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  • The Mobile Multimedia Business

    The first practical examples of mobile communications were used in many countries like the USA, the UK and Germany in military services, and played a significant role in the First World War to TrAnsfer important information from the front to headquarters to take further actions. Good and secure wireless communications were an important need for all military services – army, navy and air force. In this respect, the Second World War was a big experimental battlefield for the development and evolution of mobile radio. It was in the interests of governments that after the Second World War the military investment should be paid back by civilian use, and all western European countries started their so-called first generation of mobile communication networks.

    标签: Multimedia Business Mobile The

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Receiver Architectures and Design

    The advent of modern wireless devices, such as smart phones and MID 1 terminals, has revolutionized the way people think of personal connectivity. Such devices encompass multiple applications ranging from voice and video to high-speed data TrAnsfer via wireless networks. The voracious appetite of twenty-first century users for supporting more wireless applications on a single device is ever increasing. These devices employ multiple radios and modems that cover multiple frequency bands and multiple standards with a manifold of wireless applications often running simultaneously. 

    标签: Architectures Wireless Receiver Design and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • RESTful+Rails+Development+Building

    This book is focused on designing and developing Representational State TrAnsfer (REST) platforms in Rails. REST is the architectural style of the Web, consisting of a set of constraints that, applied to components, connectors, and data elements, constitute the wider distributed hypermedia system that we know today: the World Wide Web. There are a few good reasons why it makes more sense to build platforms instead of just products or applications. Platforms are like ecosystems interconnecting different applications, services, users, developers, and partners. Platforms foster innovation through the inputs of their direct collaborators. By providing application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs), platforms are more customer driven.

    标签: Development Building RESTful Rails

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Chipless_Radio_Frequency_Identification

    Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): RFID is a wireless modulation and demodulation technique for automatic identification of objects, tracking goods, smart logistics, and access con- trol. RFID is a contactless, usually short‐distance transmission and reception technique for unique ID data TrAnsfer from a tagged object to an interrogator (reader). The generic configuration of an RFID system comprises (i) an ID data‐carrying tag, (ii) a reader, (iii) a middleware, and (iv) an enterprise application.

    标签: Chipless_Radio_Frequency_Identifi cation

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+as+an+Infrastructure

    RFID (radio-frequency identification) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequencyelectromagnetic fields to TrAnsfer datafrom a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking [38]. The basic technologies for RFID have been around for a long time. Its root can be traced back to an espionage device designed in 1945 by Leon Theremin of the Soviet Union,whichretransmittedincidentradiowaves modulatedwith audioinformation. After decades of development, RFID systems have gain more and more attention from both the research community and the industry.

    标签: Infrastructure RFID as an

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Embedded_Deep_Learning_-_Algorithms

    Although state of the art in many typical machine learning tasks, deep learning algorithmsareverycostly interms ofenergyconsumption,duetotheirlargeamount of required computations and huge model sizes. Because of this, deep learning applications on battery-constrained wearables have only been possible through wireless connections with a resourceful cloud. This setup has several drawbacks. First, there are privacy concerns. Cloud computing requires users to share their raw data—images, video, locations, speech—with a remote system. Most users are not willing to do this. Second, the cloud-setup requires users to be connected all the time, which is unfeasible given current cellular coverage. Furthermore, real-time applications require low latency connections, which cannot be guaranteed using the current communication infrastructure. Finally, wireless connections are very inefficient—requiringtoo much energyper TrAnsferredbit for real-time data TrAnsfer on energy-constrained platforms.

    标签: Embedded_Deep_Learning Algorithms

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Analog and Digital Control System Design

    This texts contemporary approach focuses on the concepts of linear control systems, rather than computational mechanics. Straightforward coverage includes an integrated treatment of both classical and modern control system methods. The text emphasizes design with discussions of problem formulation, design criteria, physical constraints, several design methods, and implementation of compensators.Discussions of topics not found in other texts--such as pole placement, model matching and robust tracking--add to the texts cutting-edge presentation. Students will appreciate the applications and discussions of practical aspects, including the leading problem in developing block diagrams, noise, disturbances, and plant perturbations. State feedback and state estimators are designed using state variable equations and TrAnsfer functions, offering a comparison of the two approaches. The incorporation of MATLAB throughout the text helps students to avoid time-consuming computation and concentrate on control system design and analysis

    标签: 控制系统

    上传时间: 2021-12-15


  • Qi无线充电原理

    近距电能传输——高效安全近距电能传输一般基于电磁感应原理进行。在此技术基础上,当接收器邻近发射器时才会进行电能传输。电磁感应技术的历史长达百年,多年米一直应用于各类电子产品中—如此普及全因其简单、高效以及安全技术概览以下将为你简要介绍无线电能传输技术。System Overview(Communication)Receiver sends messagesTo provide control information to the transmitterBy load modulation on the power signaTransmitter receives messagesTo receive control information frorn the recelverBy de-modulation of the reflected loadPower Pick Up( Receiver)Secondary coil (L Serial resonance capacitor (C) for efficient power TrAnsfer Parallel resonance capacitor(C, )for detection purposes Rectifier: full bridge(diode, or switched)+ capacitor Output switch for(dis)connecting the loadReceiver modulates load by Switching modulation resistor(R,n),or Switching modulation capacitor(Ca)Transmitter de-modulates reflected load by Sensing pnmary coil curent (p)and/o Sensing primary coil voltage (V,

