原文书名: 《WRITING Clean Code ── Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs》 Steve maguire 著 Microsoft Press 出版 所据译本: 《编程精粹 ── Microsoft 编写优质无错C 程序秘诀》 姜静波、佟金荣 译,麦中凡 校 电子工业出版社 出版 整理: Solmyr:序、某些背景、命名约定、引言、第1、2、3、8 章、后记、参考文献 iliad: 第4、5 章 lavos: 第6 章、附录A warz: 第7 章 chief: 附录B、C
标签: Developing Techniques Microsoft Bug-free
上传时间: 2013-11-25
WRITING an Input Module The sample module introduced here is called idiom (Input Device for Intercepting Output of Mice), The sample module registers itself with the USB kernel subsystem as a mouse driver and with the input management subsystem as a keyboard driver. idiom translates mouse movement events into keyboard input events: it reports arrow events to the input system according to how the physical mouse is moved.
标签: Input introduced WRITING Device
上传时间: 2015-06-25
编程精粹 ─── Microsoft 编写优质无错C 程序秘诀 WRITING Clean Code ─── Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs Steve Maguire 著 姜静波 佟金荣 译 麦中凡 校 电子工业出版社 编写优化、高效、无错地代码 2 这份电子书籍由PC Home 俱乐部、C++ Bulider 讨论区数位网友分别整理完成,基本 上完全按照所据译本原貌,极少数文字为通顺起见稍作修改。由于并非一人整理完成,书 中例程各章节代码书写风格可能稍有不同,如指针声明,以下两种写法都存在: void* pv // ‘*’号与类型说明符相连 void *pv // ‘*’号与变量名相连
标签: Microsoft Developing Techniques WRITING
上传时间: 2014-01-23
this is an C ebook for WRITING high quality C language
标签: language quality WRITING ebook
上传时间: 2015-08-07
WRITING Effective Use Cases
标签: Effective WRITING Cases Use
上传时间: 2014-01-20
WRITING Bug-Free C Code
上传时间: 2014-01-23
This serial client in JAVA allows sending, reading and WRITING of SMS via a serial COM port. The tool uses the PDU SMS format. IRDA drivers are included. The functionality can be implemented into applications for remote alerting or SMS authentification.
标签: serial sending reading WRITING
上传时间: 2013-12-17
嵌入式教程:Xilinx Spartan3e 开发环境:EDK 实验教程4:WRITING Basic Software Applications
标签: Applications Spartan3e Software WRITING
上传时间: 2013-12-24
基于DOS系统下的多任务类库。Class DOS Thread provides a framework for WRITING DOS applications
标签: DOS applications framework provides
上传时间: 2014-12-19
WRITING Enterprise Applications with Javaä 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition
标签: Enterprise Applications WRITING Edition
上传时间: 2013-12-21