讲述了Java Input/Output库的主要包和类。有关Channel类和ByteBuffer类特别适用于对文件操作中的某些特殊要求。
标签: ByteBuffer Channel Output Input
上传时间: 2013-12-14
IDCT-M is a medium speed 1D IDCT core -- it can accept a continous stream of 12-bit input words at a rate of -- 1 bit/ck cycle, operating at 50MHz speed, it can process MP@ML MPEG video -- the core is 100% synthesizable
标签: continous IDCT-M accept medium
上传时间: 2015-07-07
h.263 c编码源码。目录下有input。qcif原始未压缩文件,运行程序生成重建文件recon。qcif和压缩后文件output。263文件。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
A program to demonstrate the optimization process of particle swarm optimization. A two-dimensional objective function is visualized by level of grey: the lighter the color, the higher the function value. The particles are shown as red circles, their trajectory as red lines.
标签: optimization two-dimensional demonstrate particle
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Computes estimates for the number of forests of a graph, input as a 0-1 incidence matrix. Notes: Compile in C++, "g++ -o span_forest span_forest.c". The program does not demand that the matrix is symmetric with 0 diagonal, but uses only the upper triangular part.
标签: estimates incidence Computes forests
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This mfile illustrates a simple two path Rayleigh multipath fading channel This mfile inputs an unmodulated sinewave through a simple Rayleigh two path fading channel and shows the output with phase, gain, and attenuation characteristics via animation
标签: mfile This illustrates multipath
上传时间: 2014-08-30
verilog编写的状态机检测00100序列. 实现 input:...011000010010000... output:...000000000100100... 并且 用测试模块来验证状态是否正确工作
标签: 000000000100100 011000010010000 verilog output
上传时间: 2015-07-14
reads a set of C-source files and generates a two-column listing of those sources
标签: two-column generates C-source listing
上传时间: 2013-12-19
two Matlab functions for initializing and training a recurrent neural network
标签: initializing functions recurrent training
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Input method of font
上传时间: 2015-07-21