phpBook 是個建立於 PHP 及 MySQL 的留言板。 功能包括: -- 內建多種語法 (包括中文) -- IP 封鎖及禁止存取 -- 可自訂表情符號 -- URL-Code,包括 URL-Link s, URL-Picture s -- 自訂禁止字句 -- 防止惡意灌水式攻擊
标签: URL-Code phpBook MySQL PHP
上传时间: 2013-12-16
This file came from home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.
标签: Planet-Source-Code millions source lines
上传时间: 2013-12-26
palm编成,这种书很少,有兴趣看看 Title: Palm Programming: The Developer s Guide URL: ISBN: 1-56592-525-4 Author: Julie McKeehan/ Neil Rhodes Publisher: O Reilly Page: 478 Edition: 1st edition (December 1998) Catalog: PDA programming / Palm Format: pdf Size: 2.06M Supplier: Summary: Emerging as the bestselling hand-held computers of all time, PalmPilots have spawned intense developer activity and a fanatical following. Used by Palm in their developer training, this tutorial-style book shows intermediate to experienced C programmers how to build a Palm application from the ground up. Includes a CD-ROM with source code and third-party developer tools
标签: Programming Developer oreilly safari
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Arash Partow, All Rights Reserved. The Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and all its components are supplied under the terms of the General Schifra License agreement. The contents of the Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and its components may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. URL: Parties wanting to use the Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and its components within an open source, academic or other noncommercial or not-for-profit environment may do so under the guidelines and in complete accordance with the below attached General Public License (version 2). Under the described terms of "free" use for open source and noncommercial purposes of the Schifra
标签: Reed-Solomon Correcting Copyright Schifra
上传时间: 2016-06-25
Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Arash Partow, All Rights Reserved. The Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and all its components are supplied under the terms of the General Schifra License agreement. The contents of the Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and its components may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. URL: Parties wanting to use the Schifra Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Code Library and its components within an open source, academic or other noncommercial or not-for-profit environment may do so under the guidelines and in complete accordance with the below attached General Public License (version 2). Under the described terms of "free" use for open source and noncommercial purposes of the Schifra
标签: Reed-Solomon Correcting Copyright Schifra
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Copy the code into your your JSP directory under /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/html/LOGIN. You will need to change the xxxxxx of "con=DriverManager.getConnection["jdbc:mysql://localhost/"+db,user,"xxxxxxx"] " to reflect your MySQL password. Copy the HTML form above to the same directory above or to your public_html directory and use it connect to your database via the JSP code. Replace the test418 with your database name and the URL with your JSP URL.
标签: your directory htdocs LOGIN
上传时间: 2017-03-26
Code Composer Studio是TI eXpressDSPTM实时软件技术的重要组成部分,它可以使开发人员充分应用DSP的强大弁遄C随着TI的TMS320C5000 和TMS320C6000 DSP平台的应用范围不断扩大,已经由其应用于下载视频流的手持因特网接入产品扩展到蜂窝通信网路和光网络的通信基础设施,eXpressDSPTM也便获得了越来越多软件工程师的青睐。eXpressDSP还包含了DSP/BIOS可伸缩内核,TMS320TMDSP标准算法的应用互操作性和可重复使用性以及400多家第三
上传时间: 2013-06-23
·G.711,G.723.1,G.726,G.729,GSM CODEC C/C++ code 文件列表: ipp_sample ..........\speech-coding ..........\.............\application ..........\.............\...........\usc
上传时间: 2013-06-18
Code Composer Studio使用手册
上传时间: 2013-07-15
标签: Magazine Builders Servo 2008
上传时间: 2013-04-24