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  • Fundamentals+of+Telecommunications+2nd+ed

    This book is an entry-level text on the technology of telecommunications. It has been crafted with the newcomer in mind. The twenty-one chapters of text have been prepared for high-school graduates who understand algebra, logarithms, and the basic principles of electricity such as Ohm’s law. However, it is appreciated that many readers require support in these areas. Appendices A and B review the essentials of electricity and mathematics up through logarithms. This material was placed in the appendices so as not to distract from the main theme, the technology of telecommunication systems. Another Topic that many in the industry find difficult is the use of decibels and derived units. Appendix C provides the reader a basic understanding of decibels and their applications. The only mathematics necessary is an understanding of the powers of ten

    标签: Telecommunications Fundamentals 2nd of ed

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Green_Heterogeneous_Wireless_Networks

    ThisbookfocusesontheemergingresearchTopic‘green(energy-efficient)wirelessnetworks’ that has drawn huge attention recently from both academia and industry. This Topic is highly motivated due to important environmental, financial and quality-of-experience (QoE) consid- erations.Duetosuchconcerns,varioussolutionshavebeenproposedtoenableefficientenergy usage in wireless networks, and these approaches are referred to as green wireless communi- cations and networking. The term ‘green’ emphasizes the environmental dimension of the proposed solutions. Hence, it is not sufficient to present a cost-effective solution unless it is eco-friendly.

    标签: Green_Heterogeneous_Wireless_Netw orks

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Principles of Spread Spectrum

    The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and deriva- tion of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum communication systems. Although spread-spectrum communication is a staple Topic in textbooks on digital com- munication, its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more intensive exposition. Originally adopted in military networks as a means of ensuring secure communication when confronted with the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now the core of commercial ap- plications such as mobile cellular and satellite communication. 

    标签: Principles Spectrum Spread of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Radio Propagation Measurement

    Radio propagation measurements and channel modelling continue to be of fundamental importance to radio system design. As new technology enables dynamic spectrum access and higher data rates, radio propagation effects such as shadowing, the presence of multipath and frequency dispersion are the limiting factors in the design of wireless communication systems. While there are several books covering the Topic of radio propagation in various frequency bands, there appears to be no books on radio propagation measurements, which this book addresses at length. 

    标签: Propagation Measurement Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 1st

    The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and deriva- tion of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum communication systems. Although spread-spectrum communication is a staple Topic in textbooks on digital com- munication, its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more intensive exposition. Originally adopted in military networks as a means of ensuring secure communication when confronted with the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now the core of commercial ap- plications such as mobile cellular and satellite communication.

    标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 1st

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Spread-Spectrum+Communication+Systems+2nd

    Spread-spectrum communication is a core area within the field of digital communication. Originally used in military networks as countermeasures against the threats of jamming and interception, spread-spectrum systems are now widely used in commercial applications and are part of several wireless and mobile communication standards. Although spread-spectrum communication is a staple Topic in textbooks on digital communication, its treatment is usually cursory. This book is designed to provide a more intensive examination of the subject that is suitable for graduate students and practicing engineers with a solid background in the theory of digital communication. As the title indicates, this book stresses principles rather than specific current or planned systems, which are described in manyotherbooks.My goal in this bookis to providea concisebut lucidexplanation of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum systems with an emphasis on theoretical principles.

    标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 2nd

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • MEMS-based+Circuits+and+Systems

    Over many years, RF-MEMS have been a hot Topic in research at the technology and device level. In particular, various kinds of mechanical Si-MEMS resonators and piezoelectric BAW (bulk acoustic wave) resonators have been developed. The BAW technology has made its way to commercial products for passive RF filters, in particular for duplexers in RF transceiver front ends for cellular communica- tions. Beyond their use in filters, micromachined resonators can also be used in conjunction with active devices in innovative circuits and architectures.

    标签: MEMS-based Circuits Systems and

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Raspberry+Pi+Home+Automation

    The world of home automation is an exciting field that has exploded over the past few years with many new technologies in both the commercial and open source worlds. This book provides a gateway for those interested in learning more about this Topic and building their own projects. With the introduction of the Raspberry Pi computer in 2012, a small and powerful tool is now available for the home automation enthusiast, programmer, and electronic hobbyist. It allows them to augment their home with sensors and software.

    标签: Automation Raspberry Home Pi

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Guidelines+for+Electrical+Transmission+Line

    Since the original publication of Manual 74 in 1991, and the preceding “Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading” in 1984, the understanding of structural loadings on transmission line structures has broadened signifi cantly. However, improvements in computational capa- bility have enabled the transmission line engineer to more easily deter- mine structural loadings without properly understanding the parameters that affect these loads. Many seasoned professionals have expressed concern for the apparent lack of recent information on the Topic of struc- tural loadings as new engineers enter this industry. The Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures is charged with the responsibility to report, evaluate, and provide loading requirements of transmission struc- tures. This task committee was therefore formed to update and revise the 1991 manual.

    标签: Transmission Guidelines Electrical Line for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Risk-Based+Maintenance+for+Electricity+Network

    This book is based on a Ph.D. research that has been conducted at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in collaboration with Dutch Electricity & Gas Distribution Network Operator, Stedin. This book was written as a result of wider interest that was shown by different industry groups on this Topic after its public defence. This inspired the author to modify and publish a practical version of the research for a greater international audience. Therefore, the content of this book is intended for a double audience, on the one hand for those interested in the organisational and management aspects of maintenance. 

    标签: Maintenance Electricity Risk-Based Network for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07
