huge hex convert to dec. the value limite is less That 10^50
上传时间: 2015-11-10
Kalman filter That can be simulated under windws
标签: simulated Kalman filter windws
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Matlab toolbox That contains functions of Kalman filter and random system simulation.
标签: simulation functions contains toolbox
上传时间: 2015-11-11
the father of c++ told you That
上传时间: 2015-11-11
a program That can lock the hard disk
上传时间: 2013-12-18
So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something That allows drawing of HTML <div>s? Here is a feature rich skeleton (!) to get you started. CDiagramEditor is a package That gives you a basic visual editor intended for vector objects. Although perhaps not sufficient to create a CAD-application, you ll indeed be able to create a dialog editor. The editor itself is derived
标签: editor application Something wanted
上传时间: 2013-12-13
So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something That allows drawing of HTML <div>s? Here is a feature rich skeleton (!) to get you started. CDiagramEditor is a package That gives you a basic visual editor intended for vector objects. Although perhaps not sufficient to create a CAD-application, you ll indeed be able to create a dialog editor. The editor itself is derived
标签: editor application Something wanted
上传时间: 2014-01-21
this the minarm system That ihad been designed
标签: designed minarm system this
上传时间: 2014-12-22
VHDL实现SPI功能源代码 -- The SPI bus is a 3 wire bus That in effect links a serial shift -- register between the "master" and the "slave". Typically both the -- master and slave have an 8 bit shift register so the combined -- register is 16 bits. When an SPI transfer takes place, the master and -- slave shift their shift registers 8 bits and thus exchange their 8 -- bit register values.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
VoiFax is a program That manage voice/data/fax modem in the same manner of vgetty and mgetty.VoiFax is thinking for use in the small businness as in the enterprises. It is fully compatible with vgetty scripts and manage (via efax) modem fax 1.0/1.1/2.0
标签: VoiFax program manage manner
上传时间: 2014-01-18