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    元件库制作工具,使用 Ultra Librarian 生成各种PCB软件的器件库

    标签: 红外 光学 工程

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • 超高频射频识别标签基准测试研究.rar

    射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是一种允许非接触式数据采集的自动识别技术。其中工作在超高频(Ultra High Frequency,UHF)频段的无源RFID系统,由于在物流与供应链管理等领域的潜在应用,近年来得到了人们的广泛关注。这种系统所使用的无源标签具有识别距离长、体积小、成本低廉等突出特点。目前在市场上出现了各种品牌型号的UHF RFID无源标签,由于不同品牌型号的标签在设计与制造工艺上的差异,这些标签在性能表现上各不相同,这就给终端用户选择合适自己应用的标签带来了困难。RFID基准测试就是在实际部署RFID系统前对RFID标签的性能进行科学评估的有效手段。然而为了在常规实验室条件下得到准确公正的测试结果,需要对基准测试的性能指标及测试方法学开展进一步的研究。本文正是研究符合EPC Class1 Gen2标准的RFID标签基准测试。 本文首先分析了当前广泛应用的超高频无源RFID标签基准测试性能指标与测试方法上的局限性与不足之处。例如,在真实的应用环境中,由于受到各种环境因素的影响,对同一品牌型号的标签,很难得到一致的识读距离测试结果。另外,在某些测试场景中,使用识读速率作为测试指标,所得到的测试结果数值非常接近,以致分辨度不足以区分不同品牌型号标签的性能差异。在这些分析基础上,本文把路径损耗引入了RFID基准测试,通过有限点的测量与数据拟合分别得到不同类型标签的路径损耗方程,结合读写器天线的辐射方向图,进一步得到各种标签受限于读写器接收灵敏度的覆盖区域。无源标签由于其被动式能量获取方式,其实际工作区域仍然受限于前向链路。本文通过实验测试出这些标签的最小激活功率后,得出了各种标签在一定读写器发射功率下的激活区域。完成这些步骤后,根据这两种区域的交集可以确定标签的工作区域,从而进行标签间的比较并达到基准测试的目的,并能找出限制标签工作范围的瓶颈。 本文最后从功率损耗的角度研究了标签之间的相互干扰,为用户在密集部署RFID标签的场景中设置标签之间的最小间隔距离具有重要的参考意义。

    标签: 超高频 射频识别 基准测试

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于ARM和Linux的超高频读写器设计与实现

    UHF(Ultra High Frequency,超高频)RFID(Radio Frequency Identification,射频身份识别)技术是近几年刚刚开始兴起并得到迅速推广应用的一门新技术。该技术已被广泛应用于工业自动化、商业自动化、交通运输控制管理等众多领域。但是,基于超高频频段读写器的研制在我国尚处于起步阶段,传统的超高频读写器都是在单片机的基础上实现的,这类读写器很难实现复杂的多任务功能;随着经济的飞速发展,能够与网络互联并且带有操作系统的超高频读写器越来越受人们的青睐与追求。针对这些问题,本文设计并实现了一种基于ARMS3C2410微处理器和Linux操作系统的超高频读写器,主要内容有: (1)分析了射频识别技术的发展历程和前景,以嵌入式技术为研究背景,结合软硬件开发平台,给出了一种基于ARM和Linux的超高频读写器设计思路,指出了选题研究的目的和意义。 (2)阐述了超高频读写器的原理及其应用,分析了读写器和标签之间进行数据传输时所用到的相关技术;在给出超高频读写器主要技术性能指标及功能要求的基础上给出了基于ARMS3C2410和Linux超高频读写器系统的总体设计,同时对系统构建过程中所用到的软硬件进行了器件选型。 (3)实现了超高频读写器系统硬件电路的模块设计,主要包括主控电路模块、存储电路模块、电源模块、以太网模块、液晶显示模块以及射频收发模块;阐述了各模块的组成原理与实现方法,完成了硬件电路的原理图绘制及PCB制板。 (4)根据系统的软件需求,构建了一个进行嵌入式开发所需的软件平台。建立了交叉编译环境以及NFS开发调试环境;移植了系统启动所需的引导程序bootloader;实现了嵌入式Linux操作系统内核、文件系统的配置与移植;给出了Linux系统下典型设备(触摸屏、网络接口、LCD)驱动程序的移植方法。 (5)结合实验测试环境,对超高频读写器输出功率,读写器发送命令以及标签应答波形进行了测试与分析;对读写器的整机性能进行了联机测试,给出了读写器系统的实际运行效果图,同时对测试结果进行了总结。 实际应用结果表明,基于ARMS3C2410微处理器和Linux操作系统的超高频读写器能够实现接入网络的功能,其读写速度、识别率以及识别距离等技术性能指标均达到或优于设计标准要求,该读写器在与PC机连接的情况下能进行数据处理,样机系统运行稳定可靠,达到了预期的设计目标。

    标签: Linux ARM 超高频 读写器

    上传时间: 2013-07-25


  • 音频数模转换器DAC抖动的灵敏度分析

    Abstract: This application note describes how sampling clock jitter (time interval error or "TIE jitter") affectsthe performance of delta-sigma digital-to-analog converters (DACs). New insights explain the importanceof separately specifying low-frequency (< 2x passband frequency) and high-frequency or wideband (> 2xpassband frequency) jitter tolerance in these devices. The article also provides an application example ofa simple highly jittered cycle-skipped sampling clock and describes a method for generating a properbroadband jittered clock. The document then goes on to compare Maxim's audio DAC jitter tolerance tocompetitor audio DACs. Maxim's exceptionally high jitter tolerance allows very simple and low-cost sampleclock implementations.

