Delphi for fun library v12, latest. This is the library for manuplating list, combination-permutation, BigNumbers etc. i Think it s a must library to use. give a try.
标签: library combination-permutati manuplating for
上传时间: 2017-05-20
DS18B20_two_thermo This program will NOT work on BASCOM earlier than, cause of the CRC-function and (maybe ?) its not possible to declare functions in earlier environment. But the 1w-functions work from 1.11.4 , I Think
标签: two_thermo CRC-fun program earlier
上传时间: 2017-07-29
The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly different from the one that s required by simpler operating systems. Think Unix introduces readers to important fundamental and intermediate Unix commands and, in the process, inculcates them in the Unix way of Thinking. It s a worthy goal in a world with more Linux users than ever, and author Jon Lasser accomplishes it. He s both a capable writer and a knowledgeable user of Unix shell commands. Lasser uses bash under Red Hat Linux in most examples--which usually apply equally well to other Unix variants--and makes asides about other shells and environments, as needed.
标签: significantly operating variants of
上传时间: 2017-09-04
学习企业级java必备,是同Think in Java相匹配的资料,需要的朋友不要错过哦
上传时间: 2013-11-30
TdcHintEx Provides your users with a cool transparent hint. It replaces standard Delphi hint window. Just drop a TdcHintEx in your main form. Set Enabled to True. And run your application. Oh btw, please set ShowHint to True.. :) Drop me a line, and tell me what you Think of it. Antony Hoon
标签: hint transparent TdcHintEx Provides
上传时间: 2014-01-12
A network chatroom,a a project of database ,is highlighted by my teacher,which using the newest technics,such as ajax,struts 2 and so on,i Think is very good for freshmen in web application
标签: highlighted chatroom database network
上传时间: 2017-09-19
标签: java编程思想第四版
上传时间: 2015-05-19
Think in java 第一版,这本书不错
上传时间: 2016-07-08
Without conceding a blemish in the first edition, I Think I had best come clean and admit that I embarked on a second edition largely to adopt a more geometric approach to the detection of signals in white Gaussian noise. Equally rigorous, yet more intuitive, this approach is not only student-friendly, but also extends more easily to the detection problem with random parameters and to the radar problem
标签: Communication Foundation Digital in
上传时间: 2020-05-26
How will future generations refer to our times? Will it be known as one of space exploration, genetics, atomic energy or computing? Possibly, but I Think it is more likely to be ‘The age of communications’. Not since printed books and newspapers were first introduced has there been such an explosion of communication. None of this technology could function without modern cables and, just as important, competent installers.
标签: Applications Cabling Copper
上传时间: 2020-05-27