save time and to show how it can be used in acad
上传时间: 2017-09-27
Wireless communications has become a field of enormous scientific and economic interest. Recent success stories include 2G and 3G cellular voice and data services (e.g., GSM and UMTS), wireless local area networks (WiFi/IEEE 802.11x), wireless broadband access (WiMAX/IEEE 802.16x), and digital broadcast systems (DVB, DAB, DRM). On the physical layer side, traditional designs typically assume that the radio channel remains constant for the duration of a data block. However, researchers and system designers are increasingly shifting their attention to channels that may vary within a block. In addition to time dispersion caused by multipath propagation, these rapidly time-varying channels feature frequency dispersion resulting from the Doppler effect. They are, thus, often referred to as being “doubly dispersive.”
标签: Time-Varying Channels
上传时间: 2020-06-01
My association with the theory of controls in continuous time started during my studies at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 1974 as an undergraduate student in the Controls and Power program. The initial introduction by Professors Kesavamurthy, Y. P. Singh, and Rajagopalan laid the foundation for a good basic understanding of the subject matter. This pursuit and further advanced study in the field of digital controls continued during my days as a graduate student in the Electrical and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, from 1983 to 1988.
标签: Applications Digital Control
上传时间: 2020-06-10
原版英文PDF电子书免费下载:Digital Integrated Circuit Design From VLSI Architectures to CMOS Fabrication,891页 本书从架构和算法讲起,介绍了功能验证、vhdl建模、同步电路设计、异步数据获取、能耗与散热、信号完整性、物理设计、设计验证等必备技术,还讲解了vlsi经济运作与项目管理,并简单阐释了cmos技术的基础知识,全面涵盖了数字集成电路的整个设计开发过程。 本书既可以作为高等院校微电子、电子技术等相关专业高年级师生和研究生的参考教材,也可供半导体行业工程师参考。 现代电子系统日益复杂,随着半导体工艺水平的提高,单芯片的集成度和功能得以不断增强,其设计复杂度和各种风险也随之变大,甚至影响到投资者对研发新的更复杂系统芯片的信心。但是,为了有效降低便携式移动系统的产品单位成本和能量消耗,同时为了在产品独特性方面有竞争力,越来越多的电子产品仍然必须采用专用芯片解决方案。因此,深入了解数字集成电路设计的基本方法和关键问题,并明确开发过程的各个实践环节存在的风险,就变得十分必要。 本书是一本将超大规模数字电路基本概念原理与工程实践管理相结合的综合性教材。作者根据自己多年的教学和工程实践经验,从工程实践的关键问题出发,对超大规模数字电路的全部讲授内容进行了一次全新的梳理,形成了清晰的解决思路。在数字集成电路设计的各个环节,作者重点阐述了设计研制中必须考虑的关键因素,在丰富经验基础上对设计中常常出现的问题进行了详尽的讨论,可以帮助研究生和资深工程师完善自身的设计经验和能力,也可以帮助项目管理者明确各个环节的工作重点,规避研发环节的风险。 本书和其他数字集成电路教科书相比,有两个突出的特点。第一是自顶向下的组织方式,从算法的架构设计开始,讨论了同步设计的各种时钟技术、设计验证、散热和封装问题,还讨论了VLSI(超大规模集成电路)经济学与项目管理。读者可以根据自身需要直接阅读感兴趣的章节,而不需要很多半导体物理与器件方面的知识。第二是实用性。本书用了相当多的篇幅讨论了工程实践的问题,例如给出了一个很好的设计数据组织方法,还有很多检查列表与提醒。 在目前的集成电路项目里,大量使用了重用的虚拟元件,通常有十几个到几十个时钟,验证工作量也要占到整个项目周期和投资的50%~70%,关于虚拟元件、时钟方案、VLSI经济学、项目管理、功能验证、设计验证等内容的讨论都可以直接作为实际项目实践的参考。总之,本书的内容相当全面并有一定深度,基本涵盖了数字集成电路设计的各个方面,非常适合用作学习数字集成电路设计的高年级本科生与研究生的教科书,也适合作为正在从事数字集成电路开发的工程人员的参考书。
上传时间: 2022-06-30
·Stanford&IBM牛人经典之作 - Digital Control of Dynamic SystemsEditorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionThis well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time co
标签: nbsp Hardcover Digital Control
上传时间: 2013-07-31
My thesis entitled \"fpga digital clock,\" immature, to enlighten
上传时间: 2013-08-31
In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All theseproblems are accompanied by an example to have a better idea, and these can be taken care off if thesecoding guidelines are followed. Discussion of all the techniques is beyond the scope of this paper, however,here we try to cover a few of them.
标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding
上传时间: 2013-11-22
Abstract: This application note describes how sampling clock jitter (time interval error or "TIE jitter") affectsthe performance of delta-sigma digital-to-analog converters (DACs). New insights explain the importanceof separately specifying low-frequency (< 2x passband frequency) and high-frequency or wideband (> 2xpassband frequency) jitter tolerance in these devices. The article also provides an application example ofa simple highly jittered cycle-skipped sampling clock and describes a method for generating a properbroadband jittered clock. The document then goes on to compare Maxim's audio DAC jitter tolerance tocompetitor audio DACs. Maxim's exceptionally high jitter tolerance allows very simple and low-cost sampleclock implementations.
上传时间: 2013-10-25
This unique guide to designing digital VLSI circuits takes a top-down approach, reflecting the natureof the design process in industry. Starting with architecture design, the book explains the why andhow of digital design, using the physics that designers need to know, and no more.Covering system and component aspects, design verification, VHDL modelling, clocking, signalintegrity, layout, electricaloverstress, field-programmable logic, economic issues, and more, thescope of the book is singularly comprehensive.
标签: Integrated Digital Circuit Design
上传时间: 2013-11-04
Control systems are becoming increasingly dependent on digital processing and so require sensors able to provide direct digital inputs. Sensors based on time measurement, having outputs based on a frequency or phase, have an advantage over conventional analogue sensors in that their outputs can be measured directly in digital systems by pulse counting.
上传时间: 2013-10-08