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  • TJA1051 High-speed CAN transce

    The TJA1051 is a high-speed CAN transceiver that provides an interface between aController Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus.The transceiver is designed for high-speed (up to 1 Mbit/s) CAN applications in theautomotive industry, providing differential transmit and receive capability to (amicrocontroller with) a CAN protocol controller.

    标签: High-speed transce 1051 TJA

    上传时间: 2013-10-17



    The MAX3243E device consists of three line drivers, five line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with±15-kV ESD (HBM and IEC61000-4-2, Air-Gap Discharge) and ±8-kV ESD (IEC61000-4-2, Contact Discharge)protection on serial-port connection pins. The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides theelectrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector. Thiscombination of drivers and receivers matches that needed for the typical serial port used in an IBM PC/AT, orcompatible. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from a single 3-V to 5.5-Vsupply. In addition, the device includes an always-active noninverting output (ROUT2B), which allowsapplications using the ring indicator to transmit data while the device is powered down. The device operates atdata signaling rates up to 250 kbit/s and a maximum of 30-V/ms driver output slew rate.


    上传时间: 2013-10-19



    The ISO7220 and ISO7221 are dual-channel digital isolators. To facilitate PCB layout, the channels are orientedin the same direction in the ISO7220 and in opposite directions in the ISO7221. These devices have a logic inputand output buffer separated by TI’s silicon-dioxide (SiO2) isolation barrier, providing galvanic isolation of up to4000 V. Used in conjunction with isolated power supplies, these devices block high voltage, isolate grounds, andprevent noise currents on a data bus or other circuits from entering the local ground and interfering with ordamaging sensitive circuitry.


    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • PCA954X家庭的I C SMBus多路复用器与开关

    The Philips family of Multiplexers and Switches consists of bi-directional translating switches controlled via the I2C or SMBus to fan out an upstream SCL/SDA pair to 2, 4 or 8 downstream channels of SCx/SDx pairs. The Multiplexers allow only one downstream channel to be selected at a time, while the Switches allow any individual downstream channel or combination of downstream channels to be selected, depending on the content of the programmable control register. Once one or several channels have been selected, the device acts as a wire, allowing the master on the upstream channel to send commands to devices on all the active downstream channels, and devices on the active downstream channels to communicate with each other and the master. External pull-up resistors are used to pull each individual channel up to the desired voltage level. Combined interrupt output and hardware reset input are device options that are featured.

    标签: SMBus 954X PCA 954

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • Emulating a synchronous serial

    The C500 microcontroller family usually provides only one on-chip synchronous serialchannel (SSC). If a second SSC is required, an emulation of the missing interface mayhelp to avoid an external hardware solution with additional electronic components.The solution presented in this paper and in the attached source files emulates the mostimportant SSC functions by using optimized SW routines with a performance up to 25KBaud in Slave Mode with half duplex transmission and an overhead less than 60% atSAB C513 with 12 MHz. Due to the implementation in C this performance is not the limitof the chip. A pure implementation in assembler will result in a strong reduction of theCPU load and therefore increase the maximum speed of the interface. In addition,microcontrollers like the SAB C505 will speed up the interface by a factor of two becauseof an optimized architecture compared with the SAB C513.Moreover, this solution lays stress on using as few on-chip hardware resources aspossible. A more excessive consumption of those resources will result in a highermaximum speed of the emulated interface.Due to the restricted performance of an 8 bit microcontroller a pin compatible solution isprovided only; the internal register based programming interface is replaced by a set ofsubroutine calls.The attached source files also contain a test shell, which demonstrates how to exchangeinformation between an on-chip HW-SSC and the emulated SW-SSC via 5 external wiresin different operation modes. It is based on the SAB C513 (Siemens 8 bit microcontroller).A table with load measurements is presented to give an indication for the fraction of CPUperformance required by software for emulating the SSC.

    标签: synchronous Emulating serial

    上传时间: 2014-01-31


  • MPC106 PCI Bridge/Memory Contr

    In this document, the term Ô60xÕ is used to denote a 32-bit microprocessor from the PowerPC architecture family that conforms to the bus interface of the PowerPC 601ª, PowerPC 603ª, or PowerPC 604 microprocessors. Note that this does not include the PowerPC 602ª microprocessor which has a multiplexed address/data bus. 60x processors implement the PowerPC architecture as it is speciÞed for 32-bit addressing, which provides 32-bit effective (logical) addresses, integer data types of 8, 16, and 32 bits,and ßoating-point data types of 32 and 64 bits (single-precision and double-precision).1.1 Overview The MPC106 provides an integrated high-bandwidth, high-performance, TTL-compatible interface between a 60x processor, a secondary (L2) cache or additional (up to four total) 60x processors, the PCI bus,and main memory. This section provides a block diagram showing the major functional units of the 106 and describes brießy how those units interact.Figure 1 shows the major functional units within the 106. Note that this is a conceptual block diagram intended to show the basic features rather than an attempt to show how these features are physically implemented on the device.

    标签: Bridge Memory Contr MPC

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 68HC05K0 Infra-red Remote Cont

    The MC68HC05K0 is a low cost, low pin countsingle chip microcomputer with 504 bytes of userROM and 32 bytes of RAM. The MC68HC05K0 isa member of the 68HC05K series of devices whichare available in 16-pin DIL or SOIC packages.It uses the same CPU as the other devices in the68HC05 family and has the same instructions andregisters. Additionally, the device has a 15-stagemulti-function timer and 10 general purposebi-directional I/0 lines. A mask option is availablefor software programmable pull-downs on all ofthe I/O pins and four of the pins are capable ofgenerating interrupts.The device is ideally suited for remote-controlkeyboard applications because the pull-downs andthe interrupt drivers on the port pins allowkeyboards to be built without any externalcomponents except the keys themselves. There isno need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors,or diodes for wired-OR interrupts, as these featuresare already designed into the device.