    标签: qi 无线充电

    上传时间: 2022-03-31


  • GL823K 原理图

    The GL823K integrates a high speed 8051 microprocessor and a high efficiency hardware engine for the best data TrAnsfer performance between USB and flash card interfaces. Its pin assignment design fits to card sockets to provide easier PCB layout. Inside the chip, it integrates 5V to 3.3V regulator, 3.3V to 1.8V regulator and power MOSFETs and it enables the function of on-chip clock source (OCCS) which means no external 12MHz XTAL is needed and that effectively reduces the total BOM cost.

    标签: GL823K SCH

    上传时间: 2022-04-27


  • 多功能电子计算软件(eTools2.67)

    软件小工具清单 设计工具类:AutoPOL for Windows(钣金展开专家)FTI BlankWorks 2015(钣金分析插件) 选型工具类恒星减速机三维选型软件 V1.0官方版 查询工具类LED代码查询 V1.1绿色版晶体管查询软件 v1.0rj数码管段码速查 V2.0绿色版 图形工具类电路图绘制工具(Circuit Diagram) v3.1官方免电气原理图设计软件(QElectroTech) v0.51电气原理图绘制软件(ProfiCAD) v8.0.2中文版 CAD插件类实体设计(CAXA 3D ) v2016官方版(试用) 格式转换类单片机程序转换工具TrAnsfer V1.43雕刻机NC转换器(NCesc) 2.0绿色版功率电平转换软件 绿色版 其他BOAC串口调试助手v1.0官方版CAN口波特率计算工具(Brt01 for philips CANcccam数控车曲线宏程序生成器 v7.0官方版HART智能仪表组态软件 v3.02cLED多功能自由分区(带网口)IEC8705(电力规约分析器) 1.0 绿色版Led多功能自由分区2012综合版软件LM317计算器 绿色版MSP430仿真器降级程序(FET430UIF FW V3 to V2PCB布局工具(Diy layout Creater) v1.0免费版PCB彩色抄板软件 Quick2005 v3.0免安装版pic单片机定时初值计算器 1.0绿色版pwm计算工具 1.0绿色免费版R_C 模型计算器中文版smith圆图软件 2013绿色中文版Sunrise PIPENET VISION (管网流体计算模拟分UC384X振荡器计算工具 绿色版zdqjs艾码CRC16校验工具 v1.0绿色版变压器磁心功率快速估算工具 1.06绿色版变压器数据计算 v1.0绿色版超级单片机工具 绿色版串口调试助手3 v3.04绿色版串口小工具 v0.60c绿色版单片机下载器(ISPlay) v1.5绿色版电容器相关计算软件 v1.0电源线电压衰减计算工具-强弱电施工小助手 v1.0多谐振荡器周期计算器 V1.0 绿色版惠普终端仿真软件 1.4.02中文版简易单路逻辑分析仪 1.0 绿色版开关电源设计软件 v2.0专业版模企宝 v8.0官方版三菱PLC to 51单片机HEX软件 1.0绿色版数码管计算器 1.0绿色免费版天线计算器 v0.2绿色版贴片电容阻值计算器 绿色版小功率滤波电容计算器 V1.0 绿色版小羊串口工具 v3.5绿色版液晶汉字模提取工具 绿色版圆形铁心截面叠积尺寸计算工具 1.0绿色版驻波比与回波损耗换算器 V1.0绿色版驻波仪仿真器(SiteMaster Emulator) v2.2绿色GUIBuild(触摸屏组态软件) V5.10中文版IDq电力电气工程综合设计软件 v6.0中文完整版LEDEasyShow(LED电子显示屏设计软件) v5.24中LED胸牌编辑软件(MiniLED Display HID) v10.0MICROMETALS(电感设计软件) v1.0绿色版NCEdit数控刀具 1.0免费中文版NE555芯片智能电路设计软件 v1.2NUT电子读写频软件 1.10官方版PCB版图设计工具(FreePCB) v1.359官方免费版Power World电力系统可视化设计软件v8.0电气线束线缆(E3.series2015version) v16.01分光比自动计算程序 V1.5免费版好易通TC600对讲机写频软件 1.21中文版机加工艺报价系统 v12.6网络版科智补偿器辅助设计软件 V1.2.20150520轮廓测量仪软件 V1.0正式版

    标签: 电子计算软件 eTools

    上传时间: 2022-06-13
