A sample C program to demonstrate the Usage of rtc() function in Linux to read the read time clock.
标签: read demonstrate the function
上传时间: 2017-04-02
A sample program to demonstrate the Usage of C language setitimer() in Linux.
标签: demonstrate setitimer language program
上传时间: 2017-04-02
代码重命名. Usage: rename <oldname> <newname> <dir>
上传时间: 2014-11-28
It is not the intention of this application note to illustrate Usage of the part in either of operational modes. The application note does not cover details on setting up for data transfers. After having reviewed this application note, the reader is expected to understand the data flow for and IN and OUT
标签: application illustrate intention the
上传时间: 2013-12-09
RomUploader.exe Usage Instructions
标签: Instructions RomUploader Usage exe
上传时间: 2017-04-16
An e-book to learn the Usage of HTK toolkit..
标签: toolkit e-book learn Usage
上传时间: 2013-12-20
PCAP EBook that defines the pcap.h header file Usage
标签: defines header EBook Usage
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Lex yac Usage and programming guide
标签: programming Usage guide Lex
上传时间: 2013-12-04
生成Trick文件工具 1.Open command line 2.input tricktest Usage: TrickTest -f -o -i -f source mpeg2 file to trick -o trick output directory -i output file id -m max coding error, default 0 -b max bitrate for trick generate, default 0 mean no limit -s trick buffer block size, must be n*188 -l log file, default c:\tricktest.log example: tricktest -f 黑鹰行动.mpg -o c:\temp -i A -m 1000 -b 3750000 soure file: 黑鹰行动.mpg output directory: c:\temp filename: 000000A,000000A.ff,000000A.fr,000000A.vvx max coding error: 1000 trick generation speed: 3750000 bps a
标签: TrickTest tricktest command source
上传时间: 2014-01-23
Usage: void CRC(int*,int*,int,int) Input: XAR0:coded data(InputData) XAR1:decoded CRC bits(CrcPoly) T0: Length of coded data(CodeOutlen) T1: Length of CRC bits(CrcPolylen) Return: NO Altered Registers: AC0-AC2,T2 Others: 8 bits of AC0 LSB is CRCcheck bit
上传时间: 2017-06-24