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  • Next-Generation+Wireless+Technologies

    In the past few decades, a technological revolution has occurred that has changed the WAY we live in dramatic WAYs. This technological revolution is the result of the emergence and evolution of a wide variety of new wireless networking tech- nologies. Now people using these technologies are able to access the network and control many applications at will with their handheld devices anywhere, anytime. Although these technologies have made a long lasting impact in the revolution, it has also opened up various challenging issues which are yet to be resolved to make them more efficient and cost-effective. 

    标签: Next-Generation Technologies Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communications

    The ever-increasing demand for private and sensitive data transmission over wireless net- works has made security a crucial concern in the current and future large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, computer scientists and engineers have tried hard to continuously come up with improved crypto- graphic algorithms. But typically we do not need to wait too long to find an efficient WAY to crack these algorithms. With the rapid progress of computational devices, the current cryptographic methods are already becoming more unreliable. In recent years, wireless re- searchers have sought a new security paradigm termed physical layer security. Unlike the traditional cryptographic approach which ignores the effect of the wireless medium, physi- cal layer security exploits the important characteristics of wireless channel, such as fading, interference, and noise, for improving the communication security against eavesdropping attacks. This new security paradigm is expected to complement and significantly increase the overall communication security of future wireless networks.

    标签: Communications Physical Security Wireless Layer in

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Practical+Guide+to+MIMO

    The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio channel, which is an intelligent communication method based upon using multiple antennas. The book opens by explaining MIMO in layman’s terms to help stu- dents and people in industry working in related areas become easily familiarised with the concept. Therefore the structure of the book will be carefully arranged to allow a user to progress steadily through the chapters and understand the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO through the visual and explanatory WAY in which they will be written. It is the intention that several references will also be provided, leading to further reading in this highly researched technology.

    标签: Practical Guide MIMO to

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Radio+Resource+Allocation

    We are currently witnessing an increase in telecommunications norms and standards given the recent advances in this domain. The increasing number of normalized standards paves the WAY for an increase in the range of offers and services available for each consumer. Moreover, the majority of available radio frequencies have already been allocated.

    标签: Allocation Resource Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Radio+Resource+Management+Strategies

    It is more than a decade since GSM was first commercially available. After some unexpected delay, it seems that finally UMTS is here to stay as a 3G system standardised by 3GPP, at least for another ten years. UMTS will enable multi-service, multi-rate and flexible IP native-based mobile technologies to be used in wide area scenarios and also pave the WAY for a smooth transition from circuit switched voice networks to mobile packet services.

    标签: Management Strategies Resource Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Software+Defined+Radio+for+3G

    Software defined radio (SDR) is an exciting new field for the wireless indus- try; it is gaining momentum and beginning to be included in commercial and defense products. The technology offers the potential to revolutionize the WAY radios are designed, manufactured, deployed, and used. SDR prom- ises to increase flexibility, extend hardware lifetime, lower costs, and reduce time to market

    标签: Software Defined Radio for 3G

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks

    A wireless communication network can be viewed as a collection of nodes, located in some domain, which can in turn be transmitters or receivers (depending on the network considered, nodes may be mobile users, base stations in a cellular network, access points of a WiFi mesh etc.). At a given time, several nodes transmit simultaneously, each toward its own receiver. Each transmitter–receiver pair requires its own wireless link. The signal received from the link transmitter may be jammed by the signals received from the other transmitters. Even in the simplest model where the signal power radiated from a point decays in an isotropic WAY with Euclidean distance, the geometry of the locations of the nodes plays a key role since it determines the signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) at each receiver and hence the possibility of establishing simultaneously this collection of links at a given bit rate. The interference seen by a receiver is the sum of the signal powers received from all transmitters, except its own transmitter.

    标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and II

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Tactical+Wireless+Communications+and+Networks

    Before I can present design concepts or tactical wireless communications and network challenges, I feel the need to mention the challenges of writing for a field where some information is not available for public domain and cannot be included in this book’s context. Another challenge is the use of military jargon and the extensive number of abbreviations (and abbreviations of abbreviations!) in the field. Engineering books are naturally dry, and I have attempted to make it light by presenting the concepts in layman’s terms before diving into the technical details. I am structuring this book in such a WAY as to make it useful for a specialized graduate course in tactical communications and networking, or as a reference book in the field.

    标签: Communications Tactical Networks Wireless and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems 1st

    In this book we focus on the basic signal processing that underlies current and future ultra wideband systems. By looking at signal processing in this WAY we hope this text will be useful even as UWB applications mature and change or regulations regarding ultra wideband systems are modified. The current UWB field is extremely dynamic, with new techniques and ideas being presented at every communications and signal-processing conference. The basic signal-processing techniques presented in this text though will not change for some time to come. Thus, we have taken a somewhat theoretical approach, which we believe is longer lasting and more useful to the reader in the long term than an up-to-the-minute summary that is out of date as soon as it is published.

    标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra 1st

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Receiver Architectures and Design

    The advent of modern wireless devices, such as smart phones and MID 1 terminals, has revolutionized the WAY people think of personal connectivity. Such devices encompass multiple applications ranging from voice and video to high-speed data transfer via wireless networks. The voracious appetite of twenty-first century users for supporting more wireless applications on a single device is ever increasing. These devices employ multiple radios and modems that cover multiple frequency bands and multiple standards with a manifold of wireless applications often running simultaneously. 

    标签: Architectures Wireless Receiver Design and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