    标签: Infra-red Remote Cont 05K

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 单片机外围线路设计

    当拿到一张CASE单时,首先得确定的是能用什么母体才能实现此功能,然后才能展开对外围硬件电路的设计,因此首先得了解每个母体的基本功能及特点,下面大至的介绍一下本公司常用的IC:单芯片解决方案• SN8P1900 系列–  高精度 16-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)•  信号放大低漂移: 2V•  放大倍数可编程: 1/16/64/128  倍–  升压- 稳压调节器 (Charge-Pump Regulator)•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1909–  内置液晶驱动电路 (LCD Driver)–  单芯片解决方案 •  耳温枪  SN8P1909 LQFP 80 Pins• 5000 解析度量测器 SN8P1908 LQFP 64 Pins•  体重计  SN8P1907 SSOP 48 Pins单芯片解决方案• SN8P1820 系列–  精确的12-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)• Gain Stage One: Low Offset 5V, Gain: 16/32/64/128• Gain Stage One: Low Offset 2mV, Gain: 1.3 ~ 2.5–  升压- 稳压调节器•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1829–  内置可编程运算放大电路–  内置液晶驱动电路 –  单芯片解决方案 •  电子医疗器 SN8P1829 LQFP 80 Pins 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 高度抗交流杂讯能力• 标准瞬间电压脉冲群测试 (EFT): IEC 1000-4-4• 杂讯直接灌入芯片电源输入端• 只需添加1颗 2.2F/50V 旁路电容• 测试指标稳超 4000V (欧规)– 高可靠性复位电路保证系统正常运行• 支持外部复位和内部上电复位• 内置1.8V 低电压侦测可靠复位电路• 内置看门狗计时器保证程序跳飞可靠复位– 高抗静电/栓锁效应能力– 芯片工作温度有所提高: -200C ~ 700C     工规芯片温度: -400C ~ 850C 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新 SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 1T  精简指令级结构• 1T:  一个外部振荡周期执行一条指令•  工作速度可达16 MIPS / 16 MHz Crystal–  工作消耗电流 < 2mA at 1-MIPS/5V–  睡眠模式下消耗电流 < 1A / 5V额外功能• 高速脉宽调制输出 (PWM)– 8-Bit PWM up to 23 KHz at 12 MHz System Clock– 6-Bit PWM up to 93 KHz  at 12 MHz System Clock– 4-Bit PWM up to 375 KHz  at 12 MHz System Clock• 内置高速16 MHz RC振荡器 (SN8P2501A)• 电压变化唤醒功能• 可编程控制沿触发/中断功能– 上升沿 / 下降沿 / 双沿触发• 串行编程接口

    标签: 单片机 线路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 全遥控6声道AV机的汇编程序

    全遥控6声道AV机的汇编程序:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6CH AMPLIFIER;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----脚位定义-----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6CH AMPLIFIER;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----脚位定义----- PT6311_CLK      EQU   P3.4PT6311_STB      EQU   P3.5PT6311_DATA     EQU   P3.3 UP              EQU   P3.1DOEN            EQU   P3.0 PT2313_DATA     EQU   P0.7PT2313_CLK      EQU   P2.7 AC3             EQU   P2.6        ;(控制4053的信号) M62429_DA       EQU   P2.3        ;(SURL/R)M62429_CK       EQU   P2.4 M62429_CK1      EQU   P2.5        ;(C/BW) M62429_CK3      EQU   P0.0        ;(ECHO,MVOL)M62429_DA3      EQU   P1.7M_DELAY1        EQU   P0.1M_DELAY2        EQU   P0.2 AD_OUT          BIT   P0.5AD_IN           BIT   P0.6 ;----片内RAM定义--------GIF_SIGN        EQU   40H         ; 动画进程标记(=1,走过场字幕  )GIF_TIME1       EQU   41H         ; 动画跑字的时间间隔速度GIF_LONG        EQU   42H         ; 动画字幕的长度 DISP_BUFFER     EQU   43H         ; 显示缓冲区地址指针DISP_INDEX      EQU   44H         ; PT6311片内地址指针

    标签: 遥控 声道 汇编程序

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • MCU复位电路和振荡电路应用

    系统start-up 定时器• 为了让振荡器能够稳定起振所需要的延时时间。• 其时间为1024 个振荡器振荡周期。制程和温度漂移• 因RC 振荡器的频率与内建振荡电容值有关,而此电容值与制程参数有关,所以不同的MCU 会表现出不一致性。在固定电压和温度下,振荡频率漂移范围约±25%。• 对于同一颗MCU(与制程漂移无关),其振荡频率会对工作电压和工作温度产生漂移。其对工作电压和工作温度所产生的漂移,可参考HOLTEK 网站上提供的相关资料。EMI/EMS(EMC)注意事项• ROSC 位置应尽量接近OSC1 引脚,其至OSC1 的连线应最短。• CS 可以提高振荡器的抗干扰能力,其与MCU OSC1 和GND 的连线应最短。• RPU 在确定系统频率之后,量产时建议不要接,因为其fSYS/4 频率输出会干扰到OSC1

    标签: MCU 复位电路 振荡电路

    上传时间: 2014-01-20
