer programming.

    标签: Automation Projects Home

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • RFID+Essentials

    LIKE SO MANY OTHERS , THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN BECAUSE WE COULDN ’ T FIND ONE LIKE IT . We needed something to hand to all of those people Who have come to us asking for “a good book to read on RFID.” When we looked for candidates we found some great books, but most were aimed at electrical engineers or top-level managers, with very little for those of us Who are in between. This book is for developers, system and software architects, and project managers, as well as students and professionals in all of the industries impacted by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Who want to understand how this technology works. As the title suggests, this book is about RFID in general and not just the most recent developments; however, because so much is going on in the area of RFID for the supply chain and especially the Electronic Product Code (EPC), we have devoted consider- able space to these topics. Regardless of the type of RFID work you may be doing, we think you will find something useful here.

    标签: Essentials RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Beginning+C+for+Arduino

    I can remember buying my first electronic calculator. I was teaching a graduate level statistics course and I had to have a calculator with a square root function. Back in the late 1960s, that was a pretty high-end requirement for a calculator. I managed to purchase one at the “educational discount price” of $149.95! Now, I look down at my desk at an ATmega2560 that is half the size for less than a quarter of the cost and think of all the possibilities built into that piece of hardware. I am amazed by what has happened to everything from toasters to car engines. Who-da-thunk-it 40 years ago?

    标签: Beginning Arduino for

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Practical Arduino Cool Projects

    Phenomenon is an overused and overloaded term, but somehow it seems appropriate for Arduino—an endeavor that has caught the attention of an astonishingly wide range of people and provided opportunities for those Who might otherwise have never picked up a soldering iron or written a single line of code. From dyed-in-the-wool hardware hackers to web page developers, robotics enthusiasts to installation artists, textile students to musicians: all can be found in the Arduino community. The versatility of the platform encompassing both hardware and software, combined with its inherent openness, has captured the imagination of tens of thousands of developers.

    标签: Practical Projects Arduino Cool

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fifth

    The countless technological advances of the twentieth century require that futureengineering educationemphasizebridging thegapbetweentheoryand the real world.Thisedition hasbeenprepared withparticular attentiontothe needs of undergraduates, especially those Who seek a solid foundation in control theory aswellas an ability tobridgethe gapbetween control theory and itsreal- world applications.To help the reader achieve this goal, computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to encourage good habits of computerliteracy.Each CADAC uses fundamentalconcepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

    标签: Analysis Control Linear Design System Fifth and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Digital.Image.Processing.

    This edition of Digital Image Processing is a major revision of the book. As in the 1977 and 1987 editions by Gonzalez and Wintz, and the 1992, 2002, and 2008 editions by Gonzalez and Woods, this sixth-generation edition was prepared with students and instructors in mind. The principal objectives of the book continue to be to provide an introduction to basic concepts and methodologies applicable to digital image processing, and to develop a foundation that can be used as the basis for further study and research in this field. To achieve these objectives, we focused again on material that we believe is fundamental and Whose scope of application is not limited to the solution of specialized problems. The mathematical complexity of the book remains at a level well within the grasp of college seniors and first-year graduate students Who have introductory preparation in mathematical analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, linear systems, and computer programming. The book website provides tutorials to support readers needing a review of this background material

    标签: Processing Digital Image

    上传时间: 2021-02-20


  • 开关电源设计(英文版)

    It all started rather innocuously. I walked into Dr GT Murthy’s office one fine day, andchanged my life. “Doc” was then the General Manager, Central R&D, of a very largeelectrical company headquartered in Bombay. In his new state-of-the-art electronics center,he had hand-picked some of India’s best engineers (over a hundred already) ever assembledunder one roof. Luckily, he too was originally a Physicist, and that certainly helped me gainsome empathy. Nowadays he is in retirement, but I will always remember him as athoroughly fair, honest and facts-oriented person, Who led by example. There were severalthings I absorbed from him that are very much part of my basic engineering persona today.You can certainly look upon this book as an extension of what Doc started many years agoin India … because that’s what it really is! I certainly wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t metDoc. And in fact, several of the brash, high-flying managers I’ve met in recent years,desperately need some sort of crash course in technology and human values from Doc!

    标签: 开关电源

    上传时间: 2021-11-23


  • Ansoft0MaxwellV12电机瞬态分析教程

    This Getting Started Guide is written for Maxwell beginners and experienced users Who would like to quickly re familiarize themselves with the capabilities of MaxwelL.This guide leads you step-by-step through solving and analyzing the results of a rotational actuator magnetostatic problem with motion By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks Modify a models design parameters y Assign variables to a model's design parameters.Specify solution settings for a design Validate a designs setupRun a maxwell simulation v Plot the magnetic flux density vecto v Include motion in the simulation本《入门指南》是为希望快速重新熟悉MaxwelL功能的Maxwell初学者和有经验的用户编写的。本指南将引导您逐步解决和分析旋转致动器静运动问题的结果。按照本指南中的步骤,您将学习如何执行以下任务。修改模型设计参数y将变量分配给模型的设计参数。指定设计的解决方案设置验证设计设置运行maxwell模拟v绘制磁通密度vecto v在模拟中包含运动

    标签: ansoft maxwell

    上传时间: 2022-03-10
