SOPC实验--Hello World实验:启动Quartus II软件,选择File→New Project Wizard,在出现的对话框中填写项目名称 2、 点击Finish,然后选择“是”。选择Assignments→Device,改写各项内容。Family改为CycloneII,根据实验板上的器件选择相应的器件,本实验选择EP2C5T144C8,点击对话框中的Device & Pin Options,在Configuration中,选项Use Configuration Device为EPCS1,选项Unused Pins为As inputs,tri-stated.
上传时间: 2014-01-13
SOPC实验--自定义PWM组件:以带一个Avalon Slave 接口的PWM 组件为例,说明如何自定义组件。,一个Avalon Slave 接口可以有clk、chipselect、address、read、readdata、write 及writedata 等信号,但这些信号都不是必需的。 一、功能 我们要实现的PWM 组件具有以下功能: 1. PWM 的周期可改,用period 寄存器存储; 2. PWM 的占空比可改,用duty 寄存器存储。 二、Avalon Slave 接口信号的设计 1.Clk:为PWM 提供时钟; 2.Write:写信号,可以通过Avalon Slave 总线将period 和duty 值从Nios II 应用程序 传送到组件逻辑中。 3.Writedata:写数据。通过此数据线传送period 和duty 值。 4.Address:本例中有两个寄存器,因此可用一根地址线表示。 5.全局信号。本例中PWM 的输出用来驱动LED 灯显示,这个信号不属于Avalon 接 口信号。
上传时间: 2013-12-28
這是一篇敘述如何將NIOS II程式燒錄至FLASH中的文件,其中包括SOPC及NIOS II設定
上传时间: 2016-07-18
上传时间: 2016-07-23
数字上变频DUC是与数字下变频ddc相对应的工作.目前实现方式主要有:专用芯片,通用DSP和FPGA实现三种.本程序即给出了XILINX公司的Digital Up Converter核心程序(IP CORE)以及响应的使用说明,对于从事雷达,无线通信的工程人员和研究者有很大用处.
标签: Converter Digital XILINX FPGA
上传时间: 2016-07-24
标签: S-handbook_v UP-TECHPXA 270 1.0
上传时间: 2013-12-04
设计实体:lcd驱动器 --彩色液晶芯片LQ080V3DG01 --原创针对博创开发板UP-SOPC2000开发板写的彩色液晶驱动程序
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Abstract—Wireless networks in combination with image sensors open up a multitude of previously unthinkable sensing applications. Capable tools and testbeds for these wireless image sensor networks can greatly accelerate development of complex, yet efficient algorithms that meet application requirements. In this paper, we introduce WiSNAP, a Matlab-based application development platform intended for wireless image sensor networks. It allows researchers and developers of such networks to investigate, design, and evaluate algorithms and applications using real target hardware. WiSNAP offers standardized and easy-to-use Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to control image sensors and wireless motes, which do not require detailed knowledge of the target hardware. Nonetheless, its open system architecture enables support of virtually any kind of sensor or wireless mote. Application examples are presented to illustrate the usage of WiSNAP as a powerful development tool.
标签: combination previously multitude Abstract
上传时间: 2013-12-03
上传时间: 2014-12-09
Teaching programming basics from the ground up, this book helps even those with no prior programming knowledge learn JavaScript and use this knowledge to create interesting, useful, and dynamic sites.
标签: programming Teaching basics ground
上传时间: 2014-09-12