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  • This file is used to TrAnsfer p2s data in a Spartan 3e

    This file is used to TrAnsfer p2s data in a Spartan 3e

    标签: TrAnsfer Spartan This file

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • Souce Code and sample to TrAnsfer SQL Server database to SqlServer Compact edition database. C#, d

    Souce Code and sample to TrAnsfer SQL Server database to SqlServer Compact edition database. C#, dotNet framework

    标签: database SqlServer TrAnsfer Compact

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • Browser-based (HTTP) file uploading is a great way to TrAnsfer arbitrary files from a client machine

    Browser-based (HTTP) file uploading is a great way to TrAnsfer arbitrary files from a client machine to the Web server which adds another dimension to Web-based applications.

    标签: Browser-based arbitrary uploading TrAnsfer

    上传时间: 2017-08-21


  • it bout file TrAnsfer this is about client and server

    it bout file TrAnsfer this is about client and server

    标签: TrAnsfer client server about

    上传时间: 2017-09-20


  • JPEG2000算术编码的研究与FPGA实现

    JPEG2000是由ISO/ITU-T组织下的IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1小组制定的下一代静止图像压缩标准.与JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)相比,JPEG2000能够提供更好的数据压缩比,并且提供了一些JPEG所不具有的功能[1].JPEG2000具有的多种特性使得它具有广泛的应用前景.但是,JPEG2000是一个复杂编码系统,目前为止的软件实现方案的执行时间和所需的存储量较大,若想将JPEG2000应用于实际中,有着较大的困难,而用硬件电路实现JPEG2000或者其中的某些模块,必然能够减少JPEG200的执行时间,因而具有重要的意义.本文首先简单介绍了JPEG2000这一新的静止图像压缩标准,然后对算术编码的原理及实现算法进行了深入的研究,并重点探讨了JPEG2000中算术编码的硬件实现问题,给出了一种硬件最优化的算术编码实现方案.最后使用硬件描述语言(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language,VHDL)在寄存器传输级(Register TrAnsfer Level,RTL描述了该硬件最优化的算术编码实现方案,并以Altera 20K200E FPGA为基础,在Active-HDL环境中进行了功能仿真,在Quartus Ⅱ集成开发环境下完成了综合以及后仿真,综合得到的最高工作时钟频率达45.81MHz.在相同的输入条件下,输出结果表明,本文设计的硬件算术编码器与实现JPEG2000的软件:Jasper[2]中的算术编码模块相比,处理时间缩短了30﹪左右.因而本文的研究对于JPEG2000应用于数字监控系统等实际应用有着重要的意义.

    标签: JPEG 2000 FPGA 算术编码

    上传时间: 2013-05-16


  • 基于FPGA的计算机可编程外围接口芯片的设计与实现

    随着电子技术和EDA技术的发展,大规模可编程逻辑器件PLD(Programmable Logic Device)、现场可编程门阵列FPGA(Field Programmable Gates Array)完全可以取代大规模集成电路芯片,实现计算机可编程接口芯片的功能,并可将若干接口电路的功能集成到一片PLD或FPGA中.基于大规模PLD或FPGA的计算机接口电路不仅具有集成度高、体积小和功耗低等优点,而且还具有独特的用户可编程能力,从而实现计算机系统的功能重构.该课题以Altera公司FPGA(FLEX10K)系列产品为载体,在MAX+PLUSⅡ开发环境下采用VHDL语言,设计并实现了计算机可编程并行接芯片8255的功能.设计采用VHDL的结构描述风格,依据芯片功能将系统划分为内核和外围逻辑两大模块,其中内核模块又分为RORT A、RORT B、OROT C和Control模块,每个底层模块采用RTL(Registers TrAnsfer Language)级描述,整体生成采用MAX+PLUSⅡ的图形输入法.通过波形仿真、下载芯片的测试,完成了计算机可编程并行接芯片8255的功能.

    标签: FPGA 计算机 可编程 外围接口

    上传时间: 2013-06-08


  • ITU的G.729A编码库(可以将PCM转化为G.729格式)

    ·ITU的G.729A编码库(可以将PCM转化为G.729格式)-ITU G729 annex A lib file ,can TrAnsfer PCM file format to G729 format

    标签: 729 ITU PCM 编码

    上传时间: 2013-06-13


  • 基于CORDIC算法的高速ODDFS电路设计

    为了满足现代高速通信中频率快速转换的需求,基于坐标旋转数字计算(CORDIC,Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer)算法完成正交直接数字频率合成(ODDFS,Orthogonal Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer)电路设计方案。采用MATLAB和Xilinx System Generator开发工具搭建电路的系统模型,通过现场可编程门阵列(FPGA,Field Programmable Gate Array)完成电路的寄存器传输级(RTL,Register TrAnsfer Level)验证,仿真结果表明电路设计具有很高的有效性和可行性。

    标签: CORDIC ODDFS 算法 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • DA转换接口的射频IQ调制

      Linear Technology’s High Frequency Product lineupincludes a variety of RF I/Q modulators. The purpose ofthis application note is to illustrate the circuits requiredto interface these modulators with several popular D/Aconverters. Such circuits typically are required to maximizethe voltage TrAnsfer from the DAC to the baseband inputsof the modulator, as well as provide some reconstructionfi ltering.

    标签: DA转换 接口 射频 调制

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • DAC技术用语 (D/A Converters Defini

    Differential Nonlinearity: Ideally, any two adjacent digitalcodes correspond to output analog voltages that are exactlyone LSB apart. Differential non-linearity is a measure of theworst case deviation from the ideal 1 LSB step. For example,a DAC with a 1.5 LSB output change for a 1 LSB digital codechange exhibits 1⁄2 LSB differential non-linearity. Differentialnon-linearity may be expressed in fractional bits or as a percentageof full scale. A differential non-linearity greater than1 LSB will lead to a non-monotonic TrAnsfer function in aDAC.Gain Error (Full Scale Error): The difference between theoutput voltage (or current) with full scale input code and theideal voltage (or current) that should exist with a full scale inputcode.Gain Temperature Coefficient (Full Scale TemperatureCoefficient): Change in gain error divided by change in temperature.Usually expressed in parts per million per degreeCelsius (ppm/°C).Integral Nonlinearity (Linearity Error): Worst case deviationfrom the line between the endpoints (zero and full scale).Can be expressed as a percentage of full scale or in fractionof an LSB.LSB (Lease-Significant Bit): In a binary coded system thisis the bit that carries the smallest value or weight. Its value isthe full scale voltage (or current) divided by 2n, where n is theresolution of the converter.Monotonicity: A monotonic function has a slope whose signdoes not change. A monotonic DAC has an output thatchanges in the same direction (or remains constant) for eachincrease in the input code. the converse is true for decreasing codes.

    标签: Converters Defini DAC

    上传时间: 2013-10-30
