We are providing the best information available to us as at date of writing and intend to update it at frequent intervals as things change and/or more information becomes available. However we intend this Q&A as a guide only and recommend that users obtain specific information to determine applicability to their specific requirements. (This is another WAY of saying that we can t be held liable or responsible for the content.)
标签: information providing available writing
上传时间: 2017-07-22
Exploring C++ uses a series of self–directed lessons to divide C++ into bite–sized chunks that you can digest as rapidly as you can swallow them. The book assumes only a basic understanding of fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions, expressions, statements) and requires no prior knowledge of C or any other particular language. It reduces the usually considerable complexity of C++. The included lessons allow you to learn by doing, as a participant of an interactive education session. You’ll master each step in a one sitting before you proceed to the next. Author Ray Lischner has designed questions to promote learning new material. And by responding to questions throughout the text, youll be engaged every step of the WAY.
标签: Exploring directed lessons series
上传时间: 2014-11-15
After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponary, steps forwards and crushes both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponary and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable and now no one can stand in their WAY. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.
标签: supplying weaponary powerful decades
上传时间: 2013-12-02
H=CIRCLE(CENTER,RADIUS,NOP,STYLE) This routine draws a circle with center defined as a vector CENTER, radius as a scaler RADIS. NOP is the number of points on the circle. As to STYLE, use it the same WAY as you use the rountine PLOT. Since the handle of the object is returned, you use routine SET to get the best result.
标签: routine defined CIRCLE CENTER
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Some time ago, I stated in another article that I d take the idea of location broadcasting and develop a mobile solution as a follow-up. The problem back then was I had no means to get location data off of a cell phone, or a WAY to make it useful. My, how times have changed since then! In this article, I ll demonstrate how to get your phone s GPS coordinates…
标签: broadcasting location another article
上传时间: 2013-12-25
You may read code because you have to-to fix it, inspect it, or improve it. You may read code the WAY an engineer examines a machine--to discover what makes it tick. Or you may read code because you are scavenging--looking for material to reuse. Code-reading requires its own set of skills, and the ability to determine which technique you use when is crucial. In this indispensable book, Diomidis Spinellis uses more than 600 real-world examples to show you how to identify good (and bad) code: how to read it, what to look for, and how to use this knowledge to improve your own code. Fact: If you make a habit of reading good code, you will write better code yourself.
上传时间: 2017-08-13
This is a very good linux book.It gives guide to linux studying students and server programmers in a very good WAY.
标签: linux programmers studying students
上传时间: 2017-08-14
This popular tutorial introduction to standard C++ has been completely updated, reorganized, and rewritten to help programmers learn the language faster and use it in a more modern, effective WAY.
标签: introduction reorganized completely tutorial
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Why do People Program? Each person can have his own reason for programming but I can tell you that programming is one of the best WAYs to gain a deep understanding of computers and computer technology. Learning to program makes you understand why computers and computer programs work the WAY they do. It also puts some sense into you about how hard it is to create software. 1.2. What is C++ & OOP? C++ is an extended version C. C was developed at Bell Labs. in 1978.
标签: programming can Program People
上传时间: 2013-12-07
Hardware random number generators attempt to extract randomness directly from complex physical systems. In this WAY they create random outputs without requiring any seed inputs. In this paper we describe how to use Physical Random Functions (or Physical Unclonable Functions, PUFs) to create a candidate hardware random number generator.
标签: generators randomness Hardware directly
上传时间: 2013-12-20