    标签: DAC 音频 数模转换器 抖动

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • 高集成数字RF调制器解决方案

    Abstract: A digital RF modulator, an integrated solution that satisfies stringent DOCSIS RF-performancerequirements, takes advantage of modern technologies like high-performance wideband digital-to-analogconversion and CMOS technology scaling. This application note describes the concept and advantages ofa digital quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulator that uses the direct-RF architecture to enablea cable access platform (CCAP) system.

    标签: 集成 数字RF 调制器 方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 新型精密运算放大器应用

    Application considerations and circuits for the LT1001 and LT1002 single and dual precision amplifiers are illustrated in a number of circuits, including strain gauge signal conditioners, linearized platinum RTD circuits, an ultra precision dead zone circuit for motor servos and other examples.

    标签: 精密 运算放大器

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 一个100MHz的RMS DC转换集成电路

    AN22 details the theoretical and application aspects of the LT1088 thermal RMS/DC converter. The basic theory behind thermal RMS/DC conversion is discussed and design details of the LT1088 are presented. Circuitry for RMS/DC converters, wideband input buffers and heater protection is shown.

    标签: 100 MHz RMS 转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 基于C8051F930的管道温度压力远程监测系统

       为解决输油管道温度压力参数实时监测的问题,设计了以C8051F930单片机作为控制核心的超低功耗输油管道温度压力远程监测系统。现场仪表使用高精度电桥采集数据,通过433 MHz短距离无线通信网络与远程终端RTU进行通信,RTU通过GPRS网络与PC上位机进行远程数据传输,在上位机中实现数据存储和图形化界面显示,从而实现输油管道温度压力参数的实时监测和异常报警。经实验证明,该系统的12位数据采集精度满足设计要求,漏码率小于1%,正常工作时间超过5个月,能实时有效地监测输油管道的温度压力参数,节省大量人工成本,有效预防管道参数异常造成的经济损失和环境污染。 Abstract:  In order to solve the problems on real-time monitoring of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters, the ultra-low power remote pipeline temperature and pressure monitoring system was designed by using the single chip processor C8051F930 as the control core. The high-precision electric bridge was used in field instruments for data collection, the 433MHz short-range wireless communication network was used to make communication between field instrument and RTU, the GPRS was used by the RTU to transmit data to the PC host computer, and the data was stored and displayed in the PC host computer, so the real-time monitoring and exception alerts of pipeline temperature and pressure parameters were achieved. The experiment proves that the system of which error rate is less than 1% over five months working with the 12-bit data acquisition accuracy can effectively monitor the pipeline temperature and pressure parameters in real time, it saves a lot of labor costs and effectively prevents environmental pollution and economic losses caused by abnormal channel parameters.

    标签: C8051F930 温度 压力 远程监测系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 基于MSP430单片机和DS18B20的数字温度计

    为了在工业生产及过程控制中准确测量温度,设计了一种基于低功耗MSP430单片机的数字温度计。整个系统通过单片机MSP430F1121A控制DS18B20读取温度,采用数码管显示,温度传感器DS18B20与单片机之间通过串口进行数据传输。MSP430系列单片机具有超低功耗,且外围的整合性高,DS18B20只需一个端口即可实现数据通信,连接方便。通过多次实验证明,该系统的测试结果与实际环境温度一致,除了具有接口电路简单、测量精度高、误差小、可靠性高等特点外,其低成本、低功耗的特点使其拥有更广阔的应用前景。 Abstract:  In order to obtain accurate measuring temperature in industrial production and process control, a digital thermometer based on MSP430 MCU is designed. The system uses MSP430F1121A MCU to control DS18B20, and gets the temperature data, which is displayed on the LED. The temperature sensor DS18B20 and MCU transmit data through serial communication. MSP430 series has ultra-low power and high integration, DS18B20 only needs one port to achieve data communication. Through many experimental results prove, this system is consistent with actual environment temperature. The system has characteristics of interface circuit simple, high measuring accuracy, minor error, high reliability, besides, the characteristics of low cost and low power make it having vaster application prospect.

    标签: MSP 430 18B B20

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • MSP430 USB JTAG自制资料

    The MSP-FET430U14 is a powerful flash emulation tool to quickly begin application development on the MSP430 MCU. It includes USB debugging interface used to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the pin saving Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is ultra-low power, no external power supply is required. The debugging tool interfaces the MSP430 to the included integrated software environment and includes code to start your design immediately.  The MSP-FET430UIF development tools supports development with all MSP430 flash devices

    标签: JTAG MSP 430 USB

    上传时间: 2013-10-28
